The Dizzy Wars (Full Version)

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dogsrule100 -> The Dizzy Wars (5/27/2012 13:26:46)

p.m. me if you have any questions about me or my story. This is a story in a futuristic, alien, post apocalyptic world that is inhabited by zombie like creatures after a series of "dizzy bombs"
the main characters names are Owen, and Jordan. and it is a love story. I will work on it whenever I have time.

Comment and Criticism Thread is located here

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (5/27/2012 13:43:53)

The first dizzy bomb hit the capitol(which we will call Norlok for now.) . Many more were to come the country was in a fearful craze of riots, and the whole country reeked of desperation.
Dizzy Bombs- A Weapon made for Bio-warfare ....but its not meant to burn buildings or destroy homes. The Dizzy Bomb affects people, the first sign of being infected by the bomb is nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Next you have panic attack like symptoms.
But the 3rd is the worst it either kills you, or (the stronger,healthier people) will go cannibalistic, and have a sudden urge to kill, to feel death seep into a persons body, and screams will suddenly become irresistibly melodic. The bomb releases a virus that makes your brain stop producing serotonin, then you go insane. It is a version of toxoplasmosa that scientists changed, To affect Humans not rats. It also makes you the attacker not the attacked.

Now I will give you some info on Owen and Jordan:

Owen:Male, 24, love interest of Jordan, Mom, Dad, and Brother. Homosexual
Jordan:Male, 23, love interest of Owen, Orphaned at 2 years old. Bisexual

go to the discussion if you have any questions.
"The Dizzy Wars" Discussion
plus there may be extra info on the story there.

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (5/28/2012 12:39:42)

Chapter 1: The first bomb

The house rattled, and awoke my family, and I. We gathered in the living room and we turned on the t.v. Channel 92 news was covering the story. I held my 6 year old brother as he fearfully sobbed as the news became clear. Argia was hit, the home of our grandparents. they probably died, because they were getting older almost 2 centurys! The bomb most likely destroyed the frail skeleton inside of their wrinkled body. We were only 540 miles away, only a short 45 min. drive away! We lived in Norlock(the equivalent to America's New York).
We heard sirens going off we needed to reach the compound, because chances were that we would be hit next. We all joined into the hyper-car and got inside. I looked into the sky one last time, saw a red shooting star...wait! I ran into the compound screaming "ITS A FREAKING DIZZY BOMB! I CAN SEE A FREAKING DIZZY BOMB IN THE SKY!" Everyone either was crying or screaming. "Jordan were are you!?" everything started to spin... the man I loved...He wasn't safe! I ran and found him running here! The bomb was getting closer.

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (5/28/2012 14:07:47)

Chapter 2:Remain

The lights went out. The compound shook. people were screaming, and some were crying.
Some were crying because their loved ones didnt make it. some out of fear. In the end it was impossible to tell why, though. I was silent, tears running out of my eyes. my head resting on Jordan's lap. I could hear people outside screaming, and pounding on the compounds door. It was too late for them, they would die tonight (they don't know what else a dizzy bomb can do yet). A voice came through the speakers. We had all been assigned a room. I was 7C, Jordan was 6C. We went down the elevator. When it stopped at the 6th floor I held onto jordan's arm and whispered into his ear "Come and stay with me...please" I looked into his Jade green eyes, and he stared into my eyes. "You know we would be breaking the rules right?" "Why are the rules there?" He replied "So there aren't compound babys" "Yep, But boys cant make babies with other boys." He was the first one to smile today. "O.k. I will come..."

The next morning we put our clothes on...and just laid with each other for awhile... funny how
being with some one you love can make the worst situations better.

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (5/28/2012 17:55:32)

Chapter 3:Life in the compound.

Its the third week living in the compound. All the radiation is being cleaned out(not by people but by a auto-matri which is supposed to seek out and destroy radiation and radio-active materials, so body's will be there when they get out). They say week 5 we can leave...The news has reported 12 other dizzy bombs all hitting major city's. So far life has been very repetitive. Every morning at 9:30 a.m. we wake up. 20 minutes later we all enter the cafe and have oatmeal, or cereal, a banana or apple, and a glass of orange juice, water, or milk. Then 30 mins. later we have social time for 15-30 min(30 on weekends 15 during the rest of the week). Then we go into our rooms and shower. at 12:00 we eat lunch, which is always water a sandwich and a mini cookie(like an Oreo) at 1:00 we exercise. At 2:00 We are sent to a job post. At 6:00 we can read a compound made magazine or book. 6:30 is dinner time and at 7:00-8:00 we watch t.v. . At 8:30 we watch news. Then 9:00 we go to sleep. Living underground is horrible. Everything we do is pre-decided. Its like all of our free will was took all we have left is what elevator to use...oh wait never mind we all have assigned elevators. I cant wait to leave, and be act like a human not a robot again.

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (5/29/2012 23:10:09)

Chapter 4:Week 5

5 Weeks of absolute torture....5 weeks being told what to eat, how much to eat, and how to eat. 5 Weeks of being told what elevator to use, what staircase to use, and what hall to walk through. Its over though...I can go home and eat food I like, how much I want, and I can eat the eat the way I want to. There are about 80 different family's here, and only 2 vans. They are moving us 10 family's at a time, 5 per van. We are family #32 and we are going to have to wait for about 2.5 hours. Its going to feel like forever.

We hear number 32 over the speakers... our turn finally, I feel bad for #80.

My and my family climb into or van and sit on the bench. My heart races with anticipation, and excitement. I say "Hi" to the Others in the van. Most of them Ignore me, and a few smile. We were the last out. I opened up The van doors, and I Abhorrent, Repulsive, and Disgusting smell erupted into my face.

I looked down and saw something that made me want to... Scream? Cry? Puke?
I saw a Rotting body. I knew It's name was Alice. It was my Friend. I allowed a single tear to roll down my cheek. I stared into the un-blinking, cold, Decayed shell that was once a person. My mom pulled my inside. Before was all the way in I took one last glimpse. I saw its fingers, that was purely my imagination. Right? Of course dead bodys cant move. I turned and sat on the couch. I had no idea what to do next. I just sat, and hoped that things would get better. Is it worth it though? Life seems pointless, unfair, and evil. Can I go on?

dogsrule100 -> RE: The Dizzy Wars (6/7/2012 14:59:09)


Later that night thinking about suicide, death, I heard a muffled cry for help. The evil in me ignored them, hoping that they would be killed. I have changed. I started to cry into my pillow. Things have changed along with me. All I want is for things to be the same. But that can't happen. I felt sick. I felt angry as well. Not sure why, or at what. Just angry. Tears rolling down my cheeks, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was cold. I put on a big T-shirt and some shorts. I walked into the kitchen and Made myself some cereal then sat at the table. Knifes in the kitchen. After I ate, I went into my room, got out a notebook and pen and started drawing. First I drew a Wolf, named Burst, Tearing A pack leader apart. Then a girl, named Alecmaples, killing a guy named Acedragon. My art was getting real dark. Then I drew Justin Bebir singing!!!! Ah! Jordan came over. We talked about everything. He told me that the body near my house was gone and that a guy that lived next to me was missing. Things were getting weird.

Everything was about to get weirder.

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