RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (Full Version)

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Darth Knight -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/1/2012 9:50:25)

Look Name/Style: somewhat Dragonoid looking
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

DarkLore -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/3/2012 0:13:31)

I love it! Nice usage of rock skin armor giving the impression that you have tough scaly skin! Dragon head and wings perfect! Bone mace is also a nice primitive touch![;)]
As for items to delete, I always welcome poeple to make their own choices so they don't regret it later. You have mostly rae and perma rare items. So I wouldn't get rid of anything![:D] As for matching items, you're already perfect!

Now my turn.

Look Name/Style: Toxic Punk Doctor
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) No
Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

Joerte -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/3/2012 3:52:25)

Member being rated:Above
Link to their character page:Above
Appearance Advice:Changing the hair to either bald or something slightly longer might work more.
Which item/s should be removed:Hair
Why did you rate this as you did? It was awesome except the hair.

Look Name/Style:Vampire
Character Page Link: Osteon
Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No)Yes
Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)Yes
Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)Yes BTW may I note I don't want to be scored.

DarkLore -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/3/2012 4:16:49)

Good. But maybe you should consider buying a suit. Its in corporal. Suits make for a good vampire. Buy a red cap too! Got to have the red vampire cape.[;)] If you really want to go all out make the tie on the suit a bright red color. Make your eyes bright red any way you'd like. Real eyes or the souless ones. Your choice.
Not sure what you should get rid of though. I always beleieve that that should be up to the player. I also had a super saiyan hair saved from a rare shop. Does that hair perfect my score? I realized that while although the sideburns kind o overlap the goggles a bit, it does really make my character look like an evil mad scientist/doctor.

Joerte -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/3/2012 5:10:48)

Yeah a super saiyan hairstyle should work much better IMO. Can somebody suggest something similar to Llussions apprentice mask.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/5/2012 18:37:11)

Look Name/Style: Hero of dread
Character Page Link: DreadScreamer
Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No)Yes
Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)Yes
Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)Yes

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/5/2012 20:22:20)

Anybody want to rate my look, since Darth Knight rudely didn't?


Look Name/Style: ThunderSmite Boss (It'll make sense, its a reference)
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Of course yes
Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Not many to delete, but sure.
Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) I appreciate all assistance.

Balu -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/8/2012 7:17:37)

Friendly remainder: "This thread is primarily for fashion/inventory feedback & advice. As such in order to get advice, you will need to give it. Please ensure you give feedback and/or advice to another poster who has requested it, otherwise you may not get the advice you seek - see, we will remove your post." As seen here

Balu ArchKnight

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/8/2012 7:27:06)

Could somebody review my look on the first page? I was missed out somehow.

Member being rated: Zanathos
Link to their character page:
Score: 6/10
Appearance Advice: Get a monstrous face? Perhaps an accessory could emphasize you muscly reference.
Which item/s should be removed: None.
Why did you rate this as you did? I think the boss look seems a little plain.

Reposting mine:

Look Name/Style: Life Initiates Art
Character Page Link: Artisa Lion
Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
Want to know which items to delete?(No)
Want help finding matching items?(Yes)

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/8/2012 7:29:41)

...heck with it. Ill do both.

Member being rated: Dreadscreamer
Link to their character page:Above
Appearance Advice:nothing
Which item/s should be removed:nothing
Why did you rate this as you did? i think it looks epicly epic. i wouldnt change a thing.

Member being rated:thundersmite
Link to their character page:Above
Appearance Advice: i think it looks cool.
Which item/s should be removed: i woudnt really change anything much. Maybe you could experiment with the skin colour.
Why did you rate this as you did? it looks good to me.

note: your links in your other post didnt work for me, it might not have worked for knight either, which could be why he didnt rate it.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/13/2012 10:07:55)

Sure I can do this
I have nobody to rate though :l

EDIT: Scratch that, that is a lie.

Member being rated: Crystal Lion
Link to their character page:
Score: 8/10
Appearance Advice: *poof* Try using a nice cape, if you can. It'd look good.
Which item/s should be removed: N/A
Why did you rate this as you did? It's very visibly attractive ^^ I think it feels a little simple, but it is nice.

My PvP look you've all seen before.

Look Name/Style: The Exemplar
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice? No
Want to know which items to delete? No
Want help finding matching items? No

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/13/2012 14:21:03)

Member being rated: Antithesis
Link to their character page:
Score: ...Show off XD

A look to have up until the 19th.

