RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (Full Version)

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Mortarion -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 18:22:04)

*the cheese covered gifts open, and a squid made of ink jumps at your face, you are now a phyrexian cheese* Congratulations, you are now an amalgamation of cheese and metal, welcome to the ranks of New Phyrexia :D
I'm a what now?
*the creature opens the metal covered gift to reveal a normal cheese, then tosses it at the phyrexian cheese* ENjoy it :P
yay cheese :D
Are you happy with being a phyrexian now?
I don't know what it is ._.
Would you mind to take this test and tell me here, or in PM, what colours you got? Or the description test? Thanks for your time *bows*
purple *totally not a lie* I lied! muahahahahaha!
Would you like phyrexian shackles?
I'm already comfortable with the purple shackles, thank you :)

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 18:33:03)

It did it again! o.o
:O how dares it!
Maybe I should stop blinking...
Well... I have this ducktape...
Fortunately for you, I have no questions to ask again except for this:
Yay! *partie- wait a sec...
Do you like wolves?
Yush *whispers* I like Thorn the most in DF :P
Okay, that's it. Bye, now.
Bye Gingkage! :)

Sir Arceon -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 19:08:05)

*falls out of sky* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-oof!
What do you know, its raining Drakonnax' ._.

*rubs head* Dangit, Draco! I'm starting to get sick of that!
That's a nasty bump you have there ._.

Huh? Oh, hi Robin.

Sorry about almost falling on you there, I was coming to see you and, well, Draco's been in a nasty mood lately.
What happened?

Well, I've been trying to save my DC's, and he's ticked that I haven't been using them to buy him that special food he likes.
ah I see :O

*changes Draco back to Toddler form and gives him a piece of Robin's cheese to keep him calm*
Ahwwwwwww, dragonpuppy! :D

Alright, now that that's taken care of, I've got some new questions for you.
new *gulp* questions?

... Crud, I can't think of any.
Woohoo! I mean.. ahhhw :(

Oh, well, have this. *hands special cheese all the way from Mount Beeflympus*
*Noms special cheese*

Believe me, it wasn't easy to get. Zeuster and his servants aren't that big on "milking."
Chickencow cheese is the best :D

See ya!

*transforms Draco back to Titan form and hops on*
ahwww puppy is gone D:

(As he flies off, Robin hears, "Alright, let's try that again. And if you throw me off again, you are SO grounded, mister!)*
*wonders how Drakonnax will do that* ._. ah well :P

Imaru -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 19:22:51)

*appears in a Pillar of Flames*
*eyebrows are burned off*
Hello Cheese Monger! :D
Hi pyromonger :D
No questions from me, just saying Way to Go and good luck!
Thanks :D
Oh yeah, before I go.... *hands you the Cheddarnomicon*
The cheddarnomicon... it's finally mine O.O
Later! *dissapears in another Pillar of Flames*
Bye! *eyelashes burned off*

1412. -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 19:24:58)

*Looks back at that dragon that had been injected with now being dead..*
I really shoulda thought that through..

I'm glad you didn't :D
Have you seen Twilly? He usually helps me out with these things. In fact, when I was just a Katana,
he even had to drag me around everywhere. I couldn't hop around like that NSoD, some blades get all the luck.

Haven't seen him *hides Twilly*
Hm...but I have developed something this time, something that will destroy cheeese! Something that...when everything fails, it doesn't...
Why would you destroy cheese? D:
You know what I'm talking about...
please not weasels ._.
Cheese hating Weasels! (That have been trained to throw bombs)
Now go my minion weasels! Kill the cheeese that I don't like! (I really don't eat cheese that much, I don't even eat that much pizza because I can taste the cheese.)
*The weasels end up exploding themselves*...
*is still in possition with sword drawn* I was ready ._.
Really, where is Twilly? He would've seen that coming ._.
*whistles innocently*
I'm going moglin hunting, but I will return!!!!! ...Soon...maybe...uh..I'll just be back...hopefully..
Bye then :3

golden1231 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 19:48:08)

Hiyas San! :D
Hi Golden! :D
Congrats and welcome to AKness!
I have only one question for you... *shifty eyes*
I should be scared now shouldn't I?
Why don't you have a golden edit color? You're...cheese! ;_;
Because Melissa gave me purple cheese and it turned me purple too :O
I repeat, all non-purples must rise against The Purple Mojo! D:<
*is a purpleperson*
Anyhow, good luck with your new duties! ;)
Thank you, I'll do My best :D

Riprose123 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 20:31:08)

