Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (3/18/2012 4:34:02)

Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide
Updated by Dragoon23

Originally written by Kamui. Updated previously by Vahn_Kaichi.

To search this guide, Click Ctrl+F. Then type in what you're searching for ie. t03a for Tent. Click Next/Enter to scroll to the desired section.
t00\.............00. What are Houses and Estates
t01\.............01. Where and How to Buy Property
t01a....................1a. Where to go
t01b....................1b. Clearing the land
t01c....................1c. Sell old, buy new

t02\.............2. Importance of Location
t03\.............3. House Models
t03a....................3a. Tent
t03b....................3b. Tiki Hut
t03c....................3c. Log Cabin
t03d....................3d. Log House
t03e....................3e. Stone Cottage
t03f.....................3f. Stone Mansion

t04\.............4. Estate Models
t04a....................4a. Forest Log Cabin Estate
t04b....................4b. Celestial Haven Log House Estate
t04c....................4c. Tiki with Beach Estate
t04d....................4d. Frostvale Cottage Estate
t04e....................4e. Skycastle/Celestial Haven/Deren/Darkovia/Forest Mansion Estate

t05\.............5. House and Estate Functions
t05a....................5a. Paintings
t05b....................5b. Potion refill
t05c....................5c. Inventory Space
t05d....................5d. Healing
t05e....................5e. Battle Nearby/Random Battle
t05f.....................5f. Visit Neighbors
t05g....................5g. Temporary Equipment
t05h....................5h. Portals to other Worlds
t05i.....................5i. Battle Log
t05j.....................5j. Guards
t05k....................5k. Interest Ratio

t06\.............6. Special Portal-Paintings
t07\.............7. Resources and Upgrading your Estate Buildings with Resources
t07a....................7a. Resources
t07b....................7b. Upgrading Estate Buildings

t08\.............8. Resource Buildings
t08a....................8a. Basic Resource Buildings
t08b....................8b. Advance Resource Buildings

t09\.............9. Special-Function Buildings
t09a....................9a. Battle/Magic Stats Trainer
t09b....................9b. Guard Tower
t09c....................9c. Storage Buildings
t09d....................9d. Mega World Portal
t09e....................9e. Museum
t09f.....................9f. Trade Hut
t09g....................9g. Ye Olde Eatery

t10\.............10. Sending Armies and Guards to Fight in Wars
t10a....................10a. Armies
t10b....................10b. Guards
t10c....................10c. Optimal Warring Estates

t11\.............11. Invasions
t11a....................11a. Basic Information
t11b....................11b. I'm being attacked!
t11c....................11c. Preventing Invasions

t12\.............12. FAQs
t13\.............13. What may and may not be implemented
t13a....................13a. Most likely

t14\.............14. Guides/Threads you should read
t15\.............15. Final Words and Change Log

t00\. What are Houses and Estates

    This guide will be discussing the features of houses, estates, and items related to them.

    Why would I want to buy a House or Estate?
    Good question. The cheaper Estates/Houses have few functions but the more expensive models will let you pick up potions from there, have some Temporary Weapons/Armors to use, let you use guards and see paintings, and most importantly: will let you slowly earn Z-Tokens and increase your inventory space. Even if you bought all the inventory space you can for 200Z-Tokens a piece, A house/estate can add potentially 1-9 extra slots. Yes they cost quite a bit of Z-Tokens, but a house/estate will eventually return profit.

    Why would I buy an Estate over a House?
    Estates have a lot more perks than a House. Estates are the only buildings that add 9 extra inventory space. By virtue of being generally more expensive than a house, you earn more Z-Tokens also. With an Estate and the right buildings you can get a whopping 25% discount off prices for stats training and even send armies into wars which will earn you gold/EXP. In almost all cases, an Estate wins over a house.

    What is a House?
    While Yulgar's Inn seems to always have a room for you, every hero needs a place to call his/her own. A place where he/she can store some items, take a nap or just relax while waiting for another evil creature to invade Lore. In December 2006, this problem was solved. The Housing System was released.

    What is an Estate?
    Estates are the newest addition to the housing system in Adventure Quest. They are slots that come with the next Tier of Houses. In each of these slots, you can build one of many available buildings that you purchase at the Estate Shop. Those buildings have different functions, like gathering resources, providing Stat Training and much more. With time, more buildings will become available. With this system, players now have a better reason to buy their houses. More than that, they have now a reason to look after their House, since invasions have been included now that Estates are available. There's much more planned for the system, as Captain Rhubarb said, and it'll become better and more complex with time. But, for now, you'll find all you need to know about it right below.

    What is an Estate Building?
    Estate Buildings are what makes Estates worthwhile. Through them, you gain the armies and discount mentioned above. There are three types of Estate Buildings: Basic Resource Buildings, Advance Resource Buildings, and Special Function Buildings. All three will be explained in detail later but in a nutshell, the resource buildings maintain your Estate and the Special Function Buildings are the ones that do the fun stuff like army sending and protecting your Estate from invading monsters.

t01\. Where and How to Buy Property

    t01a. Get the Funds
    Houses and Estates cost Z-Tokens. The simple houses are cheap, but the later stages will be expensive. There are two strategies to get a house/estate:
    1. Buy Z-Tokens. This will assure you lots of Tokens as fast as you can perform the purchase, and you'll be supporting BattleOn Games.

    2. Farm Z-Tokens. Z-Token drops are completely random and do NOT depend on your Luck stats. The Z-Token cap for Guardians is 50 while Adventurers cap at 25. You can also use of the Interest Ratio System to buy bigger houses. It is explained later in this guide. The minimum amount you need to purchase your first house is 250 Z-Tokens. The cheapest estate cost 3100 Z-Tokens.

    t01b. Where to Go
    For Estates and Houses
    Battleon -> Building with the house on its notice board above Warlic's shop ->House and House Item Shop -> Buy Home or Guards
    Travel Map -> Sail East -> Sail Southeast -> Deren -> Shops -> Left building -> Buy Home or Guards
    Today's Event -> City of Deren -> Shops -> Left building -> Buy Home or Guards

    Clear the Land
    Once you have purchased your home, the "House" button in BattleOn will take you to... a land full of trees? Yes, that's right. Your plot of land is filled with trees that you must remove. For each tree you try to take down, you'll fight one random battle. Do not worry, as the Monster Pool contains mostly weak and average monsters. If you are a Guardian, you can borrow the SteamJack Armor from the chest. Once you have battled 10 creatures, you'll be able to fight a last one to set your House in the plot of land. After that, it is going to be there forever, or until you sell it. There will be no need to clear the land again.

    NOTE: if you sell your house and buy a new one, you'll have to remove the trees your new plot of land.

      Help! I battle 10+ monsters and I can't clear any trees!
      You have probably hit your Gold & Exp Cap for the day. When you hit the caps, your battle progress is not saved. Since tree-clearing happens based on saved battle progress, you won't be able to clear your land until the next day (Midnight server time), when the caps reset.

    t01c. Sell Old, Buy New
    To achieve a higher Housing Tier, you must first sell your old House and only then will you be able to buy a new one. You'll need to clear the land again. Once you sell your House, the Inventory Slots assigned to them will not show up when you check your Item List, but you will not lose your items. They'll be stored on a "ghost inventory" until you buy a new home that gives you access to those slots.

    NOTE: If you sell your estate and you have any buildings on the plots of land, they will all LOSE ONE level. Lvl 0-1 Buildings will drop down to 0.
    If you remove an estate building (but didn't sell it) it will LOSE ONE level.
    If you sell the estate building, it will RESET.

    Can I upgrade my house to an estate without selling it first?
    No. You cannot add estates to any of the previous released House Models, be it a Forest Tent, a Darkovia Log Cabin, a Frostvale Stone Cottage or whatever it is. If there's no "Estate" next to the House name, you cannot enjoy the Estate System.

    Where do I purchase Estate Buildings to fill up my Plots of Land on my Estate?
    Go to your estate -> View Estate -> Estate Shop


    Question: Can you have more than one type of estate building at the same time, for example two Stone Pits?
    Answer: You can't have two identical buildings at the same time, just like you can't own two identical items of any other type. However, if there is a clone of a certain building, like the Storage Building 2, which is a clone of the Storage Building, you can own and use both the original and the clone at the same time.

    Are there any Estate Buildings, Estates, or Houses that cost Gold?

    Are there any Paintings or Guards that cost Gold?
    Yes, see below under Paintings and Guards.

    How do I put Estate Buildings on plots of land?
    Once you purchased the desired building(s), return to your Estate screen and choose which of the plots you want to add a building to. Doing that will allow you to browse through your available buildings. Right now, the position among the plots does not influence the building at all - and there are no future plans on changing that.

