Dream Ray mk13 (Full Version)

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Koree -> Dream Ray mk13 (5/22/2012 4:34:05)

Dream Ray mk13

«Light gun with a Darkness Special.»

Also see other Dream Ray guns ( mk14, mk15, mk16).

Level: 55
Power Level: 55
Price: 1,115
Sellback: 557
Location: FINception!

Type: Ranged
Element: Light
Damage: 13-23
BTH: 7

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Light
Damage: [As Armor]*645/525 Base, Random and Stats
BTH: [As Armor] plus Stats
Rate: 80%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 358% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 231.5% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +23 each
Rate: 20%

Dr. Rem built this prototype raygun using the principles he learned from reverse-engineering the Dream Machine! It turns your dreams... or sometimes your nightmares... into an energy blast!


Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Write-up thanks in part to ArchMagus Orodalf.

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