RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 10:57:31)

Ebilcorp? That's not good at all...

Haha, machine guns are legal in Arizona! Going to this sports thing that's like a zoo, Cabelas/Bass Pro/Awesome hunting-fishing store, and shooting/archery range all mixed together in great weather! I'm gonna have sooo much fun... I really want to shoot the Gatling gun!

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 11:11:05)

I know not of what you speak. Ebilcorp taking over is a good thing. Already we have more business then ever. In fact, how would you like to join jessa? I'm sure I, Minion 55, can obtain for you a high position in the company.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 11:14:54)

Join? You? How 'bout not? If anything, I'd be against you.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 11:16:01)

Fair enough. (Talks to ebilcorp ninjas) take her in for reducation. be carefull, she can manipulate probability.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:14:27)


Gla: Can I help with this? I have a feeling that there will be loot.

WOOT!!! Legendary quest rewards! :P

Oh, and I am preeetty sure they lost the invasion of Falconreach... you know, the one where Lady Celestia died, and Shadowfall crashed, and all that jazz?


Haha, machine guns are legal in Arizona!

Technically speaking, they're legal everywhere, if they are old enough models. That's how rich people and/or possibly certain corporations can get away with owning miniguns. Otherwise: o_e

Interesting situation. Know what I think of it? *harpoon attached to a chain impales Minion 55, and drags him into another dimension*

You spelled re-education incorrectly. Also, I have an idea. *sends an android named Fredrick to guard Jessa, having intercepted the threatening transmission*

"Bonjour, mon petite," he says, bowing formally, his long black hair flowing over his shoulder as he does so. He holds out one metalic hand with a red ringed orb-like structure, rays coming out of it and curving around at odd lighting-esque jagged angles, running down the length of his arm, up into his sleeve, his upper arm seeming more flesh-like than his hand.

He has an elegant demeanor, his motions always measured and striking, his voice soft and almost magically seething with charm and nobility, and as he raises his head, she can see his one white eye, with glowing scars flowing from it across the sharp features of his cheek and chin, and his other eye, with its eirie red glow, and visibly mechanical structures. The seemingly ravaged facial features only add to the air of foreign mystery and clear mechanical nature, but give him a chillingly human edge to it, along with an aesthetic sense of power and experience.

"I am sent by a friend to act as a shield against harm for you, in case of certain occasions that may be more than random chance would allow a victory, under normal circumstances," he announced, looking to Jessa with a pleasant smile, as he waits for her to take in the situation, "at least for now."

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:16:27)

Oh hai guyz, Iz mad a new girm dat mruders veryone in he World! Ha haeh saehanh eh ehah ha h!11!111!!!!1!!12!~!

Iz so evulz!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:21:22)

@ Goldstein: 2?!?!?!?!?! D:

/me does not enjoy garbled speech...

Oh, and everyone has one of those (THEY STOLE YOUR DESIGN!!! O:). They just don't tend to use them. ;)

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:22:09)


Oh, and I am preeetty sure they lost the invasion of Falconreach... you know, the one where Lady Celestia died, and Shadowfall crashed, and all that jazz?

Actualy, we won that. And it was 20 million waves. 20. Million.

Also, let us see how Ebilcorp drones match your robot! (Minion 55 sends out 100000000000000000000000000000000000 robots) WE ARE 99% OF THE 1%!

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:23:34)

Yea whatevs Daerkonssi lieks Iz cure whta yuo dink!

I si da evul incarrot! Bow be4 me mionons!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:27:28)

I do not count that as a victory. That was untill the war was complete, not won, IMO.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 12:28:58)

Well in that case it could not be won. It was a war that would have occured either way.[;)]

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 13:07:04)

Ebilcorp has crossed over to Herosmash? It seems I have underestimated the development of multi-dimension travel for non-smashers.

No, I won't join. And good luck trying to capture me.

Also, my cosmic destruction cannon is nearly complete!

PallyKnight -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 13:45:59)

Goldstein turned evil? A evil person without a dictionary or any proper education!? OH NOOO!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 13:51:39)

Overcast: He's turning into an intelligent version of David.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:02:04)

Um Drak that was the Shadowscthye not Ebilcorp! Though Ebilcorp is invaideing Faclonreach as we speak!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:27:17)

I know it was not Ebilcorp. I was stating that the people of Dragonfable HAVE lost wars before. Oh, and also... PIRATE VS. NINJA-iness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:34:04)

Eh? The Ev/bilCorp blight still plagues us?

Anyways, thought of two new characters who'll aid Corona once I start his story. One being gravity based and the other being weather based.

Yeah, more references >_>

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:44:32)

Sorry aboyut the hassle guys, Ebilcorp tried to stop me. But they are REALLY dumb sometimes. They left me in a room that can conduct sound with a guard that was new. naturaly, i talked him into joining Ommicorp. I then resuced Darkness King and convinced minion 55 to commit suicide. I am now resinding all Ebilcorp orders and taking rule of their drones.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:46:39)


They left me in a room that can conduct sound with a guard that was new.

Psssh, amateurs. I'm new and Red Shark Avenue Prison already knows to have you in an isolated, soundproof room.


Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 16:59:33)

... Aww... I wanted to finish the story mini-arc. T_T (my new char didn't even get to DO anything...)

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 17:02:23)

Well, Unamed Ebilcorp EMployee is still running about. I hear he is responsible for Ebilcorp's intrusion in the first place. Go ahead, finish him off.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 17:03:22)


... Aww... I wanted to finish the story mini-arc. T_T (my new char didn't even get to DO anything...)

xD I never get to do anything, oh well.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 17:09:22)

Hmm... I see. I'd have to wait for Jessa's response to use Fredrick, and to not use him could possibly make the scene lose its authenticity, so I shall wait for Kinz to do something about the unnamed person, and for Jessa to do something as well.

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 18:00:53)

LOLOLOLOLololOLOLO Shadow u R so funy! I wunt to B gist liek u!

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/1/2012 18:37:27)


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