    Where can I purchase XX Painting or YY Guard?
    Guard List Here and Painting List Here.

t02\. Importance of Location
    There are Seven different locations you can choose from:
    Celestial Haven (Separate shop located in the opening screen when visiting The Celestial Haven.)
    Forest (Indicated by the symbol of the Earth Element)
    Beach (Indicated by the symbol of the Water Element)
    Frostvale (Indicated by the symbol of the Ice Element)
    Darkovia (Indicated by the symbol of the Darkness Element)
    Deren (Indicated by the symbol of the Neutral Element)
    Sky (Indicated by the symbol of the Light Element)

    Location will influence a number of factors:
    1. Price
    Two Houses of the same tier will have different prices depending on where you choose to buy them. For example The Forest Stone Cottage, costs 6000 Tokens, while the Darkovia Stone Cottage costs 7500 Tokens.
    2. Monster Pools via Battle Nearby button
    Beach = Water Monsters
    Darkovia = Darkness Monsters
    Frostvale = Ice Monsters
    Forest = Earth Monsters
    Deren = No preference.
    3. Types of buildings that can be added to your Estate
    The Dark Mana Collector, for instance, can only be placed in a Darkovia Estate.

t03\. House Models
    Quick Notes version separated by the Housing Tiers.

    t03a. Tent
    Level: 5
    Price: 188 Tokens.
    Location(s): Celestial Haven, Forest, Darkovia.
    Extra Equipment Slots: 2
    House Item Slots: 20
    Interest Gained Per Week: 1
    Notes: Very basic house.
    Interest Calculations:
    Using its interest of 1 Z-Token per Week alone (meaning no purchasing Z-Tokens or random battles), it will take - Weeks (About - Years) to get a Beach Tiki Hut and - Weeks (About - Years) to get a Forest Tiki Hut.

    t03b. Tiki Hut
    Level: 10
    Price: Celestial Haven/Beach = 938 Tokens, Forest = 750 Tokens
    Location(s): Celestial Haven, Beach, Forest.
    Extra Equipment Slots: 4
    House Item Slots: 25
    Owner Refill Potions: 5
    Visitor Refill Potions: 3
    Interest Gained Per Week: Celestial Haven/Beach = 5, Forest = 4
    Notes: Now you can pick up potions at your house. Nice.
    Interest Calculations:
    For the Beach version, it'll take - weeks (About - years) to get the Darkovia Log Cabin.
    For the Forest version, it'll take - weeks (About - years) to get the Darkovia Log Cabin.

    t03c. Log Cabin
    Level: 15
    Price: Darkovia = 1876. Forest = 1500 Tokens
    Location(s): Darkovia and Forest
    Extra Equipment Slots: 6
    House Item Slots: 31
    Owner Refill Potions: 10
    Visitor Refill Potions: 5
    Interest Gained Per Week: Darkovia= 9, Forest = 8
    Notes: Even more potions and house item slots. Perhaps add a few guards/paintings? Your inventory space also went up so now you can buy more equipment.
    Interest Calculations:
    For the Darkovia version, it'll take - weeks (About - years) to get the Darkovia Log House and - Weeks (- Years) to get Forest Log Cabin Estate.
    For the Forest version, it'll take - weeks (About - years) to get the Darkovia Log House and - Weeks (- Years) to get Forest Log Cabin Estate.

    t03d. Log House
    Level: Celestial Haven = 15, Darkovia = 20 , Forest = 22
    Price: Celestial Haven/Darkovia = 3750. Forest = 3000.
    Location(s): Celestial Haven, Darkovia and Forest.
    Extra Equipment Slots: 8
    House Item Slots: 37
    Owner Refill Potions: 15
    Visitor Refill Potions: 8
    Interest Gained Per Week: Celestial Haven/Darkovia= 18, Forest = 15
    - Provides the Magic Sharp Axe and Melee Sharp Axe temporary weapon to the owner.
    - Now has a Fireplace and Bed.
    Interest Calculations:
    It'll take - weeks (About - years) to get the Darkovia Stone Cottage and - weeks (About - years) to get the Forest Stone Cottage.

    t03e. Stone Cottage
    Level: Darkovia/Frostvale = 25. Forest = 22.
    Price: Frostvale = 6000. Darkovia = 5626. Forest = 4500.
    Location(s): Darkovia, Forest, Frostvale
    Extra Equipment Slots: 10
    House Item Slots: Darkovia/Frostvale = 43. Forest = 55.
    Owner Refill Potions: 20
    Visitor Refill Potions: 10
    Interest Gained Per Week: Darkovia= 28, Forest = 23, Frostvale = 30
    - Has a Battle Log Viewer Parchment to see your battle statistics since you logged in.
    - Darkovia and Forest provide the Magic Sharp Axe and Melee Sharp Axe temporary weapon to the owner.
    - Frostvale provide the Melee Candy Axe and Magic Candy Axe temporary weapon to the owner. The Frostvale one also as a Red-Nosed ReinDragon Quest to light up your fireplace. It last until you log out.
    Interest Calculations:
    For the Darkovia version, it'll take - Weeks (- Years) to purchase a - Z-Token Estate.
    For the Forest version, it'll take - Weeks (- Years) to purchase a - Z-Token Estate.
    For the Frostvale version, it'll take - Weeks (- Years) to purchase a - Z-Token Estate.

    t03f. Stone Mansion
    Level: 28
    Price: Darkovia = 12376. Forest = 10500.
    Location(s): Darkovia, Forest
    Extra Equipment Slots: 14
    House Item Slots: 55
    Owner Refill Potions: 20
    Visitor Refill Potions: 10
    Interest Gained Per Week: Darkovia= 62, Forest = 53
    - Has a Battle Log Viewer Parchment to see your battle statistics since you logged in.
    - Allows an overview of the house, and a similar view of the neighbourhood.
    - Darkovia provides the Magic Bone Smasher Mace and Bone Smasher Mace temporary weapon to the owner.
    - Forest provides the Mountain Crusher Hammer and Magic Mountain Crusher Hammer temporary weapon to the owner.
    - Both also have Horse Rider Armour and Dark Magic Steed as temporary armors to the owner.
    Interest Calculations:
    It would take - Weeks (- Years) to double the house value and 20 weeks to reach purchase price.
    For Darkovia version, one could get 17576 Tokens at the end of 120 Weeks.
    For the Forest version, one could get 15800 Tokens at the end of 120 Weeks.

t04\. Estate Models
    Quick Notes version separated by the Housing Tiers.

      t04a. Forest Log Cabin Estate
      Level: 22
      Price: 3000
      Location(s): Forest
      Extra Equipment Slots: 8
      House Item Slots: 43
      Plots of Land 7
      Owner Refill Potions: 15
      Visitor Refill Potions: 7
      Interest Gained Per Week: 15
      Estate Buildings restricted to this location: None
      Notes: The most basic Estate. Without any Advanced Resource Buildings, it has the lowest resource production so it would take the longest to upgrade anything.
      Assuming you get all Basic Resource Buildings, the most this estate will produce is:
      45 Food
      26 Energy
      10 Wood
      10 Stone

      t04b. Celestial Haven Log House Estate
      Level: 15
      Price: 4500
      Location(s): Celestial Haven
      Extra Equipment Slots: 8
      House Item Slots:
      Interest Gained Per Week: 23
      Estate Buildings restricted to this location: Enchanted Grove

      t04c. Tiki with Beach Estate
      Level: 30
      Price: 7500
      Location(s): Beach
      Extra Equipment Slots: 12
      House Item Slots: 61
      Plots of Land 11
      Owner Refill Potions: 20
      Visitor Refill Potions: 10
      Interest Gained Per Week: 37.5
      Estate Buildings restricted to this location: Hydro Power Dam and Fishing Pier
      With the Advanced Buildings and all Basic Buildings, the maximum resource this estate will produce is:
      70 Food
      13 Wood
      10 Stone
      44 Energy
      It produces low amounts of Wood and Stone, but you could just trade the surplus Food in a Trade Hut for any resource you're lacking.

      t04d. Frostvale Cottage Estate
      Level: 30
      Price: 8250
      Location(s): Frostvale
      Extra Equipment Slots: 12
      House Item Slots: 61
      Plots of Land 11
      Owner Refill Potions: 20
      Visitor Refill Potions: 10
      Interest Gained Per Week: 41
      Estate Buildings restricted to this location: Mountain Hunt Lodge and Rock Quarry
      - Provides the Melee Candy Axe and Magic Candy Axe temporary weapon to the owner. The Frostvale one also as a Red-Nosed ReinDragon Quest to light up your fireplace. It last until you log out.
      With the Advanced Buildings and all Basic Buildings, the maximum resource this estate will produce is:
      63 Food
      10 Wood
      35 Stone
      26 Energy
      Like the Beach Tiki Estate, you have a shortage of wood but a trade hut can alleviate the problem.

      t04e. Skycastle/Deren/Darkovia/Forest Mansion Estates
      Level: Skycastle/Deren = 35. Darkovian/Forest = 30.
      Price: Skycastle = 17500. Deren = 15000. Darkovia = 12000. Forest = 11250.
      Location(s): Darkovia, Forest, Deren
      Extra Equipment Slots: Skycastle:20. Deren/Darkovia/Forest: 18.
      House Item Slots: 79
      Plots of Land Skycastle:15. Deren/Darkovia/Forest: 14.
      Owner Refill Potions: 20
      Visitor Refill Potions: 10
      Interest Gained Per Week: Skycastle = 87.5, Deren = 75, Darkovia = 60, Forest = 56
      Estate Buildings restricted to this location:
      Deren = Deren Mana Collector and Deren Wheat Field
      Darkovia = Dark Mana Collector and Graveyard
      Forest = Fruit Orchard and Lumber Yard
      - Has a Battle Log Viewer Parchment to see your battle statistics since you logged in.
      - Allows an overview of the house, and a similar view of the neighbourhood.

