RE: Lucian Level Tracking (Full Version)

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Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (7/29/2012 23:00:45)

Sleuth is now level 121!

Edit: Level 122!

Edit 2: Level 124!

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/1/2012 14:12:04)

Just reached level 118.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/2/2012 16:42:59)

You have been both updated. [:)]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/5/2012 21:45:30)

Yay, theosenia is Friendly! [:D] Awesome!

Sleuth is now level 126!

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/5/2012 23:24:43)

Aurora is now Level 94. :)

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/6/2012 13:21:24)

Well done,SI! :-)

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/6/2012 17:00:20)

Got to level 119 =)

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/8/2012 0:19:02)

Sleuth is now level 128!

Edit: Level 129!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/9/2012 3:30:44)

Good job guys!

EDIT: THEODOROS is level: 98,now. Updated.

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/10/2012 17:16:48)

Hit level 121 =)

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/10/2012 20:09:59)

Sleuth is now level 130! [:)]

I'm also adding a new character: Raza Sol, level 92 - ID: 45195308.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/11/2012 7:12:03)

( I see the war has helped us all level up! :P )

Theofania's level: 118,now and
theosenia has reached level cap.

Congratz to vizigoti and Eschaton! New character has been added and we have all been updated. [:)]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/13/2012 11:36:49)

Sleuth is now level 132! Edit: Level 133!

Raza Sol is now level 95! Edit: Level 97!

vizigoti -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/14/2012 5:51:31)

Pato is now level 122.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/15/2012 7:24:28)

N Theodosios is level : 140,now. [:D]

All updated. Well done,everyone! [:)]

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/17/2012 1:28:31)

Congrats theosenia on getting a third character to level 140! [8D]

Sleuth is now level 134!

Raza Sol is now level 101! Level 102!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/18/2012 10:00:51)

Thank you! :-)

You are heading that way pretty soon too,from what I've seen. [8D] Congratz! Updated.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/18/2012 23:49:31)

Aurora is up to 98. I need to find a place to farm.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/20/2012 10:26:36)

Hi SI, the Plasma Dragons quest is good farming provided you have the right equipment to defeat Ultra Akriloth.

Sleuth is now level 135!

Raza Sol is now level 104!

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/20/2012 14:37:31)

Well done Lucian's

VENESS is now level 140 after the defeat of Xov.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/20/2012 23:23:25)

Up to Level 99.

Plasma dragons...sounds like I need some Electrical protection. It's a shame I can't get past the Circle of Doom to obtain my Asguardian set. :(

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/22/2012 4:50:32)

Well done,Lucians! [:)]

All updated.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/26/2012 15:31:40)

Sleuth is now level 137!

Balu -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/28/2012 9:40:01)

Leah Coinsalott has reached lvl 124...some time ago.

Edit: And now 125. \o/

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (8/29/2012 8:39:16)

Good job!

All updated.

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