superjars -> OFFICIAL RULES - Art Request Shops (6/5/2012 18:27:30)
Art Request Shops - Official Rules All Universal Forum Rules relating to posting behavior apply! These should be the first thing you read when you join the forums. They apply everywhere; this means that any behavior prohibited by the Universal Rules is prohibited in this forum. This means no flaming, no trolling, no spamming including your signature and emoticons. Shops This forum is for art shops, which are groups formed to make signatures or art for other people. You can only be a part of one shop at a time. All shops should be registered in <thread link>. Shops must be locked at ten pages and you can request a lock in <thread link>. If you have a shop, make sure you denote what media you make - [Flash], [Sigs], [Avys], or whatever else - this will allow people to quickly find out if your shop is what they are looking for. Content Guidelines You may include specified images directly in to your thread using [image][/image] tags. The Banner image may not exceed 500 x 500 pixels and 75kb. Three example images must not exceed Siggy's 500 x 100 and 50kb or less and/or Avy's 95 X 95 and 10kb or less (Sig or Avy Examples Only - 3 Images Total PER Artist) Image Size Requirements Please do not use image tags for any images that are above 800 x 600 pixels. Link to the images instead of using image tags. It is preferable to post the link to finished images than use image tags. Art Request Procedures Post your requests in one of the shops, if at all possible. Requests can be made outside of them, but we prefer that you utilize the ones that already exist. If you can't find a shop that contains what you are looking for, you are welcome to post a new thread. No Commentary or Bumping This is an art request board, not a discussion board. Please limit your posts to either requesting art or posting finished requests for it only. If you made an individual thread and your request is fulfilled, please edit the title to [Filled] or [Completed] so that we know to lock it. Along the same vein, bumping posts are not allowed. Ripping "Ripping" for these purposes shall be defined as the use of another's art without permission. The consequences will be severe for anyone found ripping someone else’s art. If you think that your art, or someone else's, has been ripped, please PM Master Samak; do not post about it. Rip cases are private, between the accuser, the alleged ripper, and the original creator of the artwork in question. Any post on the forum accusing someone of ripping will be seen as flaming and be treated as such. Please include as much information as possible in the PM so it can be taken care of quickly. If the person under question for ripping is found out not to have ripped, the case will be dropped without repercussion. Product Rules If you are making signatures, please make sure that you follow the signature rules. If you are making avatars, please make them no larger than 95x95 and 10kb in file size. Keep Content Appropriate Art is an expressive endeavor that all are encouraged to engage in. However, the content of that art is subject to the forum's rules regarding decency. Do not post any content of a sexually explicit nature, nor any content that is racially, religiously or otherwise offensive or profane. If you're not sure if your art is suitable to be posted, feel free to PM any of The Gallery Archknights.