Desert Conqueror (Full Version)

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Koree -> Desert Conqueror (8/7/2012 2:33:23)

Desert Conqueror

«Mid-defensive Water armor with a built-in Water skill.»

Also see Desert Conqueror G and DeZert Conqueror.

Level: 5
Power Level: 5
MP Level: 5
Price: 96
Sellback: 48
Location: Building Truphma: Part 2
Element: Water

Melee: 26
Ranged: 26
Magic: 26

Fire: 97%
Water: 92%
Wind: 97%
Ice: 100%
Earth: 98%
Energy: 100%
Light: 95%
Darkness: 100%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 32.9% Base, 32.9% Random, and 38% Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each


    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if STR > INT; otherwise Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 7-22 plus 124.5% Stats
    BTH: 6 plus Stats
    Cost: 38 SP

  • This is treated as a normal Player attack.
  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 if the type is Ranged and INT/4 if it's Magic (+LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs, regardless of type).

After going through the Western Wastes, you never want to back again without a LOT of water to quench yourself and cool yourself off. Thankfully, you can use this breathable-water suit to do just that!


Image thanks to Msyu. Basic stats thanks to Epsilon2012. Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


Normal Attack

Starts off as a mid-defensive armor attack (90% of average), which is 104% Base, Random and 120% Stats, with +0 BTH.
  • With three equally strong hits, each hit does 1/3 of the damage.
  • The armor has a built-in skill, which makes the attack deal 95% damage to compensate for compression.

Skill: Douse!

Starts off as a standard spell, which is 8-24 damage plus 133% Stats, with 1 BTH.
  • The skill receives a damage multiplier of *1.0437 as an elemental compensation.
  • The skill has an accurate lean, giving it +5 BTH but also causing it deal *85/90 damage.
  • Because of compressing the skill into the armor, the skill also does 95% damage.

Koree -> RE: Desert Conqueror (8/7/2012 2:33:40)

Desert Conqueror

«Mid-defensive Water armor with a built-in Water skill.»

Also see Desert Conqueror G and DeZert Conqueror.

Level: 18
Power Level: 18
MP Level: 18
Price: 147
Sellback: 73
Location: Building Truphma: Part 2
Element: Water

Melee: 28
Ranged: 28
Magic: 28

Fire: 92%
Water: 85%
Wind: 92%
Ice: 97%
Earth: 94%
Energy: 97%
Light: 89%
Darkness: 97%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 44.0% Base, 44.0% Random, and 62.4% Stats each
BTH: +2 plus Stats each


    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if STR > INT; otherwise Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 17-50 plus 217.8% Stats
    BTH: 9 plus Stats
    Cost: 63 SP

  • This is treated as a normal Player attack.
  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 if the type is Ranged and INT/4 if it's Magic (+LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs, regardless of type).

After going through the Western Wastes, you never want to back again without a LOT of water to quench yourself and cool yourself off. Thankfully, you can use this breathable-water suit to do just that!


Image thanks to Msyu. Basic stats thanks to Epsilon2012. Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


Normal Attack

Starts off as a mid-defensive armor attack (90% of average), which is 139% Base, Random and 197% Stats, with +2 BTH.
  • With three equally strong hits, each hit does 1/3 of the damage.
  • The armor has a built-in skill, which makes the attack deal 95% damage to compensate for compression.

Skill: Douse!

Starts off as a standard spell, which is 17-50 damage plus 219% Stats, with 4 BTH.
  • The skill receives a damage multiplier of *1.10846 as an elemental compensation.
  • The skill has an accurate lean, giving it +5 BTH but also causing it deal *85/90 damage.
  • Because of compressing the skill into the armor, the skill also does 95% damage.

Koree -> RE: Desert Conqueror (8/7/2012 2:33:57)

Desert Conqueror

«Mid-defensive Water armor with a built-in Water skill.»

Also see Desert Conqueror G and DeZert Conqueror.

Level: 58
Power Level: 58
MP Level: 58
Price: 4,545
Sellback: 2,272
Location: Building Truphma: Part 2
Element: Water

Melee: 35
Ranged: 35
Magic: 35

Fire: 77%
Water: 65%
Wind: 77%
Ice: 93%
Earth: 89%
Energy: 93%
Light: 72%
Darkness: 93%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 78.2% Base, 78.2% Random, and 137.8% Stats each
BTH: +7 plus Stats each


    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if STR > INT; otherwise Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 55-166 plus 531.3% Stats
    BTH: 19 plus Stats
    Cost: 159 SP

  • This is treated as a normal Player attack.
  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 if the type is Ranged and INT/4 if it's Magic (+LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs, regardless of type).

