your best or saddest moments (Full Version)

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kingpowerlord -> your best or saddest moments (7/22/2012 9:52:04)

was there ever a moment when you got really excited in epicduel?
maybe you finally got that drop of an npc, you defeated a boss npc or oyu got enough credits to buy that weapon of your dreams.

Or maybe a really sad thing happened to you, you accidentally sold your best weapon?

whatever your happy or sad moment post it here.

i will start:

level at the time: 25

moment: i woke up, logged on. checked my inventory and sold one of my items. then i realised i could finally buy the predator armor!

Level at the time: 30

Moment: a sad time, I accidentally sold my pie launcher :(


I'm hoping if enough people post in this thread it gets tagged.

Sh4d0wMast3r -> RE: your favourite moments (7/22/2012 11:57:54)

Favorite moment? Hmmm.... probably the two war 2v2 fights against Mr. Black OP, couldn't stop laughing ;)

Chosen 0ne -> RE: your favourite moments (7/22/2012 13:00:11)

When arcade first came out it was freaking awesome.

Also remembering satinding at the old Oz (Which is world 8 not 7) seeing those three stars and a sun guys. They were a REAL faction. I dont care if they dummied. Faction arn't the same anymore.

What hurt me most about the game is probably this: When they brang world 8 back; people were still in world 7. So I asked them why; and they said tradition. e.e

Mr. Black OP -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 0:32:34)

I really don't remember fighting you. What happened?

My favorite moment:
When I joined Lords.

rej -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 1:02:10)

When I won daily solo championship. It was the first championship I won. I had to get off at 7:00 p.m., and spent the hole night wondering if I had won.

charwelly -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 2:31:53)

Joining beatsy faction called ruthless incorparated

i like bounty hunter -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 3:46:53)

Meeting King Helios
Getting My 1st Varium Package (Yesterday)

doomturtle -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 4:06:42)

Winning my 1st juggernaut battle

DillBagel -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 4:09:13)

Organizing a low level faction enough to take a flag whilst I was a level 27 non varium player, waaaay back in beta, when everything was happier. [;)]

Iceyman54 -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 4:26:56)

My happiest moment?
Finally hitting level 34, and doing the timing so flawlessly, that the very next day, the cap was increased.
Efficient? Yes.
Slightly saddening? Yea.
Worth it? Yes!

Sh4d0wMast3r -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 5:13:25)

@ Mr. Black OP

We were trolling each other and our partners all the time and stuff :D

MrBones -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 7:07:26)

When I won the daily solo win cheevo. Thats alot of work...alot.

Joe10112 -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 10:42:31)

When a level 28 nonvar and me beat two 34 fullygeared vars in the war, during power hour. (maybe he was 29 or so, but I dont remember, it was just really unfair), and we won. So many creds lol.

Also, when I got regular Assault Bot from Arcade. Then a few Weeks later it was removed.

Clavier -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 10:49:18)

When I became daily solo champion.
When I joined The Volconian Empire, great faction back in Beta.
When I used to play ED together with my friends at school.


liy010 -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 10:54:54)

When I got my Frost Destroyer, my first Varium item.

Drianx -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 11:00:39)

For me the greatest sense of achievement was when I won 1v1 solo champoin title.

I felt so proud for a while, only to discover later that it's not considered a big deal, since some people said 'I don't believe you got 755 wins all by yourself, who did you share your account with?', 'everyone shares account for getting those titles' and so on.

I was also proud when I was member of Battle Tested, and eventually became one of the top officers. Back then I got 5k wins in 3 weeks, and ashtonsdad, the founder, got 10k wins in a month. Cheers ash, whatever your name is right now.

sha 2nd mage -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 11:40:05)

The day when i got on "All time 2v2 leaderboard"

By the way it was not sha 2nd mage but non varium sha

Vypie -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 11:55:49)

When i discovered 5 of my weapons I suggested got chosen, and made into the game for Item Suggestion Shop!
I earned them for free... and upgraded my Zooka, Gun, and Primary!

My babies :īD

Hatsuka -> RE: your favourite moments (7/23/2012 11:58:45)

When I got blocks while having 1 HP left :3

kingpowerlord -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/23/2012 12:15:43)

I changed the title so you can talk about sad moments as well, also vypiea I'm interested which of your weapons entered the suggestion shop?

Another of my sad moments was when i found out that the new promo weapons were energy! I'm bh btw.

Vypie -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/23/2012 13:18:14)

I designed:
Caterpillar Bugzooka
Dark Varium Blaster
Toxic Chompers
Surgical Slicers
Energy Steering Device

Now, lets see... a sad moment...
I felt really bad when I thought I had lost my account... Back in beta when epicduel merged with AE, the addicional account requirements prevented me from playing from thw website I used to acess epicduel from. I then had password and Login issues, and I got some problem with the merging of my account. Much stuff happened, I couldnt play for days, but i got to restore my password, my usename was altered a bit... the process was all weird, but in the end I recovered my account!

That was the saddest moment, but with happiness in the end ;)

Clavier -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/23/2012 14:29:31)

Wow Vypie, your designs are amazing! I love them, and currently using the Caterpillar Bugzooka.
I'm kinda sad when... I was always losing to the level capped players who were 5 levels above me.

Midnightsoul -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/23/2012 15:28:10)

Happiest: When I bought my first var pack and I was a semi var

Saddest: When I HAD to buy more var...

The gap has to close...

Kd -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/24/2012 0:43:37)

Happiest: coming back from alpha and realizing the level cap was now 31, there were auxileries and varium, etc. :D

Sadest: wasting 6k varium in 45 minutes on class changes........ dont judge me :)

charwelly -> RE: your best or saddest moments (7/24/2012 5:20:11)

Saddest moment wasting over 600 varium on custimizing my character

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