RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (Full Version)

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Question Mark? -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 19:39:18)

While personally an extreme atheist, I find the subject of religion quite fascinating, and the light religious themes within the story seem to represent the misguided way that many people see their own religion, and the misuse of what would otherwise be a harmless and in many cases psychologically beneficial process as a weapon of mass destruction. You can study and read about religion without being at all integrated into it, obviously. (I do) But being uncomfortable with it is something that I can entirely understand and even relate to. It is unfortunate that you will not be participating, but I suppose that if it is the best for you, it's up to you to make that choice. See you around!

Shadowlight1 -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 20:03:51)

Religion and politics are the two things I generally keep to myself. Discussing them is pointless because it's nigh-impossible to convince someone of some religious or political aspect if they think otherwise.

I'm actually both a Christian and a Buddhist to an extent. Yes, it's possible to be both. I'm not saying that I agree with every detail of both, that would be impossible and impractical. I personally see religion as a way for people to have morals and to do the right things, for one's self and others.

In Buddhism, one looks within one's self. In Christianity, one looks beyond. Personally, I feel that people need a bit of both in order to be at peace with the world.

I don't want to argue for or against any particular aspects of religion, but it's still interesting to see how the idea of what it meant to be religious evolved over time and to see how it became a factor in the story. The Order naturally is based on the Crusade, which slaughtered countless Muslims for a "holy cause".

Just about anybody with eyes can see that such a thing wasn't Christian at all. Just a hysteric idea that everybody had to be Christian or else get sent to hell.

Well, I don't think I'll say any more. My post is too off-topic as it is and I don't want anybody getting mad at me.

On a separate note, I'd like to say that the collab is doing a fairly good job. It's interesting to see all these different writing styles one right after another. Some noticeably better than others...

I'm trying to work out where I go from here. If anybody feels like including me in one of their chapters, feel free. Just don't make me look ridiculous.

Antithesis -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 20:26:00)


extreme atheist

Oh look an oxymoron

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 20:37:12)

Just to clarify, I am a Christian, which is the reason that I'm very weary about these things.


Just about anybody with eyes can see that such a thing wasn't Christian at all.

Very true. I do hope that every one here understands this.

Anyway, this conversation is probably going off topic.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 20:51:28)

To be fair, at least at the very first, the Crusades were a result of the Muslims constantly attempting to conquer more and more nations, killing the defenders, and attempting, if not forcing, the inhabitants of the new territory to convert. That trend continued effectively untill just before the voyages of Columbus, after which the invaders (I believe the Moors) coming into southern Spain were finally turned back. This is not to say that the first crusade war actually a Holy war, as it in its first part resulted in the devestation of Constantinople, which the Pope actually sent the crusaders to defend (the Eastern Roman Empire's possible destruction at the hands of the Muslims was the direct cause of it), and the Crusades otherwise led to massive violence and slaughter of innocents (such as the Jews; many Christians at the time had anti-semetic standings, and the Muslims actually were quite kind to them, honestly, unlike now...). Later crusades did not always have such reasons behind them, founded in logic, but I felt I might as well clear up the possible misunderstandings involving their cause and circumstances. It is also noteworthy that a large part of their continuation could be understood to be an attempt to turn aside the violence towards one another in Europe, where they were all Christians, and due to the fact that the cause of liberating the Holy Land was one that resonated with the people, leading to urges to do more.

I had forgotten your religious stance, Eclipse. Pity we never got to continue our conversation about religious beliefs, as when I first met you I very much wished to do so, but regardless, I won't push it if you are uncomfortable with such things.

Oh, and it is noteworthy that Jihad originally was associated with Holy War not only in the sense that it was a war for a Holy cause, but also one that was Holy in its practices. No targeting of noncombatants (such as priests, for example), no targeting of women, and I think no targeting of the wounded that are incapable of fighting, but I am not entirely sure about that part. Makes me sad that the extremists of this day and age make such a mockery of their own religion. The Qurans that were burnt in Afghanistan actually had already been defiled by terrorists attempting to pass messages to one another, and yet there is still a backlash, sadly, most likely because the entire story does not get to the people in the rural areas (which is effectively most of the country), because of the lack of electronic media. The US has handled this poorly, appologising, instead of attempting to get it out that it was not wrong to burn them because they were already made unholy by the actions of the sacreligious insurgents from whence the Books were obtained. That would also give a huge opportunity to cause the natives to be even more wary and disliking of the Taliban, who probably have gained a popularity boost there because of their speaking out against the Americans following this event. *sigh* I sometimes wonder if we even have anyone with as much knowledge and sense as a 16 year old, in the higher up levels of power.

I will admit that they did have horrible understandings of the morality and doctrine of Christianity proper, back then. I would blame the fact that most people were illiterate, then, and that Mass was in Latin much of the time (though not all, I think; I am pretty sure the Roman Catholic Church had begun to shift it to the native language, at least in some areas, back then).

From what I can see, yes, it's doing a pretty good job, I suppose. I still haven't read the later bits, so I am completely understanding in that regard, but from what I can see, yeah. Hopefully, I shall finish reading and post a chapter, soon.

Yeah, it's somewhat weird. Personally, I think it might've been better to have multiple storiess set in the same time period, so that that wouldn't happen, and we'd all have the opportunity to not have something else shifting the time period past the point you want to set your next chapter, or something (though that can be worked around), but I suppose it's still pretty promising. Oh, and people posting more stuff before you have decided what to do next for your part and their bit interfering with yours because of that could become an annoying problem.

@The last line of Eclipse's commentary: Noted.

I'll be taking a bath, now. Hope I have enough time to read more. Oh, and I didn't understand the "extreme atheist" bit, either. I thought he meant that he didn't believe any religion had any chance of being true, personally, but still I did not understand what he actually meant, regardless, and that would just be my best guess, unless it means he thinks of religious people as fools, which I doubt.

