The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (8/8/2012 21:21:58)

Welcome to the Clan of the Wind! We're glad that you choose us as as your new home and hope you enjoy your stay! Below are some useful threads that you should visit in order to get familiar with the clan and start participating

The New Aerodu Roll Call - Sign up and add your name to the list of all the forumites who have joined the ranks of Aerodu.
=Aerodu= Official FAQ/Q&A Thread -You have questions, we have answers, so stop by here!
Aerodu Encyclopedia -Behold the history of Aerodu! Learn about the ancient past from when the clan was founded in 2006!
ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition) -The forum government for the clan. Lord Aerodu is of course the ultimate leader but even he needs a little help organizing things.

Drop in here to say hello to if you want to introduce yourself to the clan!

battlesiege15 -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (8/8/2012 22:56:57)

Hello fellow Aerodu members!

Battlesiege here, and both of my characters are in Aerodu, and have been for most of their histories. (Granted I quit to explore other clans, but I kept coming back to this clan :P)

May I have my name added to roll call?
Character link is underneath avvy :D

And my secondary: secondary aerodu member

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (8/8/2012 23:10:49)

To have your name added to the roll call, just go to the roll call thread and post all the info there :D

battlesiege15 -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (8/8/2012 23:16:11)

Yay! :D

Thanks Ultra!

Misty_kitty -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (10/16/2012 0:40:51)

Erm..hi...I'm Misty, and my AQ char is Stellaluna (char name, NOT user)
Bit new to AQ *_*

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (10/16/2012 1:12:12)

Hello Misty!
Welcome to the amazing world of AQ! Also welcome to the best clan of all, AERODU! Make yourself at home. Let us know if you need help with Storyline or character development, (or anything really), we will gladly help you out.
Again welcome!

hict98 -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/1/2013 20:06:00)

Hello I am Hict. I am somewhat confused and I was just trying to get added to the Aerodu Roll Call. Also Aerodu Rulez!!!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/1/2013 20:09:00)

Use this thread for roll call addition.

Therril Oreb -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/16/2013 8:58:52)

/me falls down
Hey guys. Been in Aerodu ever since I know yet first time I drop in. Litterally...
Anyway, heya folks [:D]

Muchiha -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/17/2013 21:41:46)

Hey guys just wanna say that Aerodu is such a great Clan to be in.

I just have one question: When are we planning to attack Geoto?

DarkDevil -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/20/2013 7:55:23)


And sent in they are.

no they ain't [>:] anyway i am at defence [;)]

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/20/2013 11:38:29)

Oops sorry, didn't realize you meant you wanted to sign up for the PUC. I will wend you the plans now. Just make sure you use the adventurer server.

Zyrain -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/26/2013 16:27:07)

I suppose I'm gonna start posting around these boards now as I am a self-proclaimed Aerodynamian.

After all, lightning and wind make a perfect storm.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/26/2013 23:44:07)

Why the sudden change of heart?

Nightly -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/27/2013 0:50:34)

Because we have great advisers who can get awesome members to switch clans :3

Yes, that would be me. Glad to have you Zy!

Zyrain -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (4/27/2013 5:15:52)

It's not a sudden change of heart, and I'm not switching clans either.
I've always considered myself as half-Dynamian and half-Aerodian, I just never knew if I was "allowed" as such to be part of two clans haha.
After speaking with TEH MOOGLE, he accepted me as a member of Aerodu. :)

Yori -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (6/25/2013 17:04:20)

Kind of a big bump to the thread, but hey, more activity is good, no?

Anyway, I am Yori and I've been part of Aerodu ever since I first registered in 2006. Even when Paxia was sent into chaos and the newer clans were introduced, I stuck with my Aerodu brethren. I'm still getting my bearings with the forum since I've gotten back into AQ and hopefully I'll be sticking around for a while!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (7/1/2013 20:38:01)

Not only is this thread essential, it has been updated with links that are current o:

david351 -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (11/20/2013 6:28:35)

I have a spare few minutes so thought I would say hello in here.

Been in the clan since I started the game, never wanted to leave (why leave the best clan there is?), although I missed the clan wars I have fond memories of the clan events I took part in and remember the clan kicking the behinds of the other clans.

Will try to be a bit more active around the place when I get the chance to and hopefully help to improve the clan in a small way.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (12/26/2013 0:25:44)

Welcome david351! :)

Paxia's experiencing a slump in activity, feel free to contribute in any way you can :)

Alaras -> RE: The Aerodu Welcome Thread! (12/28/2013 21:19:06)

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted here! I'm Alaras, one of the OLD timers in AQ (been playing for 10 years on and off now!), and I've been in Aerodu since it was first introduced, way back when Paxia was still new! Never bothered changing clans, never bothered with Geoto or Nautica back in the early days, and though I explored other clans later on, I never stuck with any of them other than Aerodu for longer than a day. Besides, I love my Gong of the Wind!

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