Scakk -> RE: =AQW= Guilds Forum Rules (6/12/2012 17:22:54)
Your Recruitment Thread Requirement Guidelines - Your Recruitment thread must be posted by the Group Leader.
- The title of your thread should be only your Group name. No symbols allowed.
- You must include at the least a short description of your Group, whether you are currently accepting new members, and if so, how to join. Posting threads purely as placeholders to lay claim to a group name is not allowed.
Content Guidelines - You may post up to 4 size specified images directly in to your thread using [image][/image] tags.
- One individual image must not exceed 500 x 500 pixels and 75kb ( group banner )
- Three individual images must not exceed 200 x 200 and 30kb
- Do not stretch the page, use font size over size 3, bright hard to read colors or other versions of posting that can be seen as spam.
- You can have an off-site forum but do not have to be solely used for group discussions as your group thread can be used for this. (see below for clan councils)
- You are welcome to link to external content or private forums from your Recruitment thread, but the content of those external links must be appropriate for a family-friendly audience.
Clan Councils Clan Council Definition: Made up of 2 or more clans/guilds who share a common goal and agree on a specific set of rules established by all parties involved. Clan Council Restrictions: - A clan may not be a part of more than 1 clan councils.
- Clan Councils do NOT get their own recruitment thread.
- Clan Councils abbreviations or symbols do NOT belong in your Clan Recruitment Thread Subject/Title.
- Just like clans, you may not copy an already established clan council name as your own.
- Clan Council discussions belong in a private-forum.
Clan Council Advertising: - You may add a section in your Clan's Recruitment thread on how to join the clan council you belong to.
- You may invite clans to join your clan council via PM. This is similar to asking another clan to ally with you.
- Do NOT spam PM advertisements to join your clan council.
- You may NOT advertise your clan council in your Signature.
Clan Councils F.A.Q.: Who can make a Clan Council? - Either a Clan Leader or Clan Member may create a Clan Council. (Although in most cases it is more likely to be a Clan Leader or someone appointed such as a Clan Diplomat).
Can rules be copied and slightly modified for my new clan council? - Rules will be very similar in most cases. It is encouraged that you create your own set of rules & guidelines. Reports of "stealing rules" should not be brought up to AE Staff as this is not seen as a major issue.
Does my clan council have to have a unique name? Can it be my clan name? - Your clan Council MUST have have a unique name. You cannot copy another clan council name and use it as your own. Your clan council name may not be your clan name.
I joined a Clan Council and I found another one that I like as well, can I join it too? - The answer is no. You would have to quit the first clan council prior to joining the other clan council.
You said a clan council is made up of more than 1 clan? How do I get one started then? - The best way is to start talking with your clan's allies and create a set of bylaws and come up with a name. You can do this on your own private-forum or your allies private-forum, or you can set-up a new private-forum that will be used for discussing the new council and giving it a home.
Can I create an image to be displayed on all clans recruitment threads who join my council? - Yes! Creating an unique symbol that represents your clan council is a good idea. Remember that this image does count towards the Recruitment Thread image-count and must meet the guidelines set forth in the AQWorlds Recruitment Thread rules.
Can my clan council declare war on another clan council? - Yes! This is similar to clans going to war. Remember that you must always follow the AEF rules and any FLAMING in PMs or in any threads will cause your clan council to be disbanded by AE Staff.
Sub-Guilds - If your guild has sub guilds, you can list them in your main thread and/or put a link to their page (if there is any) to your main guild thread.
- You cannot list the sub guild members in your main guild thread. Only the members of the main guild are to be listed in the main thread.
- Sub guilds can have their own recruitment thread where they can list their members and the main guild they are associated with.