=AQ= The Seekrat Final Countdown War Stories and Poems (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =AQ= The Seekrat Final Countdown War Stories and Poems (4/26/2012 9:11:26)

Here is where you may post your War Stories. Have fun and please remember to follow the rules in both AE forums and the L&L rules.

For this thread :

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you wish to comment on the stories, please go to =AQ= The Seekrat Final Countdown War Stories and Poems Commentary.

Muchiha -> RE: =AQ= The Seekrat Final Countdown War Stories and Poems (4/26/2012 18:46:21)

AQ- The Seekrat Final Countdown WAR 2012

Chapter 1: Looming Shadows

“This is devastating, absolutely devastating.” I said as I paced back and forth in my Darkovia Mansion with three of the commanders of my Assassin Army.

“We’ve been deceived and Lore as we know it, will be greatly changed by his actions, sire.” replied Rafael, one of the Commanders of my Assassin Army.

“I still can’t believe how that rodent managed to devise and orchestrate such a plan. We cannot let the Seekrat win. Commander Rafael, I need you and Commander Kraus to assemble half of our army to send to Battleon and the surrounding towns. It is of utmost importance that the women, children, and the rest of the townsfolk be kept safe”

“Sire, what else do you desire that this portion of our army do before and after they are stationed in these towns?” asked Commander Kraus.

“Bring a substantial amount of food and drink (especially water), plant seeds, along with medical supplies, extra clothing, blankets, pillows, potions, and weapons for those townsfolk who wish to act as a secondary line of defence towards their protection. These supplies are waiting in the two Storage Buildings in the backyard of my Estate.” I paused as I let Rafael finish jotting down notes.

“Understood. Please continue, sire,” said Commander Rafael

“When our soldiers have finally reached their destinations, order them to find the most secure hidden spots in their town and transport the citizens there. They are to be labelled as “Safe Zones”. Ration the food and water carefully for we do not know how long this war will last. IF there are any magic users among the townsfolk, I need you to gather them and give them a certain special scroll to share as a group. It contains the information for a simple healing spell as well as a water conjuring spell and, for earth-inclined magic users a plant accelerant growth spell. Instruct them to use these in the event that food and water rations start to run out and any small injuries townsfolk may receive.”

“As for the battle tactics of this portion of our army stationed in these towns, they are to eliminate any opposing threat within a one kilometre radius of their respective Safe Zones. Clear the towns of any invaders as best as they possibly can so that adventurers and guardians can focus their effort in other areas that need their attention.”

I turn towards the two other commanders present and tell them, “Commander Kraus, Commander Arkeos, assemble the remainder of our Army and tell them to prepare for war. If the report from our intel squad is correct, this upcoming war will take place on multiple battlefronts. We are going to change our tactics slightly.”

“How so, sire?” asked Commander Arkeos

“I want us to be one of the first armies to land the first blow. For this, I would like for you to group the remainder of our Army into large ambush squads. We shall send our intel squad to analyze enemy numbers and the progression of the various battlefields. Make haste my dear friends. It is only a matter of time before the shadows will completely envelop Lore.”

I walk towards my desk, pull out some parchment, and quickly write the following message in athemyst-colored ink:


I am sure you are already aware of the Seekrat’s true intentions. I just want all of you to know that I have already put plans in motion assuring the protection and care for the villagers/citizens of the main town of Battleon and the surrounding towns nearby. This is one war we cannot afford to lose. See you all on the battlefield.

Signed: Muchiha Mythios
Defender of Lore

After duplicating this letter multiple times using magic, I gathered 100 messenger doves. After placing ten letters in each dove, I released them to distribute the message to the well-known warmongers of Lore.

Overshadowed/Battlefronts of Lore

Chapter 2 -Battleon:

As I survey the damage caused by the intial onslaught of the combined armies on site, I see a platoon of shadow creatures heading towards me.

“Intel had it right all along. They would appear in various places throughout Lore. I just didn’t realize they would come in such high numbers” I said to myself.

