Lord Lee -> RE: =HS= July 27th Design Notes - Blockbuster Hit (Gear) Coming to a Future near You (7/29/2012 8:12:42)
Finally, the return to the age old formula of perma rare releases with a promise of a much expanded Movie Plex. I certainly hope this is a turning point for the rejuvenation of Herosmash from a gameplay and community perspective. Here are my thoughts on Herosmash from the AE General Discussion if anyone cares for my assessment of this wonderful game. quote:
Herosmash - the little known AE creation that has so many wonderful elements that it rates as one of my favourite games. Unfortunately the staff shortage due to AQ3D commitments of many staff members has left Herosmash in a stagnant phase since January this year. But if we can return to the previous game formula and have a return of more regular releases this will rejuvenate the Herosmash community. Cons: No distribution of stat points for builds, equipment is purely for aesthetic purposes, current lack of updates given limited staff availability, decline of permanent rare item fixtures since the staff exodus, lack of storyline content and continuity. Pros: Once again the staff and community in its hayday before the lack of updates is the greatest pro, the innovative idea of introducing player NPCs - not found in the other AE games and in my opinion a wonderful concept, it's what has kept me playing even through the current stagnant phase of releases as I have been driven to continuously update my NPC Astroman, with the latest looks, aesthetic appeal of items - yes they don't affect your power but it does affect your style which can sometimes seem just as important, limited time promotional items with amazing art from Dage, the previous Movie Plex permanent rare items which truly were amazing from an art and aesthetic perspective, PVP scoreboards and powers are the other factor that continue to garner my interest. Yes Herosmash is in decline right now (due to the staff exodus which has subsequently resulted in a greatly diminished community) but the promise of the reintroduction of Movie Plex permanent rare releases, ongoing seasonal events and redevelopment of storyline are incentive to continue with this AE game. I certainly hope the staff in their limited capacity and numbers can deliver on the promises made and player expectations. In my opinion 4 factors will assist in the revival of Herosmash: 1) Return of perma rares and specifically the Movie Plex releases. 2) Expansion of storyline content and improvement of continuity. 3) Return of regular updates, as much as possible with consideration of the limitations given the reduced staff roster. 4) Bug fixes with someone to man the HS Bugs thread - Reens & Co did such a wonderful job previously. I believe factors 1) & 2) are being worked on but hopefully 3) and 4) can also be addressed.