      - Darkovia provides the Magic Bone Smasher Mace and Bone Smasher Mace temporary weapon to the owner.
      - Forest provides the Mountain Crusher Hammer and Magic Mountain Crusher Hammer temporary weapon to the owner.
      - Deren provides the Derenian Conqueror and Mystic Derenian Conqueror temporary weapon to the owner.
      - Skycastle provides the King's Song Blade.

      - Darkovia and Forest have Horse Rider Armor and Dark Magic Steed as temporary armors to the owner.
      - Deren has Derenian Steed and Dark Magic Steed as temporary armors to the owner.

      - Skycastle provides the Royal Raven guest.

      Deren also lets you fight the Abyss Wyrm.

      The Forest Mansion Estate, at maximum resource capacity, will produce:
      63 Food
      35 Wood
      10 Stone
      26 Energy
      It's lacking stone so trading for stone with a Trade hut is recommended.

      The Darkovia Mansion Estate, at maximum resource capacity, will produce:
      48 Food
      10 Wood
      28 Stone
      51 Energy
      It's lacking Wood so trading for Wood with a Trade hut is recommended.

      The Deren Mansion Estate, at maximum resource capacity, will produce:
      70 Food
      10 Wood
      10 Stone
      67 Energy
      It's lacking stone and wood so trading for both with a Trade hut is recommended.

t05\. House and Estate Functions

    t05a. Paintings
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    From the Tent to the Mansion, you'll have a frame inside your house that will display a slideshow of the paintings you own. You can zoom in and browse through them. If you have a Portal Painting, you can visit other worlds (Further information later in this guide). You can see a list of paintings right here.

    Paintings are used as decoration and they also add to the value of your house. Again, this is the value that is used to determine your rank on the top list, not the sellback of your house. Your house's sellback won't change if you buy a guard or a painting.

    Other than the paintings below, all paintings cost Z-Tokens.
    ---Gold Paintings (List by Msm):
    ---=== Aftermath
    ---=== Chilly and Robina
    ---=== Culak and Kendrel
    ---=== Earth Dragon Portrait (rare)
    ---=== Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom (rare)
    ---=== Galrick
    ---=== Golden Giftbox Painting
    ---=== Grandma
    ---=== Lorithia
    ---=== Mother's Love (Rare)
    ---=== Nightbane's Last Stand
    ---=== Nightmare Family
    ---=== Nightmare Town
    ---=== Old Boog
    ---=== Old Twilly
    ---=== Older Twilly
    ---=== Temple of Hope Inside
    ---=== Temple of Hope Outside
    ---=== The Eternal
    ---=== The Frost King (rare)
    ---=== Victory
    ---=== Xilar

    t05b. Potion refill
    WHICH TIERS: Tiki Hut, Log Cabin, Log House, Stone Cottage, Stone Mansion.
    Instead of constantly battling at the Crossroads to get some potions, you can just click your drawer and refill up to 20 potions of each kind, depending on which House Tier you own.
    Potion Refill Numbers:
    Owners     Visitors     House/Estate
    0          0          Darkovia Forest Tent             
    0          0          Forest Tent
    5          3          Beach Tiki Hut
    5          3          Forest Tiki Hut
    10         5          Darkovia Log Cabin 
    10         5          Forest Log Cabin
    15         7          Log Cabin Estate
    15         8          Darkovia Log House
    15         8          Forest Log House
    20         10         Frostvale Stone Cottage
    20         10         Forest Stone Cottage
    20         10         Darkovia  Stone Cottage 
    20         10         Forest Stone Mansion
    20         10         Darkovia Stone Mansion
    20         10         Tiki with Beach Estate
    20         10         Frostvale Cottage Estate
    20         10         Forest Mansion Estate 
    20         10         Darkovia Mansion Estate 
    20         10         Deren Mansion Estate 

    t05c. Inventory Space
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    Houses can work as a sort of storage for your equipment, adding from 1 to 9 extra equipment slots in addition to your normal slots.


    Question: What happens if I sell my house, and I have a weapon in the extra storage slot the house gives you?
    Answer: It will stay there until you sell that weapon. Your inventory will show "Weapons 9/8" until then. If you sell any weapon, your inventory will then say "Weapons 8/8". The same thing will happen to all other categories as well. The Log Cabin adds one extra slot to each inventory category. If you sell your house (and don't buy a new one) all those extra slots go away - but anything you might have in an extra slot will stay until you sell something in that category.

    Inventory Slot Numbers
    Slots         House/Estate
    2          Celestial Haven Tent
    2          Darkovia Forest Tent             
    2          Forest Tent
    6          Forest Log Cabin
    4          Forest Tiki Hut
    4          Beach Tiki Hut
    4          Celestial Haven Tiki Hut
    8          Forest Log House
    6          Darkovia Log Cabin
    6          Forest Log Cabin Estate
    10         Frostvale Stone Cottage
    8          Celestial Log House
    8          Celestial Log House Estate
    8          Darkovia Log House
    10         Forest Stone Cottage
    10         Darkovia  Stone Cottage
    14         Forest Stone Mansion
    14         Darkovia Stone Mansion
    12         Tiki with Beach Estate
    12         Frostvale Cottage Estate
    18         Forest Mansion Estate 
    18         Darkovia Mansion Estate
    18         Deren Mansion Estate
    18         Celestial Haven Mansion Estate
    20         Skycastle Mansion Estate

    t05d. Healing
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    If you stand inside your house, you'll gradually heal HP and MP.

    t05e. Battle nearby/Random Battle
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.

    The "Random Battle" button works exactly like the "Battle Monsters" button in town. The "Battle Nearby" button will put you into a fight against a monster that is appropriate to the area your house is located in.

    t05f. Visit neighbors
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    Another button will allow you to visit a random house. Yep, players can visit yours, too. But do not worry, it is impossible to damage another player's House. However, before being able to explore another player's house, you will have to endure a battle against each of his/her guards, nonstop, with no healing inbetween. You can check how many people visited your House by checking it through your Character Page.

    t05g. Temporary Equipment
    WHICH TIERS: Log House, Stone Cottage, Stone Mansion.
    These tiers will allow you to borrow different equipment. They all will have two kinds of weapon for you to borrow, while the Stone Mansion also offers two kinds of mount armors.

    t05h. Portals to other worlds
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    An interesting feature, this one. If you buy Portal to Trescol or Portal do Kairula (They are considered Paintings), you can visit Trescol and Kairula, respectively, from your Painting Frame. They are different worlds, with a small background story and some quests, quests that'll gain you reputation points with one of the tribes/races of each world. This can be used to deploy armies during wars using the Mega World Portal.

    t05i. Battle Log
    WHICH TIERS: Stone Cottage, Stone Mansion.
    Located in your room, on the second floor, the Battle Log is hanging on the wall next to the frame. Clicking it will show your battle log with info on you ever since you logged in. It shows how many battles you've fought, total battle rounds, hits, misses, and damage against foes.

    t05j. Guards
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    Guards are an efficient way to stop your Estate Buildings from being invaded (More info on that in the Invasion Section). They are also there to turn the life of your visitors a living hell, considering the fact that, in order to reach your House, they'll have to fight all of your guards, with no healing inbetween. You can check this Guard lists. While your Guard-House will only show your 12 stronger guards, you can have as many as you'd like.

    Guards also increase to total value of your house, which is used to determine your rank on the Top 100 Houseowner's List. This value is different from your house's sellback, so buying guards won't increase the sellback or the amount of Z-Tokens the sellback increases each week.

