=HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (Full Version)

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mturf -> =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/25/2012 16:30:09)

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/25/2012 17:06:50)

Ok, major awesomeness aside, I just got one question for ya...

Where is the mask?

I know it wasn't an oversight. You know you didn't put it in there, so I'll ask once more...

Where. Is. The. Mask?!

Oh, and magically appearing peg FTW!!!! XD

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Starflame13 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/25/2012 17:31:56)

So... if the bots think flower-girl is a target, is she now a villian or a hero?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/25/2012 20:43:42)

The mask is part of her face/body, now, just as it became for the machine. She is currently a villain, because the mask is a device that creates/manipulates and stimulates the villainous side of the light spectrum, and was most likely formed as a result of the machine feeling emotions that contradicted its design and functions, thus allowing him to be able to act more violent and unleash his hidden potential of his powers. Due to the fact that it *stimulates* the radiation that signifies Smashers and seems to allow their limited reality manipulation that is required for their powers, it increases the wearer's power level. Obviously. lol

Yes, I understand things. I know them, too, and have read a bit in the character bios. Most people probably didn't understand the implications compared to the story.

Oh, and the fact that it molds to the body of the host is probably because the nanites I beleive he uses to manipulate the effects of this radiation (he's a machine, and it helps) were designed to be able to take any form of his choosing. The real question is how the heck something created that way would have the coding and functions necessary to take control of a biological host so easily... I can understand it on the machine because his "body" would have interacted and communicated wirelessly, most likely, but on a biological humanoid... I think it probably actually functions by interaction with the field of radiation surrounding the Smasher, now that I think of it. Because of the fact that said machine is supposed to be a living embodiment of the hero side of it, I suppose it would make sense that it would be able to do that even without digital/radio communication. This could also potentially explain the lack of presumed coding required, unless his systems coded it during the fight, before it fully took hold of him, or if that function was already coded into his system... If so, I blame the government.

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/26/2012 4:13:04)



That didn't happen to the first guy(?)...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/26/2012 4:14:42)

Blank: Drak rants and usually doesn't make sense. If I skimmed his post correctly then the mask just likes this host more and gave it more power.

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/26/2012 4:36:07)

I know, I was merely playing the Pinky to Drak's Brain.

I still want to know how the mask can talk and make conscious decisions.

It left the first guy just before Beta's Getsuga Tensho KO'ed him, saying "weak", and in the same text style as Rosey(?) is currently speaking in.
Ya know, I don't think she's ever been given a proper name yet. Arcadia only mentions Rosey at the bottom of page 5, and that seems more like a nickname to me.


Oh. OHHHH! I see what you're doing mturf...

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/26/2012 4:45:32)

He makes perfect sense in his ramblings. It's just he rambles on about it too much, to the point it seems like a lecture when you just want to have some fun.

Anyway, if anyone is having issue with understanding this, I would recomend rereading the entire comic like I just did. Doing so may solve many issues you have with the sense and it will make more of it.

I think the main issue here, if I may be so bold to say so Mturf, is that each page takes way to long to make, and thus when it does come out people have forgotten the earlier stuff. The time it's taken to get from page one to 55 is obscense, about a year I think, and we are still on comic one. Now, I know you can't rush art, but it's kinda rediculus. I REALLY enjoy these as does everyone who reads them on the forums, but I think it needs to be thought about some more. A few points i feel it needs:

1: Some more publicity. I know I have said it before, but a contest to get a character in the book would be good as it would draw publicity to the comic as well as give you some more ideas.
2: A second artist or something to get this done quicker. I mean, you can probably find one on the forum art section or something.
3: Maybe as well as showing them here you could sell the comics on Heromart with some concept drawings or something? People would buy them then, and thus would generate interest.

Sorry for such heavy crtisism. i really do enjoy these and they keep me coming back here, and I am interested to see those different styles you said you would try and draw as comic experiments. But it needs some rethinking.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/26/2012 10:18:42)

In my oppinion, it probably doesn't actually have a preference for either host, but it was impossible for it to sustain a bond with Betabot due to the ammount of damage it was being dealt at the time. In contrast, the girl has had very little damage dealt to her, and her long range fighting style leaves it probably much more difficult for her to have it removed than it was for him to lose it.

I agree with you that it has taken far too much time... I actually can remember the majority of what's happened so far, but it is still quite noticeable and semi-annoying to me, especially considering my experience with the wait that accompanies web comic releases. <.< (still can't get over it)

I just hope the girl's career isn't completely ruined by what she's doing now. Things like that can bring a whole new level of hatred and misunderstanding into one's life, especially considering she'd had so little experience. :/

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/29/2012 13:47:14)

big thanks for the replies guys. reading this thread has given me a much needed smile, it's been a helluva few days. i hope to have Arcadia address some of that in the comic, if he behaves.
i agree that the story pace has been a little slower than i had hoped. my model had been based on a few different webcomics, and while i seem to be matching it in some ways, i think perhaps my somewhat novice style when it comes to panels and storytelling may be a little slower than those folks. i attempted getting more than a page or two to the pass per week, but with my current methods the result was sub par, so much so i didn't want to share it and i ended up going back and finishing them properly taking more time than i normally do :P
when i'm done with this issue i'm definitely going to give a go with a different less labor intensive style, and some shorter comics.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/29/2012 17:52:42)

Good to see that you're an author that appreciates constructive criticism and analysis of your works. ;)

Looking foreward to seeing what more you shall bring us in this cooky little wall-breaking exravaganza of yours.

Also, glad to be of some use in your endeavors, as well. I seem to have forgotten to mention that.

kodix101 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic! (Page 55) (5/29/2012 20:40:30)

This page was interesting. Lets see what Moi is really made of now.

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