Gianna Glow -> Short Story Challenges (7/25/2012 21:09:46)
Challenge Story 1 Water flew everywhere, turning into ice and blocking the assassin’s purple bullets. Leitsha shook her staff at the assassin, summoning more water and then converting it into ice cubes around each bullet. “Why in the world are you trying to kill me. I know you are the assassin known the Mystic Fox, but what I want to know is why me? I’m not anyone important.” The assassin grunted as a large ice cube hit him in the stomach. “I’m not after you, well I am sorta, but not to kill you yet. Your blood holds the key to get open the vault of the 5 Swords of Illusions. For all your magical power, you still don’t realize you are a spitting image of your mother, the mistress of the legendary 5 Swords of Illusions. No one ever told you who your mother was, did they?” Leitsha growled under her breath, sighed, then answered his query. “I do actually know I am the daughter of Mirata, but I swore to my father upon his deathbed to keep my mother’s last wish… to keep those swords sealed away! You don’t want to know what will happen! Don’t tempt fate! They were made specifically for my mother by the 3 fates that know the end of the world and they still drove my mother insane by the end of her life! She was rambling on about the world ending by means of world implosion due to flying whales! I don’t even know how that is possible, but somehow her ramblings created a new religion that worships the tree she was buried under and believes the world will end by flying whales. I will not allow that level of insanity to be released into this world again!” The assassin dropped his magic card that emitted his trademark purple bullets in surprise. “She’s the one who caused that religion? Forget the reward, those swords will destroy the world! Its not worth getting them. I’ll be going now.”