=ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING* (Full Version)

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Cinderella -> =ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING* (8/20/2018 12:58:57)

You do not need to read through every single suggestion in this topic, simply use 'CTRL+F' on the keyboard to open up the page search, and search for a key word, this will find any use of the word in this topic. If it's your suggestion it picks up, then no need to post it, since we're already considering it!

We are so excited about the abundance of suggestions that you guys have, and we've very happy that you are passionate enough about our game to want to make it better. This is a goal we all share. However, it is ineffective to suggest the exact same thing over and over again. Frequently, this has the opposite effect than intended. Here is a list of frequent requests that are either already being considered, or have been considered and either rejected or will be implemented at a later time. Others on this list are things we already have planned but cannot yet implement for whatever reason. This list will update as needed.

- Achievement-restricted Shops
- Alignment-restricted Shops
- Book of Lore
- Buddy linking for 2v2 & 2v1
- Buying/Unlocking Classes
- Captcha to prevent botting
- Character Deletion
- Cores not destroyed when removed from items
- Display buddy's inactivity time
- Factions earn influence between wars
- Free switch to already-purchased name
- Full Screen Mode
- Gender Change
- Group Chat
- Ignore players during battle
- Losing alignment in wars purchase the prize for Varium
- Mobile version on Android/iOS
- More daily missions available per day
- More faction member space
- More tiers of Legendary Shops
- New faction ranks
- New War types
- Personal daily progress on the leaderboards
- Save login info
- Scrolling on the NoteBot
- Sound Effects and Music
- Toggle Jumps/PMs/Faction invites
- Minigames
- Verification shop for upgraded players in other games
- Unique skill trees for each class

Suggestions that will not be implemented

- Trading Feature (between your account and with other players) or Auction Houses
- Currency Transfer
- Faction Bank
- Membership
- Return of Rare Items

How come some suggestions can't be implemented in to the game?

  • The suggestion is game breaking, meaning it could open up the game to exploits, hacking and general cheating by other players.
  • The suggestion is illegal for us to make.
  • The suggestion can not be implemented due to a limitation of flash. Not the limitation or knowledge of the ED staff.
  • The suggestion is bias, only favoring a particular group or just themselves. We have to consider the entire EpicDuel community when implementing new features.
  • The suggestion would take more time to implement then that we have to create it. If we really like these suggestions we usually slowly develop them in the background and go un-announced until we are sure it can be implemented. Sometimes we spend time on a new feature and have to toss it out because of a limitation of flash or breaks the game in some way, etc. It slows down progress unfortunately.
  • The suggestion isn't a priority. There are some suggestions we like, but others we like better. So the better ones get suggested and pushed up to the top while it could go months or even years for the lower priority ones to be implemented.

Updated 8/20/18 ~Battle Elf

Updated 7/24/2021 -Digital X

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