How in the seven hells is this thing already on page 3?
I don't know ._. appearanly people like to : A. Ask questions or B. Torment me D:
I was here like, yesterday. ._.
ah I remember it like it was yesterday *dreams away*
How is you?
Me's good, you doing good too?
What was the last thing you ate?
Cheese :P *true story*
Arwe yoiu plagedd by teh tyops?
u id yhe tupos :D
That's all, gratz agan bro!
Thank again Rip :D

Second Silver TH -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 20:51:51)

*A massive pillar of darkness appears from nowhere, being almost instantly destroyed by a pillar made of light*
Hiya :3
Congratulations on the AKness!
Thanks :D
No questions,...
Woohoo! :D
*Gets a mysterious letter* I guess this letter is for ya,...
oooooh :O mysterious o.o
Insert something about a supreme adventure to recover the secrets of making super cheese (remove the white part when you edit)
I was on an adventure to recover the secrets of making super cheese, after fighting tons of monsters, disarming hundreds of trap and being chased by starving crazed weasels I finally arrived at the place they made it... it turned out it was so secret that they didn't even know it themselfs D:

Good luck,...
Thanks, I hope I don't need too much of it :O
*disappears into a pillar of Ice and Water*
Bye now ._.

Jorath -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 21:22:12)

Hey, and congratulations on your new AKship!
Hi Leon and Thanks :D
There's no way I'd miss this thread before it gets locked. [:'(]
Appearantly you didn't :P
I have two tiny boxes in front of me, and only one of them has parmesan cheese. Guess which one has it.
This one! *opens the box with the cheese in it* woohoo! :D
No further questions for now, good luck and enjoy your shackles!
Ok, I will (They make a nice ringing noise when I shake them :P )

Avi Auditore -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 22:02:49)

*Returns with a katana in his hands*
*looks at the katana, Hopes it isn't going to be used on him*
Wait, wasn't I in Japan training with 1412.?
Dunno ._. maybe? :P
Well since I'm already here I'd just say hi. So hi San
Hi Destinyknight :3
You really need some help on those shackles
I do?
Maybe I can help *turns shackles into cheese shackles*. There! Now you can nom right through them.
*noms shackles* They regenerate :O *noms more* This is heaven :D
I got another gift for you *reveals a shaking box with tiny roars*
Tiny roars? Is it a puppy? :D
Don't worry, 1412. didn't go near this box
That's a relieve, his plans tend to blow up :P
Since you love cheese and dogs, I got the best thing ever. A CHEESE LOVING DOG! Your gonna luv it!
woohoo! *is soulmates with the dog*
I'll do this just for you. Goodbye San Robin. And oh boy is this purple cheese allergy gonna bother me. *disappears in a column of purple cheese*
Bye! and thanks!

pitties -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 22:38:26)

*materializes in a huge burst of flames and singes your eyebrows*
Why always the eyebrows D:
Hehe... Hi!!
Hi =.=
I like cheese too!
yay :D Cheese :D
So anyways... *throws a fireball, burning the last cheese on Earth* *shifty eyes then whistles and walks away*
How will you survive without your cheese? MUAHAHAHA... Consider it a gift from Xan. [:D]
Silly Pitties that wasn't cheese, that was charcoal ._.
*The ground erupts in a huge volcano, swallowing him back to the depths of the Earth and singing your eyelashes*

Kinzdor -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/17/2012 23:18:55)

*There is a giant explosion and a armor covered man walks through the hole it made in the wall.*
Are you going to repair that? ._.
Hail Lord of Cheese!
Hail Kinzvlle!
Congrats on being a AK, longtime coming for you.
Thanks :D
What would you do if you could never eat cheese again?
Do everything to be able to eat it again!
Favrite book?
I have many favorite books, the blood sun comes, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl , Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, The Ranger's apprentice
Well gotta go but here take this, *hands San a machine gun that is made of and fires cheese*
Thanks :D Must. resist. Nomming :P

Lady Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/18/2012 15:46:10)

*sneaks back in and looks around*
Did I hear something? ._.
*JUMPS* You scared the cheese out of m- Wait did you say cheese? :D
*drops a crate of cheddar and flees*

WOOHOO! Thank you SantaLady :D

Alanna Zelen -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/20/2012 6:36:47)

*appears* Hmm... what summoned me... *looks around*
Who leaves cheese in cuffs? *takes out dagger for a slice*
My cheese sense is tingling :O

Oh wait, sorry San. Congrats! *hands back limb, reattaches*
Thanks for giving it back :D
Had any fun yet?
I've been chased by starving crazed weasels, chained, been tried to murdered and blown up... yup I had fun :D
... Can I haz cheese? Those cuffs look tasty and I'm very hungry... you'd better give an offering to Raven too.
Sure *hands Alanna and Raven some cheese*
Want some tea? I was about to relax before I appeared here...
Yes please :)
Why must you be purple? :0 Assuming you didn't realise, you should have posted in blue :)
I'm already purple :) (Can't be blue... purple will kill me *shifty eyes*)
*pouts* I really am bad with interrogations now... ah well, see you later?
You're not bad with interrogations :O I'm sure I'll see you around :)
*waves, poofs*
*waves back* Why do they always disappear ._.

