The Ulterior Perspective (Full Version)

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Clyde -> The Ulterior Perspective (6/1/2012 0:46:47)

The Ulterior Perspective
Comments Thread

It was like drowning while on land. There were other ways to describe being dragged by rope through the cold mud while face-down to you, but this felt more accurate. Much more real. The horses were as kind as the occasional rock I would hit; sharp, and uncaring. These cuts and bruises were only temporary, like I am. I would scream and grunt in pain, but the horsemen paid me no mind. Either they were ignoring me or couldn't hear past the steps of the horses. Occasionally, we would stop so they could make sure that I was still alive. They laughed every time and called me names.

The sun crept through the cracks of the stone wall in small beams that landed perfectly in my face. When I woke up, I noticed that I was in a jail cell. Must've passed out from all the pain. Soon as I tried to stretch, I felt the shackles around my wrists tighten. The shackles almost disappeared from my mind completely once I got a good smell of the place. I wish I could describe it, but just the thought alone makes me sick to my stomach. The floor I was sleeping on was a cold bed of rocks and bone. Next to me was a mysterious puddle. It smelt like urine, but it was red. These were the infamous dungeons of Naris, where only the truly wicked are sent.

Naris? Of all the people this could happen to, why me? I was just a happily married farmer who lived in the quiet East. Just me, my beautiful wife, and the three amazing children she gave me. Two sons and one daughter. There's Label, the oldest, tall, and the bravest. Ivan, smart and clever, like his father. Eva is the youngest, she has so much potential. We had a sheep farm. Nothing exciting about my life. Well, sometimes there were thieves and wolves, but other than that? Nothing. But I might as well be talking to a specter, right?

It was just one of those average days. The sun was shining. Birds were chirping peacefully. It all sounds like a real delight, right? I was tending the sheep I saw a group of strange figures out in the distance. Once they got closer, I saw that they were soldiers on horses. The number of them surprised me: however, like they were here to fight a small rebellion. I told my children to stop playing and go into the house with my wife.

The battalion arrived shortly after. They were close enough for me to see the cracks and dents in their armor, but were also smart enough to keep a safe distance. The first to approach me was their commander, of course. He had some carrier boy bring a satchel and hand him a scroll. I felt my face scowl when he coughed to clear his throat. He spoke words, English words, but it all seemed to blur into nonsense when they sunk in. My fist clenched. Eventually, he finished and gave the scroll back to the boy. In my frustration, all I could mutter was “Wh-at?” The commander smirked at my response, this was his favorite part of the job. Bringing in the bad guys.

“You and your family will be tried tomorrow.” Tried? Even children just out of the womb know that once you're suspected of anything, you are guilty. Those people were only there to represent some idea of hope. A glimmer before the guillotine separated the spirit from your flesh.

“We're just farmers. We'd never! We have no reason to!” I tried my hardest to stay calm. Was I shaking? I couldn't tell.

“We are not the ones you should be pleading to...traitor,” the commander said with that same smirk. This guy had the obvious advantage and he just wanted me to do something stupid. That way, he could just kill me and my family right where we stood. I had to control myself. Nothing I could say would even matter, but I had to try something.

“Listen, just take me. I am the one who betrayed the King. They had no part in this.” He looked at me, then at my children who waited at the window. They were watching everything, terrified and at the same time unsure of what was happening. The commander looked back at me. I could see it in his eyes, he was also a father. Maybe he could see it in my eyes too. The desperation and fear.

“Fine,” he exhaled after taking a deep breath.

“Thank you,” I said softly. “Just let me say goodbye.” The commander simply nodded. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as I started walking towards my family. Then it felt like a giant weight had connected to the back of my skull. I fell against the ground easily and started losing consciousness. All I heard was my wife screaming and my children joining her. All I saw was rope being tied around my wrists. Those liars...

