RyuMonkAE -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Other (5/3/2013 10:20:11)
This morning I woke up with a really cool idea, and if fans have AQW how to drink juices or soft drinks in a glass of 14.5cm and choose your side where they fought and showed their loyalty? then he could toast all the achievements of the Legion undead or feel the taste of victory with Archfields Archfiend? below this the "prototype" of 2 glasses IMAGE Please use link tags instead of image tags. Post modified accordingly. [Niki] It's time to show all your allegiance to @Nulgath Archfiend, become an executive staff archfiend !!! SUGGESTION HERE/IMAGE Please don't use signature in this board, and there is no need to post in size 3 fonts. [Niki] In the future, please don't double post, Use the edit function if no one else has participated at that time, thanks~Dnw