=HS= Webcomic! (Page 54) (Full Version)

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mturf -> =HS= Webcomic! (Page 54) (5/17/2012 17:48:36)

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 54) (5/17/2012 21:22:20)

The Daleks shall have VENGEANCE!!!!!!!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 54) (5/18/2012 8:20:38)

I love that Arcadia's position doesn't change between having no umbrella, then having one. Magically appearing items FTW!!

Oh, and the way the rain is drawn is very cool. the way it starts light then transitions into heavy, as well as the way it collects and runs off the characters is superb. Bravo!

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 54) (5/20/2012 10:34:51)

i'm glad the rain meets with approval. i tried a few different styles. some looked too cartoony whilst others looked like they could only fall in sin city ^-^

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