That's how I ended up where I am, in this horrible place, anxiously waiting for my execution. Hopefully my family is all right. Just as I was about to get comfortable, the guards arrived for me. The sound of the lock opening had an almost ironic feeling to it. Well, they do say that death is freedom, right? They dragged me to my feet and pushed me along. We went down so many hallways and corridors and up so many stairs. Eventually we made it to the King's Hall, where my fate awaits.

It was almost like heaven, even though I've never been there personally. The room bled gold and blue as flags and banners hung proudly from the walls. Blue and yellow flowers were everywhere. Everyone was dressed in their finest and eager for business. It was kind of strange really. How could we make death seem so pretty and casual, so grandiose and pretentious?

I was pushed to my spot, which they set up so nicely. A ring of rose petals laid dead center of the room. The people roared and hollered like this was some sort of Colosseum arena event. Even though they looked and acted like animals, who was I to talk? The King made his entrance. This made the crowd even crazier. His loyal guard kicked the back of knees and made me land on all fours. I was not deemed worthy enough in his presence to even look at him. If anything, you thought he was God himself.

The King had silenced them with the boom of his voice. Tall, stark, and absolute. Even though he would be the one sending me to my death, I found myself both admiring and fearing the man. When he stared at me with those cold eyes, I could feel the reaper's hands around my neck. “Bartholomew Drake the Third, you have been convicted of a very heinous crime. You are being charged for the murders of King Aldus of Kailmore in the North, Queen Dia of Valben in the West.” His voice started to strain and his tone got harsher as he went down the list of names, “Prince Jason, Princess Alianna, Dukes, Duchesses...”

“Hold on!” I interrupted him, he didn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon. “You must have me confused with someone else?”

“We know exactly who you are, Drake the Destroyer,” The King replied stoutly. I felt my heart stop suddenly. They must have gotten the wrong person, right? You know I'm a good and trustworthy man, right? This can't be right...

“Or is it Tholomew the Thirsty? The King Slayer? You have many names. All of them properly earned for murdering so many noblemen. You and your men have committed genocide.” The King kept going, but I was drowning his voice out as well. I could see his face though. He felt disgusted at the sight of me, this unholy creature. I murdered his family, he had every right to hate me.

I guess this is the part where I should come clean. All that stuff from earlier is a complete lie. I was never a farmer. I mean, come on! Sheep? Who would even want to do that when life is so short? And my children? Label, Ivan, and Eva? “L”, “I”, “E”. A LIE! Get it? You must be angry now! But that's alright, you will get over it eventually.

Though there is some truth, I had a family, and they were slaughtered by this King for no reason at all. Oh yeah, he's real too. He was the one who sent out the order to kill me and my family because I had refused to betray my king, Aldus, by giving away our secrets. King Aldus... I told him that this would happen, but he told me that there weren't enough knights to protect my family. That trip just to see him, PERSONALLY, and BEG for his help took four long days and five harsh nights.

It was on the fifth night, that I had finally returned from that wasted journey. Only to return to see my home had been burned to the ground. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I had no idea why. It wasn't like I could turn back time itself. I just wanted confirmation. My heart was telling me to turn away and never look back, but I needed to know for myself. It was then, I saw all three of their bodies in the charcoal rubble. Their muscle was still in tact, so I even had the pleasure to see their horrid reactions to being suffocated and burned alive. My father told me that men should never cry, but this was one lesson I could not obey.

After I buried my family, I decided that this act will not go unpunished. I spent years traveling, learning, and gathering others who have felt the indifferent blade of these selfish nobles. At first, we struggled, eventually we got better. Now? You cannot walk into a tavern without hearing people whispering about the crimes we have done. Some say I am driven mad with revenge, I can humbly agree with them. A mad man, who will not be happy until those crown-wearing crooks have felt the same pain I have.

If you've finished reading this note, then I have already assassinated King Julian of Naris. This was not the first and this will not be the last.

Warmest wishes,
The King Slayer.

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