poopbum -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (12/17/2014 21:18:47)
AQ just needs more incentive for the players to war. One way to do that is to simply make it a bit easier. I know we got estates, but estates are premium items so few people get to harness that power. Which is why I support ss's catapult system. Why not both estates and catapults! The daily restriction proposed by ss stops it from becoming too OP. ss's post pretty much sums it up. AQ's warring system in general just needs to be more like DF's. There could be a shiny special currency(like Defender's Medals) to reward farming the war. Because when it comes to gold and exp, there are plenty of superior options outside the war so plenty will choose to farm those instead. We need to first get those who play just to cap xp/gold to war by giving them a real reason to do so.(war currency is the way to do it) ss proposed a trophy currency system where you can use said trophies to buy exclusive equipment.(that ain't too exclusive actually) To be fair to those who don't war much, all these exclusive stuff needs to be permanently available.(sorry rare hunters) And like he said, the currency must never expire. This makes people more enthusiastic about warring without being too unfair to those who lack the time. Cos they got all the time in the world to slowly accumulate their hoard of currency. At the same time, the "special" equipment shouldn't be the "OMG min-maxed super unique must have!" sort and should rather be something not too shiny.(e.g. Sentari Set, which easily has equal or superior options elsewhere) This way those who don't war ain't missing out on much at all, cos they don't even need the equipment in the first place.(and those who war at the very least got something to show for it) At the same time, the rewards shouldn't be so boring to the point where the incentive to war becomes approximately zero. So we need to find a sweet spot between an item that is ordinary and at the same time not too boring to be fair to both sides. Also once a player already accumulated enough currency to buy every item, he/she might no longer find the incentive to war anymore. Which is why it might be a good idea to add in new items in the war shop every once in a while.(if possible)
Would it be possible to give a prize to the character with the most kills in a war, for example, a purely ceremonial trophy on their character page? This should encourage war incentives and add a bit of extra fun to the friendly competition. There won't be any kill tracking problems, as a 'war thread' can be set up for this purpose, and staff can confirm the winner(s) simply by clicking on his/her character page, much like the contests. I know this was posted a long time ago, but I would support something like this. A purely cosmetic badge/trophy/medal given to those who war a lot sounds fair. I mean it is merely vanity item with no practical value, so on one hand those who don't war ain't missing out on much(if any) at all. On the other hand warmongers are getting recognition for their efforts.(just like how some people get a "helpful" title below their names in the forums) Lastly I would like to propose my own idea of a daily quest system during wars.(independent of ss's idea of "daily catapults") Said daily quest should be fairly easy to complete, and obviously involve killing off some mooks in teh war.(either a certain number of ANY mook, or a smaller number of a particular mook?) Daily quests are suppose to be casual friendly and help encourage them to fight at least a little bit. Believe me, daily stuff in ED and AQW helped to keep me hooked for a bit which is why I think it could work.(though I acknowledge that a buttload of work will be needed to implement it in AQ) I am not sure about the rewards though, I am thinking of a lucky spin thingy. You have a chance of winning various amounts of gold and xp.(preferably not counted towards the cap.... if possible make it such that you can store them for later like the case for GGB) Aaaannnddd maybe even war currency(lower chance)..... plus there is an ultra low chance of tokens/GGB. I know token/GGB rewards ain't allowed cos they are premiums, but what if we have an extremely low chance of getting a very small amount of them?(to a point where the player on average is getting approximately zero GGB/tokens) Better than nothing but almost as good as nothing so I think it's okay..... An alternative will be a daily quest reward in the form of an instant xp/gold payout that doesn't count towards the cap.(like the stuff from Ballyhoo and mystery bag of gold/scroll of xp from GGB) Like a war treasure box? Maybe we can make it such that the box can be kept indefinitely(and accumulated) to be opened later at the player's own will.(Ta daah, emergency money!!! Good for future donation drives if we ever get any!!!) This way the warring location will be able to rival other farming spots as a place to get xp/gold.(at least for casual farmers) P.S. Maybe war treasure box could be combined with the lucky spin idea. Maybe it could also be one of the stuff you can buy with ss's trophy currency.(for those gold hoarders among us :P)