    Other than the Guards listed below, All Guards cost Z-Tokens.
    ---Gold Guards:
    000--- Dragoncat Guard (25)
    000--- Ice Dragon (39)
    000--- Master of Evil
    000--- Nightraider (8)
    000--- Nightraider (35)
    000--- Nightraider (65)
    000--- Red Dragon

    t05k. Interest ratio
    WHICH TIERS: All of them.
    If you buy a House and immediately sell it, its sellback value will be 90% of the original price. However, for every week that you own a House, the Sellback value will increase 0.5% (Updated at midnight [0:00:00 AM EST Server Time], which means 0.5/7 = .071% per day), based on the original price. That being said, it would only take you 20 weeks and one day to start having a profit margin. In 120 Weeks you could sell your house and you will have enough tokens to buy it twice! This way, players can buy a low-tier House and start gathering interest in order to sell it back for a higher price and buy the next Housing Tier. You don't even have to play, you just gotta have a House. You don't even need to clear your land, as you'll still get the 0.071% rise in value per day just on your plot of land. However, you won't be able to get Potion refills/healings (because the house/estate hasn't been built) but you will still have your extra storage slots. Estate Buildings do NOT give interests. Only the Estate or House itself has interests.
    Interest Ratio Numbers:
    Interest   House/Estate
    1          Celestial Haven Tent
    1          Darkovia Forest Tent             
    1          Forest Tent
    4          Forest Tiki Hut
    5          Beach Tiki Hut
    5          Celestial haven Tiki Hut
    8          Forest Log Cabin
    9          Darkovia Log Cabin
    12         Forest Log Cabin Estate
    15         Forest Log House
    18         Celestial Haven Log House
    18         Darkovia Log House
    23         Forest Stone Cottage
    28         Darkovia  Stone Cottage
    30         Frostvale Stone Cottage
    38         Tiki with Beach Estate
    41         Frostvale Cottage Estate
    53         Forest Stone Mansion
    56         Forest Mansion Estate 
    60         Darkovia Mansion Estate
    62         Darkovia Stone Mansion
    75         Deren Mansion Estate
    75         Celestial Haven Mansion Estate
    88         Skycastle Mansion Estate

t06\. Special Portal-Paintings
The first paintings added to the game were... well, paintings. Cool pictures of places, NPCs or just drawings. Some of them were even made my fellow forum members. But some of the paintings available have special functions; teleporting you somewhere, mostly. This can be really handy if you want to go somewhere fast. Below, I have listed these paintings and sorted them out by places, instead of names, so you'll know which on you'll want.

t07\. Resources and Upgrading your Estate Buildings with Resources
    AQ Housing Investment Sheet to help plan your Investments for Resource, Special Function Buildings, and House Guards.

    t07a. Resources
    Resources are absolutely vital to Estates. You can have an Estate without them, but having no resources means that you will not be able to upgrade any building more than 1 time (Level 0 to 1). There are four kinds of resources, called Food, Wood, Stone and Energy. The maximum units of resources you can have without using any Storage Buildings is 1000 units of each resources ie 1000 Food, 1000Wood, 1000 Stone, and 1000 Energy.

    In the future, there might be new ways to use up your resources, But right now, your resources have a few - but important - functions.
    --- • Consumed to level up buildings.
    --- • Consumed as suplies when you deploy your Mega War Portal Army (During Active wars only).
    --- • Consumed as suplies when you deploy your Guard Tower Guards (During Active wars only).
    --- • Consumed as upkeep to certain Special Function Buildings.


    Question: How often are my resources updated?
    Answer: Your resources are updated hourly on the hour. The numbers shown in the Estate buildings list show you how many resources each building produces (positive numbers) or consumes (negative numbers).
    To find out how many resources of each type you gain each hour, add the numbers from all buildings that produce a certain resource, then subtract the numbers from all buildings that consume that resource. If you have many buildings that consume a certain resource, it's possible that the hourly consumption is greater than the hourly production, which means that you actually lose some of that resource type each hour.
    Alternatively you could simply hover your mouse cursor over the estate icon in the lower left corner of the screen while you are looking at your estate. A popup window will open, on which your hourly production is listed.

    t07b. Upgrading an Estate
    Upgradings costs Gold and Resources, and it takes a few hours before a building is completely upgraded.
    Note: The higher level a building is, the higher chance it will be invaded.
    Only Lvl 0-1 and the Guard Towers are immune to invasions.


    Question: When I upgrade a building, will it be disabled until the upgrade is done?
    Answer: No, it won't. It will keep producing or consuming resources at the previous level. You won't be able to use special functions of buildings, like the stat trainers, when the building is upgraded, though.

    Question: Can I upgrade more than one building at the same time?
    Answer: Yes, you can upgrade as many buildings at the same time as you wish, as long as you have the required resources.

    The Resource-Producing buildings will, obviously, produce more resources as they are Level up. Basic ones will produce, hourly, a number of resources equal to their Level (The Corn Field being the only exception). Advanced ones have different values that can be seen on the Estate List.
    The Special-Function buildings, after certain level, will start to use a few resources in order to keep working. So watch out for your Hourly Production before Leveling your Special Buildings too high.
    If you're planning on buying a new Estate soon, you might want to think twice before upgrading any of your buildings. When you sell your House, all of your buildings' Level are decreased by ONE level, which means you'll have to reposition all of them again and level them up once more.


    The game database now checks every 5 minutes to see if an Estate building is done upgrading.
    The game client still only reminds you to refresh once per hour.
    Resources are still gained exactly every hour, and a full hour's worth of resources is gained, even if the building just finished upgrading anytime during the previous 59 minutes.

    What happens if you get invaded during a Level-Up Time? Does it freeze, or does the timer reset once you get rid of the invader and thus' you'll have to wait for the "X Hours" again?
    It can't be invaded during that time, all the construction scares away the monsters, I guess. However, special functions of the upgrading building are also not available, like the stat trainers.

t08\. Resource Buildings
All of these buildings can be purchased at Bulbug's House Estate Items Shop.
AQ Housing Investment Sheet to help plan your Investments for Resource, Special Function Buildings, and House Guards.

    Once you buy a resource-producing building and level it up to Level 1 , it'll start producing resources, which are Food, Wood, Stone and Energy. Based on their levels, those building can produce more resources hourly. Some building consume resources to work, so you need to have a big production before starting to upgrade like crazy or building Stat Trainers and that kind of stuff.

    t08a. Basic Resource Production
    The Basic Resource Production buildings are probably the first ones you'll want to buy as their Level Up cost is low and they are cheap. Also, you'll need resources for pretty much everything when it comes to Estates. Other reason why I called those "Basic" is the Resource-Production ratio; it's the lowest among the buildings related to their resources, but Leveling Up is easier with these buildings. You'll probably want one of each on your Estate, to start with.
    They are:
    ---Vegetable Garden (Food)
    ---Woodcutter Shack (Wood)
    ---Stone Pit (Stone)
    ---Mana Collector (Energy)
    ---Fishing Pond (Food)
    ---Corn Field (Food & Energy)

    Upgrade Costs and Hourly Productions Chart for all Basic Resource buildings: Click
    Food: Fishing Pond, Vegetable Garden, Corn Field
    Energy: Mana Collector, Corn Field
    Stone: Stone Pit
    Wood: Woodcutter Shack
    Location restrictions: None

    FP = Fishing Pond
    VG = Vegetable Garden
    MC = Mana Collector
    CF = Corn Field
    WS = Woodcutter Shack
    SP = Stone Pit
    Total Resources needed to fully upgrade to max lvl:
    Building	Gold	Hours	Food	Wood	Stone	Energy	Food+Water+Stone+Energy Total	
    FP		23600	162	430	1620	75	295	2420
    VG		10800	208	880	1335	664	265	3144
    MC		16200	162	345	210	675	1798	3028
    CF		472000	405	1620	1010	120	1225	3975
    WS		10800	162	570	1215	300	150	2235
    SP		10800	247	510	1320	675	249	2754
    Resource Units Gained Every Hour from Fully Upgraded Buildings:
    Building  Food    Wood    Stone  Energy      
    FP         10      --      --     --    
    VG         10      --      --     --  
    MC         --      --      --     10         
    CF         25      --      --     16             
    SP         --      --      10     --      
    WS         --      10      --     --
    Total Resources Gained Hourly from all Maxed out Basic Buildings : 
    45 Food
    26 Energy
    10 Wood
    10 Stone

    Notes: Between Fishing Pond and Vegetable Garden, The Fishing Pond is more beneficial as it takes less resources to upgrade.
    You can also avoid the Food/Energy buildings and save up one slot by buying the Corn Field, which has a final ratio bigger than the Garden/Pond and Mana Collector together.

    t08b. Advance Resource Production
    The Advanced Resource Production buildings are the ones that are available only to certain regions (Forest, Beach, Frostvale or Darkovia). Their resource production is bigger than the Basic Buildings, but it's harder to level these Up and they are restricted to certain locations. If you choose to buy a different House, buying one that is not on the location of your previous one will result in the building being stored and cannot be used.
    Location Restrictions
    Frostvale Cottage Estate ONLY
    --- Mountain Hunt Lodge, Rock Quarry
    Tiki with Beach Estate ONLY
    --- Fishing Pier, Hydro Power Dam
    Forest Mansion Estate and Forest Log Cabin Estate ONLY
    --- Fruit Orchard, Lumber Yard
    Darkovia Mansion Estate ONLY
    --- Dark Mana Collector, Graveyard
    Deren Mansion Estate ONLY
    --- Deren Mana Collector, Deren Wheat Field