Look Name/Style: Hipster Pirate: 'Cos I'm a pirate before it's cool to be one.
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice? Yes
Want to know which items to delete? Nah, got plenty of bag space.
Want help finding matching items? Yes

Remnant the Unknown -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/23/2012 8:30:44)

Member being rated: blank452
Link to their character page:
Score: 6.5/10
Appearance Advice: I'd aim for items that would work with the armor. If you find non member sets in event shops that may/may not go rare, it would improve your score.
Which item/s should be removed: It's not in my power to judge what should be removed.
Why did you rate this as you did? It's not bad, but as a level 20, I expected a little more from you.

Now mine.

Look Name/Style: I'm somehow a spy, disguised as a pirate.
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice? Yes
Want to know which items to delete? Meh, I don't really mind.
Want help finding matching items? No.

Qin -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/24/2012 11:23:23)

Member being rated: Remnant the Unknown
Link to their character page: Click
Score: 7/10
Appearance Advice: I am aware that your fashion is really a hit. So to originality wise, I'm not convinced. Since I like pirates, I made the score reasonable as I could.
Which item/s should be removed: Is it me or did I just find the weapon not quite appealing? I didn't say its bad but I believe there is something much better than that.
Why did you rate this as you did? Cuz I like pirates. :P

Good Luck to me!

Look Name/Style: Sky Knight
Character Page Link: Click
Want appearance Advice? Yes
Want to know which items to delete? Sure, why not?
Want help finding matching items? Sure. :D

Signatures are not to be used here as per the first post of this thread. ~Leon

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/25/2012 9:48:39) having one of my nice moods, so ill just rate as many as i can.

Member being rated: Remnant the Unknown
Link to their character page: above
Score: 8/10
Appearance Advice: It looks good to me. I dont see any spy in it though.
Which item/s should be removed: THe gun looks a bit weird in my opinion, maybe you would be better off with a sword.
Why did you rate this as you did? cos it looks good to me.


Member being rated: Crystal Lion
Link to their character page: Above
Score: 9/10
Appearance Advice: looks good, could do without the fang though.
Which item/s should be removed: N/A
Why did you rate this as you did? Its nice.


Member being rated: Qin
Link to their character page: Above
Score: 10/10
Appearance Advice: AWESOME
Which item/s should be removed: NOTHING
Why did you rate this as you did? COS ITS AWESOME.


...All done.

Skyte100 -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (9/30/2012 10:01:40)

Member being rated: Remnant the Unknown
Link to their character page:
Score: 7/10
Appearance Advice: A very convincing disguise. Although pirates arent the most original idea, until people stop wearing pirate outfits anyway.
Which item/s should be removed: None

My turn.

Look name/style: Antihero/Chaos
Character page link:
Want appearance advice? Yes
Want to know what items to delete? Yes
Want help finding matching items? Yes

Remnant the Unknown -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (10/5/2012 0:52:43)

Member being rated: Crystal Lion
Link to their character page:
Score: 9.5/10
Appearance Advice: Artistic pirut vampire? Not bad. :3
Which item/s should be removed: None
Why did you rate this as you did? Looks unique.

Member being rated: Antithesis
Link to their character page:
Score: 10/10
Appearance Advice: 404. Advice not found.
Which item/s should be removed: None
Why did you rate this as you did? Error: Can't contain epicness.

Member being rated: Qin
Link to their character page:
Score: 9/10
Appearance Advice: I am loving the rares you're showing in that look.
Which item/s should be removed: Dat shield doesn't look right in that look, somehow.
Why did you rate this as you did? Because I am fair and just.

Member being rated: Skyte100
Link to their character page:
Score: 7/10
Appearance Advice: It's pretty good, some things can be changed.
Which item/s should be removed: Sword. Replace it with something purple.
Why did you rate this as you did? Because I feel you should know what I think.

Now I made a different look for mine.

Look Name/Style: TacoMan!
Character Page Link:
Want appearance Advice? Yes
Want to know which items to delete? Meh, I don't really mind.
Want help finding matching items? No.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (1/29/2013 21:50:37)

Nobody has posted here in awhile...

Look/name style: Deathstroke
Character page link: DreadScreamer
Want appearance advice: Indeed
Want to know which items to delete: Yes
Want help finding matching items: Yes

Note: Any evil items are not available

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