=HS= July 7th Design Notes - Dage vs Nulgath (Full Version)

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Postmaster General -> =HS= July 7th Design Notes - Dage vs Nulgath (7/7/2012 16:07:59)


July 07, 2012
Dage vs Nulgath
Hi everyone! Quickie Design Notes today, perfect for a bite-sized snack! This week in HeroSmash, we stocked the Freedom Day with some brand new items! Get them while you can, since the Freedom Day shop will only be available until July 13, when it will be replaced with Zazul and the Friday the 13th shop! Last time, we announced that the new Battle Poll would be commemorating a special event: AQW’s Dage vs. Nulgath war! Two weapons representing these masters of Evil go in, only one comes out... and it’s all up to you! Happy Smashing!

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= July 7th Design Notes - Dage vs Nulgath (7/7/2012 18:21:43)

I favor nether side, so I will judge my vote off, the weapon. Wait do we know what the weapons look like?

Edit: Oh there remakes of the AQW rewards, my vote gues to nuglath.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= July 7th Design Notes - Dage vs Nulgath (7/8/2012 10:56:51)

A civil war in the realm of evil? Oh my. Heh heh heh. And just when they had the edge over good...Hey wait...wait a minute...HOO HOO! I think this could work for me...civil war does tend to lead to Chaos. Heh heh...yes...YES!

Now here's something a chaotic reality bender serial killer Clown can take advantage of. HEE HEE. A nice little war between two power hungry villains that will decimate everything and everyone caught in the crossfire. Wonder if Evil will still be able to stand on it's feet by the time this civil war ends. Heh heh...something tells me they'll be ripe for the plucking. HOO HOO HOO!

It does matter which warlord loses. Either way...I WIN!


Cookielord12 -> RE: =HS= July 7th Design Notes - Dage vs Nulgath (7/8/2012 11:14:53)

I hope the Tree trunk of Klunk will win only If it is extremely oversized.

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