stealthwings -> RE: Gears games: requiring urgent balancing (7/26/2012 23:41:44)
Happy to help. Remember though, it is not just HMs, there are also house weapons to take into account. Based on your playstyle, you would probably still prefer MR, but there are plenty of things which can do what MR does, not as many which can do what RH does. And to everyone who is so sure that one house will win, iirc a while ago someone said that a staff member said that the GG would determine which house completed its goals. Which would you rather? WB: Rule the world (yes, the goal sounds kinda cool, but think about how it would be implemented) MR: See what is behind the door RH: Get dragons into the game I mean, who doesn't love dragons? Fight for RH to bring dragons into MQ.