RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (Full Version)

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Unknown Menace -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 15:01:06)

@Steel Slayer

Well that's not entirely correct ;p
I use the rusted one alot because sure it debuffs (just like the varium one)
But i also use it because its is a physical bot and if my energy attacks aren't effective i switch to physical together with aux and gun.

So i'm not happy with the new nerfs but hell after all there will be alot of nerfing yet to come and i don't feel like complaining every time that will be affecting me.
Sooner or later all the consequences will be visable for themselves. No need sum them up.

Steel Slayer -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 15:25:33)

@Unknown Menace - I'm not trying to complain, I was answering Darkwing's question. Isnt that what discussion forum is for?

vulkan -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 15:26:20)

i dunno about gamma. maybe it could use a little buff in damage, otherwise it has little use.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 15:36:18)

Vulkan the bot special was made deflectable instead of blockable so no matter what it will damage an opponent when you use the special. If that isn't a nice buff I don't know what is.

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 15:54:20)

And the Bio borg was ignored and still is the crappiest of the bunch it wasent even included in the explanations XD plz make that pule of junk sellable already. O btw ppl stop saying that thw nerf should have been only for rusty you acting like one of those i bought varium so i should win guys.

Btw ppl with gamma will get a reason to hate cyber since we use tech.

Bio borg skill should be replaced. O and dont ask for a gamma bot buff just cuz something was powerfull it foesent mean it always has to be.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/16/2012 16:13:50)

Streetnaruto what are you talking about about. I myself am upset with the buff that the bio borg got since it contridicts the Azreal borg debuffing ability. In a nutshell they made it so that the buff can't be affected by the Azreal borg.

However on the change of ability with this bot I would happily support this. Here is my idea which I will be putting in the suggestion section.

Bio borg's new ability Effect thorns.

Fires thrown at the opponent for energy damage (about 15% energy damage unblockable) And for three turns it lowers a random stat temporarily by 10% for 3 turns for the rest of the duel. (Strength dex tech or support would be affected)

With this effect it would make use of the bot since it is a plant type robot and plants depending on the type can have different effects on people and it wouldn't contridict the Azreal borg either since by making the original move unaffected by the bot if someone was to use thorns ability the Azreal borg wouldn't be able to aid the person in battle like they said bots are suppose to.

Scratch what I said from above, I just did a duel with a CH and when he used the bio borg, I was still able to nerf the ability by 65 percent. Also no he didn't have any other buffs on at the time which surprised me. So did they actually change their minds about making one bot not affect another?

RageSoul -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 7:07:14)


but i hear its outrageously OP.

You should have seen them dealing 2 40+ damaging hits .

ON TOPIC : Hmmm , 65% seems to be too much , how 'bout 70% instead ?
EDIT : Misspelled "seems"

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 8:11:54)

Nerfing assault bot is such a slap in the face to the original owners and non-vars alike, but what isn't these days? No changes to Gamma Bot as expected. Finally, you do realize that everyone is just going to continue to use a tank builds that will easily get battles to round 15, and where the winner will ultimately be determined by who went first, and who can get rage


King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 8:14:23)


No changes to Gamma Bot as expected

Actually, it's special attack has been buffed from being blockable to deflectable found at the first page of the latest patch notes. Rabble just forgot to edit this topic's 1st page.

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 8:18:40)

Ok, that is better.

Masterofthenoob -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 11:36:05)

Those saying Inferno Bot special should be block-able. Why just why. Think about it, the delta vault beam wasn't block-able it was only deflect-able but it's rest of it's attacks were block-able.

The rusted assault robo should only get the nurf and vari version should stay the same I agree on this.

Azel borg I don't own that robo and I can't buy it ever again so not much I can say about it.

Gamma eh I don't care cause I don't own it ether and I didn't mind way it was before.

Bio Nice, I'm gonna buy it now.

Pryo Fly eh I own that robo but it still isn't helpful even with dmg boost. I tired it out I get like 20dmg now but it still take;s the useless skill's most often. I would sell but I can't >.>

Baby Yeti- I use to own it but sold it when tlm's lost there smoke.

Masterofthenoob -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 11:41:18)

friend18@ Well I'm a cyber I can easily counter there bio robo. Ether A I have to use my pryo into side arm and aux and then I mass (if I can mange to live that long prob gonna need heal so aux wouldn't be used >.>) And I beat them that way but if they don't have it bio borg then it;s just free picking for me.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 16:10:46)

Putting this out there.

Pyro Fly is fine.

In a recent Juggernaut battle, a 27 + Var 26 took me to 28 / 121 HP by removing my Level 8 Field MEdic, then debuffing both of my defensive stats.

I think the Pyro Fly's formula should be changed to this.

(Removable skill points / Skill points invested in skill = Chance to remove skill).


Tech Mage: (19 Removable)

Level 10 Plasma Bolt (10 / 19 Chance)
Level 4 Malfunction (4 / 19 Chance)
Level 1 Technician (1 / 19 Chance)
Level 1 Bludgeon (1 / 19 Chance)
Level 7 Reroute (Unremovable)
Level 1 Defense Matrix (1 / 19 Chance)
Level 2 Field Medic (2 / 19 Chance)

So, with this, there is a higher chance of removing "vital" skills, therefore resulting in more battles like above.

