Banking (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


DeathHound -> Banking (8/3/2012 11:50:06)

Not sure if this was mentioned at all through the threads, but i think ED needs banks. I don't care if the idea was only for Varium users, or if it costs credits to buy it. Banks are greatly needed for the fact that some people overstock, want some things out of their inventory, or just don't have much space and cant buy more bag space. When i thought of this idea, i was personally thinking about stocking varium/credits/rares into my bank, but that was just me...
What do you guys think?

doomturtle -> RE: Banking (8/3/2012 12:24:58)

Support and varium items should store for free. So they don't take up bank space

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Banking (8/3/2012 15:04:31)

already brought up. please read Frequently Suggested List

before putting down your ideas so this forum doesnt get cluttered with the same ideas over and over again :)

Rayman -> RE: Banking (8/3/2012 16:29:25)

I Only See Factions Banks On the List, that is completely Diferent To This, Since factions banks is when u Donate tokens so the Founder can use them.

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