    Upgrade Costs and Hourly Productions Chart for all Advance Resource buildings: Click
    Food: Mountain Hunt Lodge, Fishing Pier, Fruit Orchard, Graveyard, Deren Wheat Field
    Energy: Dark Mana Collector, Hydro Power Dam, Deren Mana Collector, Deren Wheat Field
    Stone: Rock Quarry, Graveyard
    Wood: Hydro Power Dam, Lumber Yard
    MHL = Mountain Hunt Lodge
    RQ = Rock Quarry
    FP = Fishing Pier
    HPD = Hydro Power Dam
    FO = Fruit Orchard 
    LY = Lumber Yard
    DMC = Dark Mana Collector
    Gy = Graveyard
    DeMC = Deren Mana Collector
    DWF = Deren Wheat Field
    FCE = Frostvale Cottage Estate
    TwBE = Tiki with Beach Estate
    FME = Forest Mansion Estate
    DME = Darkovia Mansion Estate
    DeME = Deren Mansion Estate
    Total Resource needed to fully upgrade to max level:
    Building	Gold	Hours	Food	Wood	Stone	Energy	Food+Water+Stone+Energy Total	
    MHL		23300	256	862	2160	300	375	3697
    RQ		47200	382	1020	1320	1350	624	4314
    FP		47200	162	862	3240	150	200	4452
    HPD		23300	256	570	940	750	440	2700
    FO		23300	208	1620	1320	150	500	3590
    LY		47200	256	1020	1905	600	200	3725
    DMC		70800	256	690	480	1350	3360	5880
    Gy		23300	256	440	440	1080	750	2710
    DeMC		70800	256	690	480	1350	3360	5880
    DWF		472000	405	1620	1110	120	1225	4075
    Resource Units Gained Every Hour from Fully Upgraded Buildings:
    Building  Food    Wood    Stone  Energy      
    MHL        18      --      --     --    
    RQ         --      --      25     --  
    FP         25      --      --     --      
    HPD        --       3      --     18             
    FO         18      --      --     --      
    LY         --      25      --     --
    DMC        --      --      --     25
    Gy          3      --      18     --
    DeMC       --      --      --     25
    DWF        25      --      --     16
    Total Resource Units Gained on Estates with maxed out Basic and Advanced Buildings:
    Estate    Food    Wood    Stone  Energy      
    FCE        63      10      35     26    
    TwBE       70      13      10     44  
    FME        63      35      10     26      
    DME        48      10      28     51
    DeME       70      10      10     67
    Forest Log Cabin Estate is not calculated since it only has 7 slots. Currently there are 8 possible resource buildings for it. 

t09\. Special-Function Buildings
All of these buildings can be purchased at Bulbug's House Estate Items Shop.
AQ Housing Investment Sheet to help plan your Investments for Resource, Special Function Buildings, and House Guards.

    Special-Function buildings are probably the reason why you'll want estates. They offer lots of options that you can't access nowhere else. But they cost large amounts of Z-Tokens, and some have an Upkeep cost once they reach a certain Level. If you're not producing enough to keep those buildings, they will be useless. So be warned and, before Leveling them up (Or even buying them), make sure you produce enough Resources per hour to keep them! So think well before buying those. They are worth it, but you must watch your resources all the time! As the system grows, we'll probably have more buildings of this kind with different options, so only buy what you need.

    The SFB Buildings are:
    --- • Battle Stat Trainer (Cheaper training for STR, DEX & END. Easy to Untrain)
    --- • Magic Stat Trainer (Cheaper training for INT, CHA & LUK. Easy to Untrain)
    --- • Guard Tower (Helps preventing invasions)
    --- • Storage Building (Allows more resources to be stored)
    --- • Storage Building II (Allows more resources to be stored)
    --- • Mega World Portal (Allows world traveling; Gold&EXP gain during wars)
    --- • Museum (Currently non-functional, but can be leveled up)
    --- • Trade Hut (Resource trading)
    --- • Ye Olde Eatery (Increases resource production.)

    t09a. Battle Stats Trainer and Magic Stats Trainer
    Function: Lets you untrain for free and is much faster than the normal route. You no longer have to die against Sir Pwnsalot every time you want to untrain. The two stat trainers also give you a discount off normal training prices. The maximum discount is 25% off. The Battle Stat Trainer will help you increasing your STR, DEX and END, while the Magic Stat Trainer will help you improve your INT, CHA and LUK stats. They CANNOT train your stats over 200 Points.
    Notes: If you do not have enough resources to pay for its Upkeep cost, it will stop working.
    Upgrade and Upkeep Costs, and Stats Discount Chart: Click.
    Discount per lvl numbers:
    ---[Level 00] ---
    ---[Level 01] 2.5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 02] 5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 03] 7.5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 04] 10% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 05] 12.5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 06] 15% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 07] 17.5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 08] 20% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 09] 22.5% discount on Stat Training's base price
    ---[Level 10] 25% discount on Stat Training's base price

    t09b. Guard Tower
    Function: Helps protect your estates from invading monsters and adventurers. I'll go over this later in the guide. It also lets you send your guards into war. In war, the guards will earn you EXP and Gold but no Z-Tokens. The formulas for how the war kills work and how many Guard Defense points it takes to keep your house from being invaded have not been released.
    Upgrade Costs and Defensive Points upgrades per level Chart: Click.
    Guard Defense points Numbers:
    ---[Level 00] ---
    ---[Level 01] 200 Def Points
    ---[Level 02] 400 Def Points
    ---[Level 03] 600 Def Points
    ---[Level 04] 800 Def Points
    ---[Level 05] 1000 Def Points
    ---[Level 06] 1200 Def Points
    ---[Level 07] 1400 Def Points
    ---[Level 08] 1600 Def Points
    ---[Level 09] 1800 Def Points
    ---[Level 10] 2000 Def Points
    ---[Level 11] 2200 Def Points
    ---[Level 12] 2400 Def Points
    ---[Level 13] 2600 Def Points
    ---[Level 14] 2800 Def Points
    ---[Level 15] 3000 Def Points

    t09c. Storage Building 1 and Storage Building 2
    Function: These two are useful for storing resources for wars and/or new possible features. You can store a maximum of 7000 resources using both storage buildings, or 4000 using one storage building.
    Upgrade Costs and Storage Space Upgrades Chart: Click.
    SB1 = Storage Building 1
    SB2 = Storage Building 2
    SBs = Both Storage Buildings
    Number of Resource storage slots added per lvl upgrade. 
    Level	SB1 Add on	SB2 Add on	SB1+SB2 Total	1SB+Default	2SBs+Default
    1	200	        200	        400	        1200	        1400
    2	400	        400	        800	        1400	        1800
    3	600	        600	        1200	        1600	        2200
    4	800             800             1600	        1800	        2600
    5	1000	        1000	        2000	        2000	        3000
    6	1200	        1200	        2400	        2200	        3400
    7	1400	        1400	        2800	        2400	        3800
    8	1600	        1600	        3200	        2600	        4200
    9	1800	        1800	        3600	        2800	        4600
    10	2000	        2000	        4000	        3000	        5000
    11	2200	        2200	        4400	        3200	        5400
    12	2400	        2400	        4800	        3400	        5800
    13	2600	        2600	        5200	        3600	        6200
    14	2800	        2800	        5600	        3800	        6600
    15	3000	        3000	        6000	        4000	        7000

    t09d. Mega World Portal
    Functions: Let's you send armies you've picked up from other planets to fight in wars for you. They earn you gold and EXP, but no Z-Tokens, and count towards the war meter. They also count toward your daily Gold/EXP cap but if you already reached both caps, Mega World Portal will still let you have your rewards.
    Upgrade Costs: Click. No Upkeep Costs.
    More Information about this in the Army section.

    t09e. Museum
    Function: This building currently has no function.
    Upgrade and Upkeep Costs: Click.

