RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (Full Version)

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Nightly -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/12/2012 21:22:11)

We have history? :o

BadHulk -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/13/2012 8:10:58)

Apparently. I think the whole ACC is just history atm >_>

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/13/2012 10:56:11)

I'm going to slap you all silleh with a giant fish soon here....

Doomsday -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/13/2012 22:51:11)

Y'know, once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, there used to be only 3 clans...

Stuff like that.

Kinzdor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/14/2012 0:00:27)


Aerodu gained a little under 100 points, so they couldn't take Dynami.

[:(][:(][:(] !

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/14/2012 21:31:40)

I am sorry Kinz I have been distracted with the war effort and forgot about the contest. [:(][:(][:o]

the_hated_one -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/14/2012 22:46:25)

I never thought that the "paxia clans" are still active XD

and look! aerodu clan! :D

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/14/2012 23:04:13)

Welcome back to the clan my friend. The winds have carried another wayward bird home to us.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/15/2012 8:46:54)

We're hangin by a thread. Small thread but we're hanging by it XD

Kinzdor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/20/2012 21:57:34)


Aerodu attacked B10 and C5. Aerodu gained 36 points, but Dynami gained 1,049 points keeping both spaces like a buss.

Geoto attacked A8 and B7, gaining 6 points.

Dynami forgot to send thier plans in so, unfortunately, for the first time in the new Paxia Ultimate Conquest, we have a round where absolutely NOTHING happened.... I blame Ebilture Science....

Not good, but not bad.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/21/2012 9:01:43)

Well the new board descriptions are up and it's a new day.

Hopefully this week we can turn the tide of the PUC. XD

Kinzdor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/28/2012 1:27:44)


Hopefully this week we can turn the tide of the PUC. XD


Aerodu attacked B10 and C5, and took Dynami spaces! Stay confident, wind clan! *insert clip of that one guy from Waterboy saying "YU CAHN DO IT!"*

*blinks* Pie, YOU ARE MAGIC!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/28/2012 7:12:50)

Wonder if those empty spots need filling... *scratches beard*

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/28/2012 18:40:41)

@James: They are planning on holding elections sometime in the near future. At least that is what I was told.

siris99 -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/2/2012 21:46:47)

I have to say I'm impressed this is still going, nice job guys.

Doomsday -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/3/2012 14:28:54)

Well... we have to see who is interested in which post first, if for each open position, there is only 1 person who wants to take it, it would be kind of pointless to hold elections. They can just be granted that position by the moogle lol

Kinzdor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/3/2012 17:51:48)


All else aside, Aerodu took both Dynami spaces!


BadHulk -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/9/2012 7:01:31)

Oh btw Pie, you want us to REWRITE the whole history from Aerodu? Or just add new stuff to make it looks glamorous and big.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/9/2012 9:03:04)

WE can just add to it. No need to completely rewrite it.

siris99 -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/9/2012 11:46:20)

Maybe some little graphics for the titles? Nothing over the top, just something other than plain text? Or maybe divide it into sections with images just for those sections, with the rest of the title being text?

They could just be something like a wind-looking background and text
Like One or two, just not made in under a minute.

BadHulk -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (9/10/2012 10:37:06)

Sooo Pie. Name EXACTLY what you want added.

Kinzdor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (10/6/2012 20:06:42)

Sigh, as you may have been able to tell from my lack of pming battle plans, and updating tracking thread life has been throwing heardle my way. The biggest and newest heardle involve me most likely have to give up the internet. I nomate Hero`s of The Scape to run in the election for the new Gamemaster, I`LL MISS YOU WIND CLAN! I`LL RETURN ONE DAY, i hope! c

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (10/6/2012 21:21:27)

It would be an honor to lead the forces of Aerodu in this battle. I accept.

Kinz, You will be missed fellow Wind Flyer [:(]

Tha Killa -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (10/8/2012 21:31:32)

Yea you will be missed!! (Dynami was for sure behind this!)

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (10/8/2012 21:38:58)

We'll miss you man, we really will. Come back soon.

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