After going through the Western Wastes, you never want to back again without a LOT of water to quench yourself and cool yourself off. Thankfully, you can use this breathable-water suit to do just that!


Image thanks to Msyu. Basic stats thanks to Epsilon2012. Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


Normal Attack

Starts off as a mid-defensive armor attack (90% of average), which is 247% Base, Random and 435% Stats, with +7 BTH.
  • With three equally strong hits, each hit does 1/3 of the damage.
  • The armor has a built-in skill, which makes the attack deal 95% damage to compensate for compression.

Skill: Douse!

Starts off as a standard spell, which is 50-151 damage plus 483% Stats, with 14 BTH.
  • The skill receives a damage multiplier of *1.22602 as an elemental compensation.
  • The skill has an accurate lean, giving it +5 BTH but also causing it deal *85/90 damage.
  • Because of compressing the skill into the armor, the skill also does 95% damage.

Koree -> RE: Desert Conqueror (8/7/2012 2:34:15)

Desert Conqueror

«Mid-defensive Water armor with a built-in Water skill.»

Also see Desert Conqueror G and DeZert Conqueror.

Level: 98
Power Level: 98
MP Level: 98
Price: 290,376
Sellback: 145,188
Location: Building Truphma: Part 2
Element: Water

Melee: 41
Ranged: 41
Magic: 41

Fire: 68%
Water: 51%
Wind: 68%
Ice: 89%
Earth: 82%
Energy: 89%
Light: 63%
Darkness: 89%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 112.4% Base, 112.4% Random, and 212.8% Stats each
BTH: +12 plus Stats each


    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if STR > INT; otherwise Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 132-398 plus 1027.5% Stats
    BTH: 29 plus Stats
    Cost: 281 SP

  • This is treated as a normal Player attack.
  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 if the type is Ranged and INT/4 if it's Magic (+LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs, regardless of type).

After going through the Western Wastes, you never want to back again without a LOT of water to quench yourself and cool yourself off. Thankfully, you can use this breathable-water suit to do just that!


Image thanks to Msyu. Basic stats thanks to Epsilon2012. Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


Normal Attack

Starts off as a mid-defensive armor attack (90% of average), which is 355% Base, Random and 672% Stats, with +12 BTH.
  • With three equally strong hits, each hit does 1/3 of the damage.
  • The armor has a built-in skill, which makes the attack deal 95% damage to compensate for compression.

Skill: Douse!

Starts off as a standard spell, which is 96-289 damage plus 747% Stats, with 24 BTH.
  • The skill receives a damage multiplier of *1.53307 as an elemental compensation.
  • The skill has an accurate lean, giving it +5 BTH but also causing it deal *85/90 damage.
  • Because of compressing the skill into the armor, the skill also does 95% damage.

Koree -> RE: Desert Conqueror (8/7/2012 2:34:31)

Desert Conqueror

«Mid-defensive Water armor with a built-in Water skill.»

Also see Desert Conqueror G and DeZert Conqueror.

Level: 118
Power Level: 118
MP Level: 118
Price: 2,340,537
Sellback: 1,170,268
Location: Building Truphma: Part 2
Element: Water

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 45

Fire: 66%
Water: 45%
Wind: 66%
Ice: 88%
Earth: 78%
Energy: 88%
Light: 58%
Darkness: 88%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 129.5% Base, 129.5% Random, and 250.5% Stats each
BTH: +14 plus Stats each


    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if STR > INT; otherwise Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 190-570 plus 1346.5% Stats
    BTH: 34 plus Stats
    Cost: 353 SP

  • This is treated as a normal Player attack.
  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 if the type is Ranged and INT/4 if it's Magic (+LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs, regardless of type).

After going through the Western Wastes, you never want to back again without a LOT of water to quench yourself and cool yourself off. Thankfully, you can use this breathable-water suit to do just that!


Image thanks to Msyu. Basic stats thanks to Epsilon2012. Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Description thanks to Dragoon23.


Normal Attack

Starts off as a mid-defensive armor attack (90% of average), which is 409% Base, Random and 791% Stats, with +14 BTH.
  • With three equally strong hits, each hit does 1/3 of the damage.
  • The armor has a built-in skill, which makes the attack deal 95% damage to compensate for compression.

Skill: Douse!

Starts off as a standard spell, which is 124-372 damage plus 879% Stats, with 29 BTH.
  • The skill receives a damage multiplier of *1.70729 as an elemental compensation.
  • The skill has an accurate lean, giving it +5 BTH but also causing it deal *85/90 damage.
  • Because of compressing the skill into the armor, the skill also does 95% damage.

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