I think Bio Borg should be buffed to 12-15 damage, to compensate for it's ability removing less potential damage than others.

I think the regular Assault Bot's special should be raised to 75% of debuff removal, and its damage buffed to 11-14.

That's all I have to say!

Good work, EpicDuel team.

rej -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:09:19)

I love the gamma bot change. It makes it even more of a tactical item. Now, the physical attack is blockable (Dex improves block chance, and physical defense) while the energy attack is deflectable (Tech improves deflect chance, as well as energy defense) making it that much easier to use, especially against dex abusers. [:D]

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:35:25)

Rej that is true, and if they didn't make that new breakthrough the Infernal android would have been facing the same problem as the Gamma bot did in the past since they were originally going to make it blockable. Dex build would increase and then the infernal android would have been put away faster then the bio borg with most.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:37:56)

I think that changes are good and valid. Gamma bot buyers are happy, and no one really gives a crap about Assault Bot & Rusty Assault Bot, so it's a good deal.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:44:18)

Wootz sorry but I don't like what they did to that Azreal borg. In the notes they said that they didn't like the idea of one bot countering another, but if you think about it by making the bio borg's ability immune to the Azreal borg's ability they basically did the same thing only worse. They made the bio borg's ability counteract the azreal's ability to remove that buff. Before when Azreal could counter the ability it still left some of the buff so it still had some use (although a small amount) But this way the only thing I can due when someone uses this is just get an unblockable attack of a small amount of damage unless the person has weak defense.

Also a lot of people gave a lot about the assault and rust bots since as the admins said those bots were used more then any other bots for the purpose that they removed debuffs. haven't you been reading the thread and saw how many people are upset about this nerf? or that they got an equal nerf?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:46:11)

How is it fair if one Bot makes another one useless? So why doesn't my Assault Bot debuff your Azrael to do 65% of your debuff which is mere 22.75%? I mean it should work since they should affect each other.
It wasn't fair, that's it.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:52:33)

Trans it didn't make it completely useless. sure there was only 10 percent damage done originally but the point is you still took damage while the thorns are in effects. this way however, it completely counters the Azreal ability to be effective in this case making it completely useless in this situation.

Before both bots could still to their jobs even if one nerfed the effect of the other. now only one can do it's job in this situation.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 19:53:04)

Azrael's bot special was a bit too powerfull for me, it was a complete counter to defensive builds (via buffs) and countering the Bio Borg was too much, as it is it's special. Wouldn't it be stupid to Azrael's to counter Assault bots debuff nerf? (well that sounds totaly retarted, but you get the point).

What I think of those people:
they just want money to buy every single win in the game. Why wouldn't there be something good for F2Pers. Heck, make the game P2P and lets see how it'll go. Changing the values on the bot is just dumb. There already is both a damage difference and damage output type difference. Also, the bots are used for defensive purpouses. Which I, atleast, don't give a damn about. How it goes in my build, special my debuff and you just gave me a free turn of more damage. Gotta love heavy Strenght-Support builds, don't ya'!

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 20:00:29)

Wootz The assault bot's debuff ability isn't buffing a person it is removing a debuff of a person so how could the azreal counter that? If it did that then yeah it would be OP. Also when I used my Azreal borgs ability, I used it on more of tanks and strength spammer who just went over board with these stats never on a weaker character who was more balanced and needed an extra boost.

Also if anything if they needed to nerf the Azreal borg in another way, why not just make it do less on on the bio borg's buff instead of complete counter it? You may claim it wasn't fair that azreal could counter the bio borg's buff but as I stated before it still had some of it's buff left and both still did their jobs while this one the bio borg does it's job and Azreal can't.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 20:02:38)

If Assault could debuff Azrael somehow and it'd be OP, how is Azrael nerfing Shields AND another Bot fair? Renders the Bot useless yet it'd be fair.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 20:20:47)

Trans I am sorry I must have have read it backwards as I thought it was the Azreal nerfing the Assault not the other way around. But even if it did to that it would still be able to do it's job even after the temporary nerf. That is the point I am trying to get across.

Even with the nerf to the bio borg's ability it still did damage to the player if they attacked only less. Remember if both cases did happened the bot would still be do it's original job but only will less power. the way it is now however in that situation the azreal borg wouldn't be able to do it's job that is the point I am trying to get across. Also why does everyone keep saying that it render's the bot useless? everyone keep forgetting that even with 10 percent or if they just nerfed the bot in the first way without the second 35 percent of the original would still be able to do it's job. Where as now the Azreal can't do what it was designed to do in this situation.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 23:14:44)

IMO Infernal Bot debuff was way to much. It has a 4 turn cooldown and you have to wait 4 turns until it reaches normal damage. And if you want more or max damage gotta wait even longer or up to 15 rounds. Imagine what this will be like in a 2vs2 battle with a bunch of 5 focus tank cyber hunters. That would be the longest 2vs2 I ever heard of. IMO it should start off with 70% normal damage. Improve by 10% damage each round and still have 150% damage cap. And still be deflectable but have a 3 turn cooldown.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Upcoming Bot Balance Changes (8/17/2012 23:19:52)

I think the nerf is good as it is. Besides that is what strategy is for. The bots were made to assist in battle bot completely dominate in the battle.

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