    t09f. Trade Hut
    Function: Allows you to trade resources. For example, if your Trade Hut is at lvl 1 and you trade in 25 Q, you'll get 12 D in return. At maximum level, you can trade almost 1:1 meaning if you trade 25Q you'll get 23D. You would trade 1:1 if you trade 300Q which earns 300D. You cannot trade for gold at this time.
    Notes: It's very useful if you are on an estate that doesn't produce enough of one resource while having a surplus of another resource. If you reach your storage limit for a resource (default is 1000 units for each unit), you cannot trade for more of that resource.
    Upgrade Costs, and Trade Rate Chart: Click. No Upkeep Costs.
    Trade Ratio Numbers:
            Sell Amount
    Level	25	50	150	300
    1	12	25	79	168
    2	13	27	85	180
    3	14	29	91	192
    4	15	31	97	204
    5	16	33	103	216
    6	17	35	109	228
    7	18	37	115	240
    8	19	39	121	252
    9	20	41	127	264
    10	21	43	133	276
    11	22	45	139	288
    12	23	47	145	300

    t09g. Ye Olde Eatery
    Function: Increases hourly Total Estate Production by 5% with each level. You gain more resources per hour with every level increase.
    Upgrade Costs, Upkeep Costs, and X% Boosts per Level Chart: Click.
    Level	X% Boost Per Level	Total Estate Production Rate %			
    1		5			105
    2		10			110
    3		15			115
    4		20			120
    5		25			125
    6		30			130
    7		35			135
    8		40			140
    9		45			145
    10		50			150
    11		55			155
    12		60			160
    13		65			165
    14		70			170
    15		75			175
    16		80			180
    17		85			185
    18		90			190
    19		95			195
    20		100			200

t10\. Sending Armies and Guards to Fight in Wars

    t10a. Armies
    Requirements: You need Portal to Kairula or Portal to Trescol in order to use the Mega World Portal. You do NOT need to purchase both. You also need enough resources to send your army through the portal. If you have plenty of resources (Like having two maxed out Storage Buildings), you can send your armies repeatedly until you run out of resources. If you do not have enough resources, the Portal will not work.


    Trescol costs:
    Full army: 550 Energy and 200 Food
    Half Army: 275 Energy and 100 Food

    Kairula costs:
    Full army: Energy 500 and 250 Food
    half army: Energy 250 and 125 Food

    Which Portal is preferred for sending armies?
    If you do not have a Trade Hut, Kairula will be more effective. Energy is the limiting resource and Kairula requires less of it. However, if you have a Trade Hut, you can simply keep trading resources which makes Kairula's advantage moot. Other than the different resource requirements and rewards exclusive to each respective worlds, both function the same as Armies.

    Which Estate is recommended for armies?
    Without a Trade Hut, Deren Mansion Estate. It has the highest Energy production which is the limiting resource. With a Trade Hut, any of the estates would work well enough.

    Now how you use it:

    Question: How do I send armies from other planets to fight in wars?
    Answer: You need a Mega World Portal and either a Portal to Kairula or a Portal to Trescol painting. If you own these items, go to your estate, click on the Mega World Portal, then click on "Portal". A menu with some options will open. Choose which war you want your army to fight in, from which planet you want to summon the army from and the size of the army. Once you have made your decisions, click on "Send". If you have enough resources, the army will then fight in that war, otherwise you are told that you don't have enough resources. You are told how many waves your army has defeated and you are given gold and exp rewards.

    Question: I own both the Mega World Portal and a portal painting, but when I try to call an army, there are no options in the "Select Planet" field. What's wrong?
    Answer: You need to befriend one of the factions on the planets before you can call armies. Visit the planet and talk to the inhabitants. Once one of the factions trusts you, you can call them to help out in wars.

    How do I make my army more effective?
    The formula to calculate your army's power is Power = (Reputation - 6)*200 (Always positive). The higher your power, the more kills and rewards you get from wars. So having a high reputation and high level Mega World Portal will result in higher kills and thus rewards.
    NOTE: Though this is unofficial, after various testing Reputation 7 with full army or Reputation 8 with 1/2 army seems optimal.

    What's the difference between Half Armies and Full Armies?

    In terms of effectiveness? There really isn't much of a difference between half waves and full waves. It's simply that sending full waves gives you fewer total attempts, which can wind up randomly giving you significantly more or significantly less than the average amount. People send half waves to minimize the standard deviation.

    It's the same sort of concept behind why most people prefer attacks with two or more hits to attacks with only one hit, even if they both have the exact same average damage :p

    Rewards for Army Kills: The formula has not been released so no one knows. Like the Guard Tower, you'll get EXP and Gold but no Z-Tokens. Army kills are counted in the War meter and will appear on your Character page as "Army Wins" under "War Battle Records". They also count toward your daily Gold/EXP cap but if you already reached both caps, Mega World Portal will still let you have your rewards from the kills. If one is trying to maximize Gold/EXP earnings for the day, a good strategy during wars is to reach your Gold/EXP caps first and than use Mega World Portal to send in armies. That way, you'll surpass your caps.

    t10b. Guards
    Requirements A Guard Tower and Guards.
    Other than the usual upkeep cost for Guard Tower, sending Guards into war doesn't cost any extra Resources.

    Question: How do I send my guards to fight in wars?
    Answer: You need a Guard Tower in order to send your guards to fight in a war. Go to your estate, click on your Guard Tower, then click on "Guard". A menu with some options will open. Choose which war you want your guards to fight in and how many of them you want to go to battle, then click on "Send". If you have enough resources, the guards will then fight in that war, otherwise you are told that you don't have enough resources. You are told how many waves your guards have defeated and you are given gold and exp rewards.
    The number of waves defeated by your guards appears as "guard wins" under "War Battle Records" on your character page.

    Rewards for Guard Kills: The formula has not been released so no one knows. You'll get EXP and Gold but no Z-Tokens. Guard kills are counted in the War meter and will appear on your Character page as "Guard Wins" under "War Battle Records". They also count toward your daily Gold/EXP cap but if you already reached both caps, Guard Tower will still let you have your rewards from the kills. If one is trying to maximize Gold/EXP earnings for the day, a good strategy during wars is to reach your Gold/EXP caps first and than send in your guards. That way, you'll surpass your caps.

    Which is more efficient for War Kills and gets better rewards?
    Mega World Portal since that's its only function.

    t10c. Optimal Warring Estates

    This section will be about optimizing an estate to maximize war rewards. It will take time and be expensive in gold, resources, and especially Z-Tokens so plan accordingly.

    General template for optimizing an estate is:

    Mega World Portal + 1 Portal Painting
    Corn Field
    Resource Building
    Resource Building
    Guard Tower
    Trade Hut
    Storage Building
    Storage Building

    -Mega World Portal and one portal painting is self explanatory. You can't war if you don't have an army.
    -You need Corn Field and other resource buildings to maintain your estate. I recommend Corn Field specifically because it gives you more energy/food units than all the basic energy/food buildings combined.
    -A Guard Tower is essential as without one, your estate will be attacked constantly unless you have a lot of guards. You could live without a Guard Tower, but you'll need to check your estate constantly to fight off invasions. During a war, resource production is key to being able to send your armies so interrupted resource productions due to invasions would be bad.
    -A Trade Hut is needed to trade surplus resources for ones you need as every estate lacks certain resources.
    -Storage Buildings are so that at the beginning of the war, you start off with a lot of resources letting you send them in more times. If you're lacking plots of land, you could substitute a resource building for one of the Storage Buildings so you have faster resource production.

    Example strategy to use your resources effectively with Trade Hut, Kairula, and Two Storage Buildings.

    Step 1:
    Start with 7000 Energy/Food/Wood/Stone.
    Send in your armies 14 times.
    This leaves you with 0 Energy and 3500 Food.

    Step 2:
    Convert 6900 Wood into Energy via "300Q for 300D".
    Send in army 13 times.
    This leaves you with 400 Energy and 250 Food.

    Step 3:
    Convert 4800 Stone into Energy and 2100 Stone into Food via "300Q for 300D".
    Send in full army 9 times.
    This will leave you with 700 Energy, 100 Food, 100 Wood, and 100 Stone.

    Step 4 (Optional):
    Convert 100 Energy, 50 Wood, and 50 Stone into Food.
    Send in full army 1 time.
    This will leave you with 50 Wood, 50 Stone, 100 Energy, and 38 Food.

    Next is to wait for your resources to go up again so you can send in your armies again. How long you want to wait is dependent on your Estate and you.

    Forest Log Cabin Estate:
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Lumber Yard
    4. Stone Pit
    5. Guard Tower
    6. Trade Hut
    7. Storage Building

    The 7 plots of land for Forest Log Cabin is very restrictive and makes this the least productive estate. With fully leveled up Corn Field, Lumber Yard, and Stone Pit, you'll be looking at hourly gains of:
    25 Food
    16 Energy
    10 Stone
    10 Wood
    With one maxed out Storage Building, you'll be able to send in full armies about 7-8 times before using Trade Hut. Using a fully leveled Trade Hut to trade in Stone/Wood for Energy and Food would give you another 11-12 times. It should go something like this using Kairula and the above set up:

    Step 1:
    Start with 4000 Energy/Food/Wood/Stone.
    Sending the full army 8 times.
    This leaves you with 0 Energy and 2000 Food.

    Step 2:
    Convert 3900 Wood into Energy via "300Q for 300D".
    Send in army 7 times.
    This leaves you with 400 Energy and 250 Food.

