RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (Full Version)

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Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/9/2012 14:12:31)

Looks like they added yet another laser sword to the suggestion shop.

blank452 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/9/2012 16:31:32)

Isn't that better then something that looks like a straight rip from AQW?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/9/2012 20:48:40)

...No. Not really. I'd rather have some sort of variety than six recolors of the same weapon with different handles.

Drakkoniss' Aura of Power is all we needed, yet we keep rehashing the same weapons. I see very few people using the new suggestion items.

Let's do some original stuff man ._. We have plenty of lightsabers.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/9/2012 22:03:56)

I found the Deck of Cards gun to be a neat addition, but other than that, everything else seemed somewhat lackluster, no offense to those who suggested.

I'm am slowly getting more frustrated with the fact that they are updating the Cinco De Mayo shop and the Suggestion shop, but no Avengers Movie Plex announced at all.

I thought that it would come back with some of the mentioned items, like Lt. Liberty armor. I mean i just assumed it wasn't tagged rare, because it was coming back, with the Avengers.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/9/2012 22:07:43)


I found the Deck of Cards gun to be a neat addition, but other than that, everything else seemed somewhat lackluster, no offense to those who suggested.


Cookielord12 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/10/2012 11:10:19)

Deck of Card was [:)][:)][:)]

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/10/2012 18:11:19)

Gotta a couple things to say...
1. I know that randomizer the red has red in the name, but it would be amazing if it was cc. Sorry Randor:( Red just ain't quite my style.
2. I've noticed that the enchanted stealth blades are separately activated. Is this new?
3. Prometheus comes out on my birthday!
4. It would be awesome if they added a different identities button. One click. Chuck Jones.
5. Don't know about you guys /sarcastic voice, but I want some more story update and quests.
I have spoken!

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/12/2012 19:55:52)


4. It would be awesome if they added a different identities button. One click. Chuck Jones.

It'd be awesome if I could save specific sets of equipped armor/weapons or sets of powers and just click a button to switch between them with ease.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/12/2012 20:47:48)

Anti: I'm pretty sure that such a thing would be difficult to code and would probably strain the servers somewhat.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/12/2012 22:38:25)

Still no Avengers shop. I don't even care for any other "Summer Blockbuster" shops they decide to do this year, because knowing thme, they'll do Battleship, Prometheus, and The Dark Knight Rises, but no Spiderman.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/13/2012 2:44:32)

@Shadow: To be honest our servers shouldn't lag, ever. Like ever ever. In a perfect world it'd be possible. Sadly though you're correct.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/17/2012 9:14:39)

Sweet items

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/20/2012 16:43:24)

Cinco de Mayo Shop is gone for another year.

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