The reapers wright (Full Version)

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Finncollier -> The reapers wright (7/11/2012 1:17:13)

The bloody hands of the magistrate reached out over the mutilated body snatching the amulet from his cold dead neck "y-y-yes y-yes YES" he yelled "the blood of another can be replaced, but the soul is iriplaceable" he said again as the city guard bashed down the door "magistrate. Your time has come you have defiled the law and thereby punished with death" the captain said "it matters not" the crazed man sputtered as the guards tied his hands with a rope "you will get a public execution" the captain growled "the king has given the magistrate of hammerhold your role" he said "he is a traiter to the order he will die when the master is reawakened" the magistrate Sputtered this time blood came out of his mouth "he's mad captain" a guard said "I know" he replied "the king will know of your betrayal magistrate garel" he said "the king knows not of who he fights" garel said.

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