    Step 3:
    Convert 2700 Stone into Energy and 1200 Stone into Food via "300Q for 300D".
    Send in full army 5 times.
    This will leave you with 600 Energy, 200 Food, 100 Wood, and 100 Stone.

    Step 4 (Optional):
    Convert 50 Wood and 25 Stone into Food.
    Send in full army 1 time.
    This will leave you with 50 Wood, 75 Stone, 100 Energy, and 20 Food.

    Next is to wait for your resources to go up again so you can send in your armies again. How long you want to wait is up to you.

    Frostvale Cottage Estate:
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Woodcutter Shack
    4. Ye Olde Eatery
    5. Rock Quarry
    6. Mountain Hunting Lodge
    7. Trade Hut
    8. Guard Tower
    9. Storage Building 1
    10. Storage Building 2
    11. Mana Collector

    With 11 plots of land, you have more slots to fiddle with. This Estate is better than Forest Log Cabin, but worse than Tiki with Beach Estate as it has a lower food and energy production. With fully leveled up resource buildings, you're looking at an hourly resource production of:
    43 Food
    26 Energy
    10 Wood
    25 Stone

    With a fully leveled up Ye Olde Eatery, you're looking at an hourly resource production of:
    86 Food
    52 Energy
    20 Wood
    50 Stone

    Tiki with Beach Estate:
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Woodcutter Shack
    4. Stone Pit
    5. Ye Olde Eatery
    6. Hydro Power Dam
    7. Trade Hut
    8. Guard Tower
    9. Storage Building 1
    10. Storage Building 2
    11. Fishing Pier

    With 11 plots of land, this one and the later estates are much better for warring than Forest Log Cabin Estate. With fully leveled up resource buildings, you're looking at an hourly resource production of:
    50 Food
    34 Energy
    10 Stone
    13 Wood

    With a fully leveled up Ye Olde Eatery, you're looking at an hourly resource production of:
    100 Food
    68 Energy
    20 Stone
    26 Wood

    Forest Mansion Estate
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Woodcutter Shack
    4. Stone Pit
    5. Fruit Orchard
    6. Lumber Yard
    7. Vegetable Garden
    8. Mana Collector
    9. Fishing Pond
    10. Trade Hut
    11. Guard Tower
    12. Storage Building 1
    13. Storage Building 2
    14. Ye Olde Eatery

    With 14 plots of land, you'll be able to pick up all resource buildings and Ye Olde Eatery. Forest Mansion Estate with this set up will produce:
    63 Food
    26 Energy
    35 Wood
    10 Stone

    With a fully leveled up Eatery:
    126 Food
    52 Energy
    70 Wood
    20 Stone

    Darkovia Mansion Estate:
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Woodcutter Shack
    4. Stone Pit
    5. Dark Mana Collector
    6. Graveyard
    7. Vegetable Garden
    8. Mana Collector
    9. Fishing Pond
    10. Trade Hut
    11. Guard Tower
    12. Storage Building 1
    13. Storage Building 2
    14. Ye Olde Eatery

    With 14 plots of land, you'll be able to pick up all resource buildings with Ye Olde Eatery. This Estate, while producing lower Food units than the above, has higher Energy production meaning lower time to wait to send in your armies. The Darkovia Mansion Estate with this set up will produce:
    48 Food
    51 Energy
    10 Wood
    28 Stone

    With Ye Olde Eatery:
    96 Food
    102 Energy
    20 Wood
    56 Stone

    Deren Mansion Estate:
    1. Mega World Portal
    2. Corn Field
    3. Woodcutter Shack
    4. Stone Pit
    5. Deren Wheat Field
    6. Deren Mana Collector
    7. Vegetable Garden
    8. Mana Collector
    9.Fishing Pond
    10. Trade Hut
    11. Guard Tower
    12. Storage Building 1
    13. Storage Building 2
    14. Ye Olde Eatery

    With 14 plots of land, you'll be able to pick up all resource buildings with Ye Olde Eatery. This Estate is the best for warring as it has the highest energy and food production of any Estate meaning lowest time to wait. The Deren Mansion Estate with this set up will produce:
    70 Food
    67 Energy
    10 Wood
    10 Stone

    With Ye Olde Eatery:
    140 Food
    134 Energy
    20 Wood
    20 Stone

t11\. Invasions

    t11a. Basic Information
    Captain Rhubarb developed the Invasion System. An Invasion is when a random monster decides to attack one of your buildings. When does it happen? The times are below. The game system will trigger the "Invasion switch"; random houses will be invaded, and there's no way to tell if your House will or will not. It may not be invaded for months, but it also may be invaded daily, it's all about numbers. Obviously, you can prevent that with Guard and Guard Towers. The only way to know that you're under attack is by checking each one of your buildings. If it is invaded, than you'll have a "Defend" button. You can also refresh your Character Page. There will be a little "(!)" next to the buildings currently invaded. You can also check them in the Estate Screen by putting the cursor over the House Stats.

    The exact times of invasions appear to be the following, server time:
    - 1:00 AM
    - 8:00 AM
    - 3:00 PM
    - 10:00PM
    Checking after these times once a day should be enough to know if any of your buildings' been attacked.

    t11b. I'm being attacked!
    To get rid of any invader, you must click the "Defend!" button that'll be available on the Building Screen (The one that appears once you click on the building). This will trigger a fight with the Random Monster that attacked your land. You must win to make the monster go away. Invaded Buildings will cease functions until you get rid of the monster. But it also suspends the consumption of said building. Meaning that, if it is a Resource-Producing building, it'll stop producing, and if it is a Special-Function building, you won't be able to access its functions.

    t11c. Preventing Invasions

    Captain Rhubarb
    For the players that have *tons* of guards, you'll find that if you lots of Level 60+ guards, that you no longer need to keep all your Level 25 guards.
    Your estate is very safe now.

    The basic idea is that your Guards, as well as your Guard Towers, have a chance to keep away any invader. But Capn' also said that Guard Tower already increase your "Protection Variable", which is a good thing and can be checked above. The variable is the sum of all your guards' levels, not just the 12 guards that shows up when you browse your Guard House, plus 200 from each Guard Tower level. And no, there are no cutscenes of guards fighting the invader or anything, it happens "off-screen". If you've been invaded, your guards and Towers have failed you. Remember, tho', that even if you have a MAX Level Guard Tower and thousands of High-Level Guards, there's still a chance that you'll be attacked.
    Seems like the total sum of your Guards' Levels will define the chance percentage of your buildings being invaded. But Higher Level buildings have higher chances of being attacked. Obviously, a High Level Guard Tower helps lowering those numbers.
    NOTE: Lvl 0-1 Buildings are immune to invasions since they are so weak. Guard Towers are immune since your guards are scary.

    Can I invade/steal from/ruin other Houses?

    Which Guards are most effective to protect my property?
    While the formula for protecting your home has not been released, Captain Rhubarb did release the formula for how Efficient a certain guard is.
    The formula is: Power = (Level^1.5) / 5.0 (rounded off). I used Hagan's Cost Efficiency formula where Cost Efficiency = Power / Cost * 1000 to figure out how efficient the Guard is for its cost. In a nutshell, it's beneficial to purchase the Guards that has the highest Efficiency rating since they are well worth what you paid for them. That unfortunately means Guards like Nerfkitten Scion is a bad purchase since it has a low Efficiency rating.
    More information can be found in the Guide to House Guard Purchase

    Cost Efficiency Chart of Z-Token Guards

t12\. FAQs

    What about Castle and Kingdoms?
    As far as I know, they have been discarded. At least, the idea we had of them was discarded. The Portals & Armies seem like a good way to explore a Kingdom possibility, but forget the "1.000.000 Tokens" price and the "100 players" thing.


    Question: Does placement of a building have any impact on its effectiveness?
    Answer: No, it doesn't matter where you place your building.

    Is there a sellback-increase cap?

    What happened to the Top Homeowners List?
    Right Here

    Do paintings increase your House value?
    No, they don't. Having every Z-Token Painting will not increase the value of your House and, thus, will not increase the interest ratio.

    I heard this rumor and...
    Please, NO RUMORS. Neither I or any other forum member can answer to a question based on a rumor. So anything about a Trobble Farm, Stealing, the Museum Features or any other stuff can't be answered, at least not correctly.