Edit: Hopefully, those comments will have ended the off-topic-ness. If you want to talk more to me, try doing it in-game. I know alot about quite a few different subjects.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 21:02:28)

I personally worship Zeus. But hey, to each their own.

Also, people need to slow down and let other people post their own chapters and catch up.

Question Mark? -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 21:19:12)



extreme atheist

Oh look an oxymoron

Nope. Just a nod to Douglas Adams, this being the way that he described himself, more or less. I thought that it applied to me fairly well.
Anyhoo, let's get back on topic before the entire thread combusts.

star screamer -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 21:25:59)

My idiot brother says he's a Buddhist, only cause
he like worshiping fat blue guys... his words not mine.

Anyways, I agree with Gold, I haven't read all the chapters yet.
I only posted mine cause I wanted post before it went to like fifty chapters. (in a couple days too)

Oh also my religious stance... atheist/satanic. Atheist part cause I doubt some silly stuff
like, if you worship demons you get black magic etc...
Word thing is, my pal fire is a christian, and we are great friends...
We listen to what each other think of religion, not that we have to believe it.
Oh btw, just cause I'm a little satanic, don't mean I'm emo or goth, just means
I'm a creepy kid who believes in stuff like that...
On a side note, almost all of my classmates think I'll kill them if they're not nice to me
because I'm satanic, that's not the case. (the ones who aren't are convinced I'm Batman)

/e agrees with people who want back on topic

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 22:33:47)

I live in a highly christen town! I consider my self, a bible christen. What I mean is, like I think our church can mutate gods word at times. The same can be said for a few other churches. So instead of living my the pastors, serum I live by the one thing, I know to bee 100 percent true. The holy word. I follow the best to my interpataion. Also I believe you should get back on topic before, any arguments break out. So what did you guys think of my latest chapter?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 22:38:10)

Yes, I agree, let's get back on topic before the thread is filled with inflamitory comments. *glares momentarily at Star* (lol [but seriously, Star, comments like that almost seem intended to be inflamitory; If you think of something that could start a ragefest, please hold it back, unless it is important; no offence, I just don't want to see this thread locked because of a religious flame war; that would not be fun, and I don't believe very many people would want such a thing; ;) ])

I probably won't remember to research Douglas Adams, but NO MATTER!!! What specifically did Star write that made it seem to have overly religious undertones? (only thing I could think of to bring it back to actually discussing the story... :/)

@Kinz: I HAVE NO IDEA!!! :P (oh, and I try to do the same; It's good to research the history of what was going on at the times, to help you take it in context; also, try to take it in context with the rest of the Bible, too)

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/26/2012 22:43:06)

Basely about demons, hell, crosses, and the like. Also Drak how far are you in the reading? (of the collab)

megakyle777 -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 13:03:26)

I did not know you were religious kinz. I never thought of you as the type. But hey, like Drak said, let's get back to the collab now.

Anyway, I have an idea for the epilouge that i will write when this is over.


basicly, a device the Dealer made will restore him to life exactly as he was before the killing. However...



Shadow Ravena -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 17:25:47)

Alright guys, get back on topic. Religious discussions are for the PM system. Since this is a touchy subject, I advise caution, and if this turns to flaming, action will have to be taken.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 17:43:47)


Alright guys, get back on topic. Religious discussions are for the PM system. Since this is a touchy subject, I advise caution, and if this turns to flaming, action will have to be taken.

I've learned this before.

Back on topic...

So I noticed this collab is going relatively fast, it's filling up quickly...
We need to slow down our posts, guys...

~Lady Zafara

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 18:27:04)

I agree, Zafara, and I've stated as much. Neither I nor Jessa have been able to post a part in this story, yet (though she's still undecided, to be fair, but would want to).

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 19:13:15)

WEll...I mean you can post your part at any time you so wish.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 19:44:24)

What are the rules regarding interactions with other characters? How do we handle conversations, and things like that? Do we just say one line, or what?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 20:06:47)

I haven't finished reading it, yet, and people continuing to post is not helping too much, goodsir!

I recommend speaking to the person you wish to talk to about the conversation directly, and then posting what you decide upon.


Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 20:14:34)


I agree, Zafara, and I've stated as much. Neither I nor Jessa have been able to post a part in this story, yet (though she's still undecided, to be fair, but would want to).

I too have thought about entering.

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 20:21:28)

Yeah, I'd like to post, but I'd prefer to know some of the story plot first. The current authors seem to be, as some writers call it, flying by the seat of your pants. You've got the writing down but you don't really know where the story is going, which can lead to a problem later on.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 20:45:06)

From what I can tell, the Knights are confronting the major players of Super City and either recruiting or incapacitating them before they launch their main attack.

To be honest, I think we need to suspend all posting for moment in order to figure out:

1. The skeleton of the story, as provided by Clown (he's the guy in charge, after all.)
2. We decide an order to posting. As in, to prevent someone from posting three times in the time span someone posted only once.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 20:53:03)

Oh, I already have the story for what happens to Zafara in this collab.
I'll alter it as events go on.
But yes, we need to slow down...there's like 12 posts in four (?) days...

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 21:21:12)


Yeah, I'd like to post, but I'd prefer to know some of the story plot first. The current authors seem to be, as some writers call it, flying by the seat of your pants.

As would I, though I plan to improv to a degree, as well. I will be careful about how I do it, and ask questions when necessary, but still.

Very interesting, Arachnid... very interesting...

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 22:44:57)

I too already have something planed out!

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Brotherhood of Order Discussion (3/27/2012 23:50:57)

I kinda sorta have an ending planned.

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