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/21/2012 17:57:19)

I almost missed this! How could I do such a thing?
So close >.> JK ;)
Anyway... Hey San, congratulations and welcome to the ArchKnights!
Hiya, Laos and thanks :D
As always, I'm not here to ask questions or anything, instead just to drop by and give you my condolences congratulations. So with that being said, I wish you luck in your new duties!
The striked through word once again is hiding something from me =.= thanks :D I'll need luck (a bit)
Have fun and see you around. :)
See you :)
~San Robin

100Rob123 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/22/2012 17:44:38)

San Robin is AK now? Congrats![:D]
Yup, Thanks :D
So, how is AKship up to right now?
Pretty good if you don't count the assassination attempts :P
Now I'm going to ask you a cheese-ful of random questions.
Cheese? bring it on :D
What's your favorite color?
Do you play WarpForce?
I played it and... well I forgot about it :3
Is the cake a lie?
Would you believe me if I say it isn't?
What was the first DF war you participated in?
good one... I think it was the first war against lord Frydae.
Does your avatar imply you like imps?
No, I like only that imp since it likes cheese :D
That's it for now. I should probably get started on my homework...
lol, Good luck with your homework :)

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/22/2012 18:02:37)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadow.*
oooooh o.o
*Snaps fingers.*
Musac :D
To bring sanity to the mad, to bring darkness to the light.
Ewwwww sanity D: *cough*light rules*cough*
Greetings, San Robin.
Greetings Dwelling Dragonlord!
Does thou know I know about your legacy?
Yes I do know about that.
Does thou know about my legacy?
I don't think I do ._.
What would thou do if thou walked up to a Sneevil?
I would punt its green butt :3
How much would thou give for a cube of cheese?
*holds up sneevil* this :D
Farewell San Robin and congratulations on your ArchKnighthood.
Goodbye, and thanks :D
*The figure bows as it succumbs into the shadows.*
*Mumbles something about disappearing acts*

Dantae darkflare -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/22/2012 18:26:38)

*Portal opens and someone with an ominous briefcase walks out*
That person sure looks omnious ._.
So we meet again San!
Yes we do Dantae! :3
It's been a long time since we last talked to each other....... I think it was during one of the wars......You remember which?
It could be any war ._. But I think it was the lucky week war (Could be very wrong though)
But i digress, so I've been hearing alot about you.......... seems to involve alot of cheddar for some reason.
hmmmm Cheddar *Gazes in the distance*
Want some of my specially made cheese? here take a two barrels.
oooooh :D Thanks!
note that i like my cheese spicy so it's filled with an assortment of peppers and volcanic flowers.........and infused with some hellfire.
My mouth is on fire D: soooooo gooood :D
Ssooooo........ how dem shackles be treating ya?
A bit tight but I'll live :3
So you're an AK now huh? man does time fly by fast.....
Indeed it does, I still remember I made my first character in 2006 ._.
oh *looks at watch* seems I'm out of time, Well I gotta go, I have certain trades to finalize and people that will torch me if I'm late.
That sounds painfull ._.
Oh and I'll be back, I just need to deal with certain Dark souls in proximity for now *brandishes longsword* Arrivederci! *disappears in a peculiar explosion* *cheese starts to rain from the sky*
There was a dark soul here just now you just missed it :P Bye! Explosio- CHEEESE :D *is singing in the rain*

zachmac -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/22/2012 19:32:16)

*A large skull appears, and I come out in Necromancer armor*
Welcome back Zachmar :)
So, we meat again, San Robin.
I'm cheese not meat :O
I can tell from our last encounter that you won't give up your purpleness so I'll have to do it by force!
Try your best =.=
*Reserects the cheese hating weasles*
Oh.... poop... ._.
Consider that your punishment. >:D
Noes D:
*Fades away, laughing like a maniac*
*readies sword* Note to self : Zachmac wants you gone ._.
*Just afterwards, a silver and golden blur passes by, and all the undead weasles are gone. You then see Artix running off in the direction of Amityvale.*
*waves at Artix, thanks for passing by Artix :)

