cheaper enhancement for players (Full Version)

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shafaul12 -> cheaper enhancement for players (8/28/2012 12:28:38)

i've been playing this game for long time and i think it might be a good idea to make enhancement little cheaper for the players because it's bad enough that nonvarium player can't buy a better armor but if you meke it little cheaper they will be able to at least upgrade their armors/weapons:)[8|] if you can please reply,,,,,:D

Mother1 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/28/2012 13:00:20)

I support this idea. While Credits are worth less then varium, the amount it credits it costs to enhance an item is crazy. Also to fully enhance some of the non varium items with credits is nuts as well. I mean for 6 slots it costs the equal of a class change and for ten you can do 3 class changes and have 20,000 credits or by four of the non varium house and have 10,000 credits.

Plus I fully enhanced a varium item with credits during the war, since I didn't have the varium, and I can say it sucked. So I 100% support this idea.

Waxor9001 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/28/2012 13:56:18)

The problem is, that those who already bought enhancements before will be angry, because they could have saved some variums/credits.

Because of that, unsupported.

suboto -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/28/2012 17:08:19)

I bought var slots in the past a % of what the price change put in given back would fix the issue

EDFrost96 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/28/2012 17:48:01)

Players who have already enhanced there gear it will be extremely un-fair for them and for that reason un-supported

shafaul12 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/29/2012 11:43:53)

i think it would be fair because players who already enhanced and players who didn't enhance, both might get advantage from it in the future:) after all there is always better-new armors and weapons available:)

Power Of The Chosen -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/31/2012 18:30:39)

i honestly wont care anymore about the money ive spent on enhancements in the past if enhancements ever become cheaper because thats all in the past and already done. You cant really do anything about it, but i would just be grateful that enhancements finally got cheaper.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (8/31/2012 18:46:33)

@Power of the chosen
You can do something here
State your opinion, it can cause changes

Hatsuka -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/1/2012 8:54:33)

In this case, Do you mean Credits Enchancements or Varium Enchancements ?

Credit Enchancement : If you mean Credit, There is no way about decreasing the price, I would suggest to increase it, Because only Varium user that Pay the game, and those Non-Varium user just play under the Varium user money, So yeah enough said about credit.

Varium Enchancement : Just don't disturb the Varium enchancement price, It is fair so far.

Darkwing -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/1/2012 9:58:22)

the credit prices for enhancements are too high for no reason. I would make 3,5k -5k each enhancement.

Westwycke -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/1/2012 21:34:42)

Darkwing, you are wrong. The credit prices for enhancement are high for a perfectly obvious reason. Credit prices are high and Varium prices are low because they are trying to encourage you to support EpicDuel by BUYING VARIUM.

Remember, EpicDuel is a business as well as a game, and they need to make money to continue to operate.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/1/2012 22:10:41)

Low varium prices? It costs $8.50 for 10slots and that's AFTER you buy that actual weapon which costs $5+ they need to lower both, I have at least 60+ enhancements across all my weapons and I could care less if the prices were reduced, heck I'll even be glad.

Remember ED makes more money than AQW and they have way more players.

Mr.Blank -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/2/2012 9:46:35)

Cheaper enchancements may cause an increase in the player base. More players=more money, simple as that. Besides, the cheaper enchancements would maintain the happiness among the players longer in the long run. The newer gear seems to count more than the old gear, so this would logically make sense. How many lvl 35 players are using their fully enchanced Dragonic Mutanting weapons from the last year? Not many. The investment has been made and the weapons have nearly lost their purpose. Now, how many new and old players would be thrilled if the enchantment prices get lowered now and the new, powerful dragonic weapons are released in the next Friday? People would be inspired to spend.

And credit enchancement prices should be lowered. If the credit prices remain as high as they are the gap between credit and varium players will continously grow to the point where credit players practically seize to exist. And as the credit players die, so does the EpicDuel. Varium players will eventually get bored fighting each other and will miss the easier battles. And so, they will quit and only those who did not get bored in constant 10-minute battles will remain. The situation is already quite alarming: About 1 out of 11 battles in 1v1 contains a credit player in the higher levels, or at least that's my estimate.

And let's not forget about the lowbies. If the enchancement prices get lowered enough they may even have a purpose in mid levels (20-30). Not many are crazy enough to enchance their items at those levels. No doubt most of these players get confused as they reach level 29 and will quit as their unenchanced gear is suddenly not enough.

Edit: Fixed a few typos and my estimate.

Reki -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/2/2012 16:34:26)

I agree. A slight lower in varium enh. prices would be nice but for sure mainly lower the credit enh. price by a fair amount.
Its only descent up to 3-4 credit enh. then it gets just ridiculous.

codenamespartan117 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/3/2012 11:42:15)

I also agree, nowadays most people u only get about 32 credits if u win, ad alot of peole dnt have mindless hours to get the creds f2p guys have it so hard on them, personally i think varium items are way too exspensive for just like 2-4 extra slots which cost more varium if u want to fill them or a sht ton of credits, and like every 2 weeks a new weapon appears anyways, better than the last, i think prices should be lowered on jsut about eevrything, the amount needed to enhance is outrageous, i play 2-6 hours a day adn can barley ruffle up around 3k-4k credits on average, for numerous things always being eleae, it seems like this should just be doubled on evrything, and i win a lot i jsut calculated my average with every fight a wineither lower prices or up the credit for win by 2 and losses also

shafaul12 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/5/2012 13:44:45)

What do u think? State ur opinion:) if u have something to add to this u can do it here! "Small change can make a big difference":D

Lord Loss... -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/5/2012 14:31:25)

ok first of all to everybody who says that the players that enhanced the slots before would rage, heres a bit of news for you. The price of credit enhancements have been lowered before in epicudel by about 40%. Believe it or not it used to be much more expensive to enhance with credits.

To those who think that enahncing with varium is cheap, you obviously have never done so, Varium enhancements cost way more than the price of purchasing the weapon itself.

The credit prices I think are fair enough, because non var gear almost always has 5 enhancement slots and 7 at max. 5 enahncement slots are no more than 30k credits and it's rare for non var gear to have more slots.

P.S. Aqw makes more money in a day than ED makes the whole month, thats why aqw is AEs flag game.

Masterofthenoob -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (9/5/2012 20:02:32)

Okay they will only be one way I will support this idea. If when this change were added and the prices were lowered. We should receive like money back for the stuff we have right now (in your inv) that's been enchanted. Like lets this (hypothetical idea) Creds: 1 Points: 1k Vari: 1 point: 25 varium
2 Points: 3k 2 points 75 varium
3 Points: 5k 3 Points 125 Varium
4 Points: 7k 4 Points 175
5 Points: 9k Etc 5 Points 225 Varium ETC

So lets say I got max 9 points on my gun and I will subtract Total Cost of the old price to the new price and what ever that number is what I will receive.

ghost_0077 -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (10/24/2012 0:53:53)

I would like to see a change. Rather than a multiplicative (is that even a word?) scaling, I would like to see a single cost. So instead of paying more and more for each enhancement, it would be 1 point = X amount of credits or varium. I understand that this is a business and they want to make money, but it just seems silly that I add one enhancement point and then the next time to add it costs the same amount and then some.

SS -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (10/24/2012 6:44:07)


Lycus -> RE: cheaper enhancement for players (10/24/2012 6:48:39)

Please do not revive topics that are over three two weeks old - and also, just to let you know, as mentioned in the latest ED Livestream, we may be introducing a bit of an interesting change to the whole Enhancement system in the future, you will just have to wait and see!

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