Lycus -> RE: what on earth is going on here rabble (4/26/2012 4:55:24)
Well, I hope a reply from me is fine, because that's what you're getting, since this topic is going to be locked, usually this topic would be deleted, but I want to make this message clear to everyone. Firstly, Rabble was not around when the new classes got released, he was not working for AE back then, so he didn't get any input in balance on them. Back then, we had a small team of Testers testing a huge release ready for Delta, and with a small team like that, we're not going to be able to test every build combination possible and be able to perfectly balance everything before the release. We said when we released them that there may be balance issues, and we need them reported ASAP for us to deal with them, which is what happened. Now we have the balance tracker in, which though many people may argue it isn't doing a lot, just because we're not publicly posting the results, doesn't mean we're not paying attention to it, because we are. We're looking at the balance tracker seeing what classes have the issues, which don't, we check the balance topic here to see what players are suggesting for that area and then we work with it. As Titan said in the Livestream on Saturday, RabbleFroth has charts, a list of builds and issues, and many other things keeping track of balance, which builds are balance breaking etc. and looking at the balance trackers figures, overall, the balance of the game really hasn't been much better, all the classes have a fairly equal PvP win ratio, and if any do below or above that ratio then a buff/nerf will be applied. Why risk the balance of the other classes by buffing them all, when they are all working together equally, just because one other is too powerful? If your not doing great, then change builds. Using your analogy of a car, if the car was overpowered, it could go to fast, or the BHP was too high, then it would be nerfed to become road legal, and I think people would accept that. I accept that you may not like having to change builds, but most people moved to CH because they knew it was powerful, if you move know that, you must also realise that a nerf will be following soon. Nerfing your class may upset you, but not nerfing that class would upset people from all classes if it didn't happen. I recommend that you get creative, create a brilliant new build that works, because there are plenty out there! From now on, please keep all balance discussion to the balance topic, complaining about nerfs won't change anything unless the Balance Tracker shows the Nerf has actually made them Under Powers, and yes the balance tracker is very accurate, you can trust it is working, especially with the amount of additional stuff RabbleFroth does to record and improve balance - He does an amazing job with it, with the help of Ashari and a few others, and whether you like it or not, the nerfs have worked and put CH back down on a similar win ratio to the others. EDIT: For anyone it's unclear to, I'm referring to the last CH nerf, currently there is no plan for another, since they have a fair ratio with the other classes!