Elryn -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/26/2012 13:47:56)

*Elryn peeks*
*Elryn grins*
*Elryn bearhugs*
Zeuster! *is bearhugged* Can't.Breathe X.X
Hello again, would care for some tea and questions?
Yes please :D
*hands some tea and shortbread cookies*
Thank you kindly, good sir :D
This thread is going by quite quickly. Who would have thought?
Not me, you maybe?
*Elryn whistles*
So you... xD
Excited for the AQ3D's alpha test?
Yes I am :D
What will you do there (other than walking and jumping of course)?
Making people eat more cheese Testing the game and reporting bugs I may find :)
Excited for AQ3D wars?
What do you expect out of the wars? The game in general?
I expect the wars and the game to be a team effort :)
See you around *waves*.

Bye *waves back*

Postmaster General -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/26/2012 15:09:36)

Thanks :D
No questions, just good luck tidings!
Thanks again :D (you good luck too with your new AK job :) )

kim346 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/27/2012 0:34:23)

*Walks into Serenity's Inn*
*sees Kim walk in*
I see that you have a NPC now! :D
Yush :D
What do you think about it?
It's awesome! The staff did an excellent job making it :D
If you could, would you ask mug Serenity for cheese?
I would ask, I'm a good guy so I don't mug innocents :P
If you had a new DF character, what would you buy first, a DA, or DC's?
DA so many benefits :D
Well, that's the end.
ok :)
(Ask Cysero for some purple cheese :3 I want to see what happens)
*Asks Cysero for purple cheese* I got a lot of it :D
*Turns into dust, while leaving even more cheese*

Roblos -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/27/2012 1:17:14)

*Cheese signal appears*
To the cheese mobile!
*nananananananananananananana* Roblos! ROBLOS! With San Robin! (yep, pure ego working here)
*POW!'s Roblos* It's SAN Robin D:<
Hello my companion in crime heroic goodness, ready for some questions?
Sure Roblos
1- So San Robin, from where did you get the ingredients?
Lots and lots of adventuring and beating villains :P
2- Did you ever attempt to make a cheese by yourself?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe *shifty eyes*
3- If you did, what type? If not, would try it out!
Gouda :P
4- What would happen if Gorgonzilla invaded Falconreach?
I'd solo him without my titandragon (If you know what I mean ;P)
5- If you were to encounter an evildoer, how will you punish him?
I'd "POW!" "BAM!" and "ker-BASH!" him :D
7- Where did question 6 go? 8O
They disapoofed :O
8- What else could I ask?
Don't know :O
9- Cat or dog? The well-being of this cheese depends on the correct answer of this question!
*Cats obviously, they protect the cheese from pesky mouses and protect us from monstrous pigeons and evil bugs!*
My dog, it eats everything except if I tell her not to eat it :P
10- So, why cheese? *starts running*
*sigh* again? Like I told a 100 times... Cheese of all fruits is the most nutrious!:D
Look Feta Cheese!!
*noms the feta*
Gratz on Ak-ship!!
Thanks :D
*Disappears in a smoke bomb with Roquefort fragrance*
Wonderful smell :D
Side-note: don't leave EVER again the crafting of the smoke bombs to San Robin.
It's SAN Robin D:<

Gengkiskan -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/27/2012 2:41:31)

Congratulations on the new AK position, Mr. Sans Robin!
Thank you :)
You've help me quite a few times too, and you do a very good job in the encyclopedia item, I think you totally deserve the position.
Glad to help :)
And the first time I saw your NPC in the Falconreach Inn yesterday, I was totally shocked! Super awesome epicness!
I was shocked too, they got my personality quite well :P
So are you a cheese guy or a mouse? Or a cheese mouse?
Cheese guy [8D]
Nothing more, I just wishes you luck on your work. [:D] Congratz again!

Thanks again :D

Hopeful Guy -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/29/2012 12:18:41)

I give you ten seconds before you get so hopeful that your eyes cheeses get messed up. 10...9...8...7...6...5
...4...3...2...1! !eseehc ruoy pu dessem I
:D seooooooooooooooN
!azzip yseehc em evig uoy fi og uoy tel ll'I
*azzip eseehc emos sdnah*
Congrats on being an ArchCheese!
Thank you :D
What type of cheese do you prefer?
Gouda :D
Well I've run out of cheesy things to say, so I leave you with this: CHEESE!

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