    What about new House tiers?
    Captain said that, probably, there won't be any new House tier. The Housing System upgrading will now work based on the Estate System and the World Portals.

t13\. What may and may not be implemented
Since there's been a lot of questions about what may or may not happen to the House System, I decided to create this list, based on some things that the Captain has said during some of the many "Houses with Estates" threads in AQGGD.

    t13a. Most likely
    New paintings that'll teleport to other places. The addition of adapted old ideas, such as the Trobble Farm and the Museum, but as part of the Estate System. Among the bad things, we have the maintenance and upkeep costs for your buildings. But the amount of good stuff that have a chance to make it to the game someday is worth such a small issue. An example is the petting zoo to breed some special Guests which can only be accessed through your house or to sell some of those creatures for some profit. Quests to protect your stock from bandits and to secure transport routes in order to make more money with your business. For those of you who want some visual customization, a customizable garden is one of the ideas on the Captain's mind. And about buildings, some that can be considered are the lookout, barracks, farm, windmill and even a workshop in which you can create catapults or other kinds of things to help protecting your Estate, and make it look awesome. Other two things the captain brought up are a Library and an underground dungeon, but I'm not sure about the possible functions of any of these.

t14\. Guides/Threads you should read
House & Estate Q&A Thread
House with Estates - Discussion Thread
Guide to House Guard Purchase

t15\. Final Words and Change Log
If you have any corrections, suggestions etc, feel free to post a reply or PM me. I'll make sure to check it and, if included, give you proper credit.

Thanks Goes out to:
To Kamui for the original guide.
To Vahn_Kaichi for maintaining the guide previously.
To Captain Rhubarb, for answering most of the questions posted on the AQ GD.
To ratchet freak, MyPain, afterlifex, AVA, *Slash*, Rhowena, Xrai,, KlawdStrife for all the extra info and corrections.
To Ward_Point for approving the guide.

Change Log
3/18/12: Approval to revamp Guide granted. Work Started.
3/19/12: Most of the Major parts revamped done. Fixing little details now.
3/20/12: Finished Revision. Sent for Approval. Approved by Ward_Point.
3/21/12: Updated all Chart pictures with ones that are clearer and smaller in size. Added Final Resource values to the Charts too.
3/21/12: Fixed Invasion Times - Thanks *Slash*.
5/09/12: Deren Mansion Estate, Deren Mana Collector, Deren Wheat Field, and Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting added.
5/15/12: Corrected Max Stone produced for Tiki with Beach Estate - Thanks Rhowena.
8/28/12: Corrected Forest Mansion Estate's price and interest, and a war question - Thanks Xrai.
9/05/12: Added t10c. Optimal Warring Estates. - Thanks to afterlifex for help.
11/07/12: Corrected Potion Refill section - Thanks
11/15/12: Mogloween Portal Painting and Chairman Platinum added.
11/23/12: Updated House Guard Effectiveness chart with Shadow Monster Guards, Overlord, Communicant, and Twilight Set Guards.
01/15/13: Harvest Portal Painting Added.
09/06/13: Golden Giftbox Painting, SnuggleFest Portal Painting, Grenwog Portal Painting, Blarney War Portal Painting, April Fools' Portal Painting Added. Baby Sacragon, Alpha Dracoglin, MetalRaider, Dracovamplantess, Dracofiend Lord, Thunder Cat added to Housing Guard Charts. Removed Gold Guard chart since it's in all likelihood very inaccurate. All Buildings updated with new Gold and hour costs. Ye Olde Eatery Added. Optimal Warring Estates section updated to include Ye Olde Eatery where appropriate. Tiki Buildings corrected - Thanks KlawdStrife.
09/18/13: Corrected link to House Guard Guide, Corrected Ye Olde Eatery Chart, AQ Housing Investment Sheet added to help plan your Investments for Resource, Special Function Buildings, and House Guards.
12/5/2023: Added the "Sky" location. Added "Skycastle Mansion Estate" and statistics. Updated prices for all houses currently sold.
12/6/2023: Updated interest rates.
12/7/2023: Added links to some Celestial Haven houses.

Fantastic effort in tabling the summation of resources and other miscellaneous information about Estates. Approved! ~ Ward_Point

*Slash* -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (3/21/2012 15:40:38)

Quick comment: are you sure about the estate invasion times ?
Reading "every 6 hours" and then reading "invasion time: 02 am 11 am and 08 pm"

Did i miss something ?

Edit: i forgot to say the most important: great job ^^

Dragoon23 -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (3/21/2012 16:11:54)

Oops, those were wrong. I was flipping through the wrong Houses with Estate Discussion.

Fixed now with latest numbers:
- 1:00 AM
- 8:00 AM
- 3:00 PM
- 10:00PM

Thanks for the correction.

Rhowena -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (5/15/2012 3:10:51)

to4 and to8 incorrectly say that the Tiki Beach Estate has a max stone production of 35 instead of 10.

Xrai -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (8/19/2012 6:03:44)


t04d. Deren/Darkovia/Forest Mansion Estates
Level: Deren = 35. Darkovian/Forest = 30.
Price: Deren = 20000. Darkovia = 16000. Forest = 10000.
Location(s): Darkovia, Forest, Deren
Extra Equipment Slots: 9
House Item Slots: 79
Plots of Land 14
Owner Refill Potions: 20
Visitor Refill Potions: 10
Interest Gained Per Week: Deren = 200, Darkovia = 160, Forest = 100
The bolded numbers should be 15000 and 150 respectively.

Under t10,

Which Estate is recommended for armies?
Without a Trade Hut, Darkovia Mansion Estate. It has the highest Energy production which is the limiting resource. With a Trade Hut, any of the estates would work well enough.

Deren Mansion Estate has the highest Energy production as of current.

Dragoon23 -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (9/5/2012 22:31:33)

Added t10c. Optimal Warring Estates section. -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (11/7/2012 14:38:56)

There is mistake in the Refill section:
"t05b. Potion refill "

I have Bleach Tiki Hut and the refill is not 10, but 5... for visitors i guess it should be 3..
Also there are mistakes for the other 2 types of tiers as well...
This is how it should look :
5 3 Beach Tiki Hut
10 5 Darkovia Log Cabin
10 5 Forest Log Cabin (RARE)
15 8 Darkovia Log House
15 8 Forest Log House (RARE)
I know the order i put them in isnt really the same, so please check the information again in that table and fix it >.<

vlyons -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (12/5/2012 16:57:34)

Most of the paintings in my estate are listed in my house item inventory as "item is in storage" What does this mean? How to get out of storage?


sobodobo -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (6/17/2013 21:13:37)

How about the new eatery building that got released recently?

KlawdStrife -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (8/26/2013 11:15:46)

t03b. Tiki Hut
- should have 2 Extra Equipment Slots

t04b. Tiki with Beach Estate
- should have 6 Extra Equipment Slots

Dragoon23 -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (9/6/2013 15:48:54)

All updated.

  • Golden Giftbox Painting, SnuggleFest Portal Painting, Grenwog Portal Painting, Blarney War Portal Painting, April Fools' Portal Painting Added.
  • Baby Sacragon, Alpha Dracoglin, MetalRaider, Dracovamplantess, Dracofiend Lord, Thunder Cat added to Housing Guard Charts. Removed Gold Guard chart since it's in all likelihood very inaccurate.
  • All Buildings/Charts updated with new Gold and hour costs.
  • Ye Olde Eatery Added. Optimal Warring Estates section updated to include Ye Olde Eatery where appropriate.
  • Tiki Buildings corrected - Thanks KlawdStrife.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (9/18/2013 17:20:45)

  • Corrected link to House Guard Guide.
  • Corrected Ye Olde Eatery Chart.
  • AQ Housing Investment Sheet added to help plan your Investments for Resource, Special Function Buildings, and House Guards.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (8/5/2014 4:31:11)

    Notes to self:

    Celestial Haven Log House
    Celestial Haven Log House Estate
    Celestial Haven Tent
    Celestial Haven Tiki Hut

    Enchanted Grove

    From IMR: The number of house item slots is 35+[potions]*2+[extra slots from the house]
    Guard huts won't be visible if you have no guards
    Visitor potions are [potions]/2 round up

    Male Neko Waifer

    Female Neko Waifer

    Shadow creatures from Guantlet 2.

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (5/19/2017 22:28:14)

    Given the new Housing Update, Houses and Estates are on a different pricing system. The Guide will be updated accordingly as Dragoon has now retired. Please bear with me as I also update the inaccurate and dated information across the guide.


    Master of Beasts. -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (12/4/2024 19:18:45)

    This guide has been super useful.

    Is there a strategy guide for the workers? I am having a time with workers for the vine, the cave, the trading hut, and the portal.

    Thanks so much!

    Grace Xisthrith -> RE: Houses & Estates and their Functions Guide (12/5/2024 17:56:43)

    What are the monsters specifically, if you know? For example I know in some estate buildings there's a Kabroz you have to fight.

    In general, most of those can be beat with a defensive elemental armor, elemental shield, and elemental misc. You could also consider training END. If using that gear and statline doesn't work, let me know.

    Another method would be stunlocking them. Since those monsters are all old, none of them have protection from being stunlocked. The Queen's Crown misc in Yulgar's memorial shop has a guest summon that has a 100% chance x water resistance to attempt a paralyze. If you use potency gear (Umazen aspis shield from the Umazen civil war is key for +20 advantage) you should have a reliable stunlock. Let me know if you have any questions, need more information, or these strategies don't work.

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