Shadow dragons, zards, ghouls, and rodents made up most of the platoon and were approaching fast. Unsheathing my sword, I uttered,

“Hyacintho Exurens!”

An ocean of sapphire flames engulfed the approaching shadow monsters in every direction near my vicinity. I charge at the remaining twelve monsters. Raising my sword I murmured

“Excaecatio Lux!”

A pillar of incredibly bright light shone down from the sky upon the remaining monsters, blinding them. After three horizontal swings of my blade, I re-sheathe my sword as their bodies slowly fall to the ground.

“Sire! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you!” said Commander Kraus

“Your report, Commander.” I said

“Battleon is sufficiently protected, with the townspeople of Battleon and the nearby towns safely secured and prepared for the duration of this war,” replied Commander Kraus.

“Well done, Commander. I have surveyed Battleon and it appears to be sound in terms of protection due to the amount of adventurers and guardians involved in its defence. I believe we should move on to the other battlegrounds that need us.”

“Very well, sire.”

Chapter 3-Lolosia:

From the crystal clear waters to the white sand of the beaches, Lolosia is filled with the sounds of intense battle. Sword clashes, magic-enchanted items such as mops, swords, and lamps, to the resounding boom of cannons initiated by the pirates. Swift attacks, smokescreens, usage of chi to summon elemental katanas, to their unexpected death strikes by the ninjas. I arrived in Lolosia after one day of travelling, and since been battling countless monsters for the last few hours.

I make my way through the expanse of beaches, only to find more shadow creatures desiring to fight.

“You’re in my way.” I said. I raise my left hand and shout,

“Laminis Ventus!”

Piercing, blades of wind appeared out of nowhere and sliced through the horde of shadows.

Just then, three shadow bracken fired their mana-draining projectiles at me.

“Oceanus Clipeus!”

I countered by using water from the nearby ocean to create a large wall of water. Gathering enough mana and more water, I yell,

“Oceanus Impetum!”

Water from the shield I created earlier coupled with more quantities of water from the ocean crashed upon the trio of Bracken. They were pulverized by the extreme force and weight behind the attack. After spotting one of my Commanders, I came to him and discussed pressing matters.

“What is the status of our army Commander Arkeos?”

“Fortunately, no casualties sire. However, our soldiers are starting to tire from battle and don’t know how long they can last.”

“In some ways, I am not surprised by this report. We did not expect such sheer numbers of shadows to arrive. Commander Arkeos, order our soldiers to rest. There is no point in losing valuable lives because of their lack of energy. Resources are depleting faster than normal because of the amount of food and energy required to send our soldiers to the various battlefields. Let us gather more resources then start sending portions of our army that has been fully rested and ready to fight again. Please send this message to the other Commanders.”

“As you wish, sire.” Replied Commander Arkeos.

“I shall be departing for Granemor now. Take care, Arkeos.”

Chapter 4: The Final Push/ True definition of a Warmonger

Trudging down, tired and weary, I fight back the last of the Shadow Army’s forces. After learning the potential corruption for Lore, should the shadow gates continue to remain open in the area, the adventurers and guardians have set their sights on removing the last of the shadow creatures. Looking in the distance, I can see the powerful war spells of the mighty Elryn, the fabled Gear Portals of BlackAces, and the rapid sucession of Mystical Warrior’s revered “Flash Cut”.

A young guardian stood beside me. Panting, he said

“I don’t think I can ever be a Warmonger. I mean look at you guys. You have endured countless battles and defeated an immeasurable amount of monsters. Can I ever hope to amount to any of that?”

Turning to face him, I then said,

“A Warmonger is not defined by the amount of kills they get nor the glory and fame that accompanies them. It is the courage, passion, and unrelenting determination to fight for what you believe in. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, but yourself.”

Smiling, the young guardian then stood up and picked up his sword. Un-equipping my staff and unsheathing my blade, I said:

“So, young Warmonger, how about we show these shadow creatures why they shouldn’t mess with the likes of us.”

With big smiles on our faces, we both charged into battle, determined to lay waste to any creature that stood in our way.

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