When is support getting a much needed buff? (Full Version)

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Khannibal -> When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 15:05:55)

So support is undoubtedly the most neglected stat ingame at the moment, what with healing no longer influenced by it and deflects changed to tech, where does support stand? And before anyone jumps in saying "it's called support for a reason to support people" no. It's the only non abusable stat ingame with limited influence. Support is just a name not a definition. I was here from the start, I know about it's influence in beta but that was three years ago now it's not what it was. So when is it getting it's highly anticipated buff? I can't justify it by saying it gets crates because launcher damage with support abuse sets you up for deflects against tanks. Deflects are more frequent than crits and aux damage relies on tech to do it's damage. The pros of other stats far supersede the pros of other stats.

kingpowerlord -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 16:02:08)

Wheb robots increase damage with support instead of tech, but it might make those support abusing mercenaries and tlms a bit op.

RabbleFroth -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 16:28:00)

Hopefully soon.

Support now has a much bigger impact in determining who goes first as of a few updates ago, but would like to centralize its abilities at some point.

kingpowerlord -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 16:34:51)

Rabbleforht could I also ask you, is anything going to happen to field medic or is it gonna stay the same for example give more health level 35?

suboto -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 16:37:29)

Support already has
Aux dmg+
1st strike +rate
crit +rate
rage+rate (stacks with normal merc rage skill)
reduces stun chance (helps with stun nades and mage skill)
+buffs serveral skills like
Malfunction/feild/blood commander/ defense martix/merc/tlm multi's/reflex boost/energy shield
Also support helps with focus 5
In my opinion the only thing's that need a buff are
Tlm/cyber hunter stun grenade -1dex/tech per +1dmg (incourageing tank builds) +makeing skill more useful
buff tlm/merc multi -1support per +1dmg (incourageing support builds to come back)
Or a new skill for tlm replaceing field commander and putting support commander increaseing support
---Can increase with one of the following str/dex/tech----
change passive armor to +5/+5 all classes
Change deadly aim to a fixed +1dmg per skill point or change passive armor into +% rate like it evening out the passive

rej -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 17:11:21)


Support already has
Aux dmg+
1st strike +rate
crit +rate
rage+rate (stacks with normal merc rage skill)
reduces stun chance (helps with stun nades and mage skill)
+buffs serveral skills like
Malfunction/feild/blood commander/ defense martix/merc/tlm multi's/reflex boost/energy shield
Also support helps with focus 5
In my opinion the only thing's that need a buff are
Tlm/cyber hunter stun grenade -1dex/tech per +1dmg (incourageing tank builds) +makeing skill more useful
buff tlm/merc multi -1support per +1dmg (incourageing support builds to come back)
Or a new skill for tlm replaceing field commander and putting support commander increaseing support
---Can increase with one of the following str/dex/tech----
change passive armor to +5/+5 all classes
Change deadly aim to a fixed +1dmg per skill point or change passive armor into +% rate like it evening out the passive

Too bad the other stats all have either more perks, or much more useful perks.
Thanks for posting though. [;)]

doomturtle -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 17:55:26)

The only thing support is actually good for right now is getting to 5 focus and a little bit aux damage. Because criticaling rarely happens. When you rage the person you raged on usually has rage after that. 1st strike chance seems completely random.

RabbleFroth -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 18:57:33)

Ideas I'm toying with now are making Support have a bigger effect on reducing stun chance, scaling with Field Medic, reducing debuff effects, centralizing buff scaling onto support, and more I might be forgetting.

No telling which (if any) of these ideas might actually make it in-game, just mentioning that I am working out ways to make it a little more attractive as a stat.

paroe -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 19:02:18)


Ideas I'm toying with now are making Support have a bigger effect on reducing stun chance, scaling with Field Medic, reducing debuff effects, centralizing buff scaling onto support, and more I might be forgetting.

No telling which (if any) of these ideas might actually make it in-game, just mentioning that I am working out ways to make it a little more attractive as a stat.

have you thought of giving support an outgoing damage buff? like... every fifteen points of support gets you +1% extra damage (ignoring defense)
or maybe making it so support gives you a vamp effect? like starting at 30 support, every ten points gets you +1% vampire effect (damage converted to HP) or even a spell vamp effect (damage converted into MP)

King Helios -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 19:03:28)

Maybe make it increase chance to stun?

Mother1 -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 19:07:29)

The only offensive moves I can see working with this are the aux and artillery strike with the mercs and tech mercs. Otherwise it powers up most of the debuffs and buffs (With a few exceptions to this rule)

But still since support was nerfed so hard, most people use the other three skills and leave up support unless using a level 5 focus build.

doomturtle -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 19:20:06)

Yeah I have a 5 focus and I left it at 45 which is right between damages for my aux. I did this so I would have more points to put on more important stats

Wootz -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/28/2012 19:52:11)

I was actually able to pull of a great Support build as an Cyber Hunter. And it worked quite well. ^^ Not sure how it would now after the last nerf.

Khannibal -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 5:55:01)

Well Rabble, I really appreciate your response, it's good to know you're considering changing the stat's effectiveness, so thank you :]

Jekyll -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 6:28:49)

Support doesn't need too big a buff, but right now, it is considerably weaker and less useful than most other stats. This is why we often see people running around with 18-support builds. Maybe one or two new bonuses from Rabble's list will do the trick.

Drianx -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 7:07:55)


Support now has a much bigger impact in determining who goes first

In a game which supposedly requires skill, this shouldn't matter too much, should it?

RabbleFroth -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 12:44:23)


Depending on your build going first can really let you set the pace of the battle. Not the biggest thing in the world, but it can still be an advantage that you can stat towards.

Drianx -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 13:59:50)


I appreciate your answer ;).
But I think there should be other primary advantages for Support than going first. I'd rather suggest than going first should be boosted by Focus level, for example.
Because the issue with Support initially was that it manipulated too many luck factors. Moving deflections to technology was a good idea in my opinion.
I'd rather see more fact-based advantages in Support, instead of just massive luck manipulation - for example, moving bot damage from tech to support.
And the reason is that Support is an offensive-type stat, so just as Str boosts primary+sidearm, Supp should boost aux and bot.
And with both bot attacks going into cooldown after only one use, I think it will not be a gamebreaking modification.

Best regards.

Mother1 -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 14:47:17)

Drianx don't forget robots are machines that are made from technology. But at the same time they do support you as well so either way and it would still make sense. But in all honestly I think there should be some moves besides artillery strike that are pure offensive and are powered up with support. It might help the game in this sense as well.

Stabilis -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 15:03:20)


Pure offensive

More burst skills, and for Support? Support, a stat that is not affected by other skills, gains burst skills that are uncontrollable (no blocking, no deflecting, critical strike, rage)?

If they are low damage or slow-improving skills then I support. If they are not, if they are highly concentrated as is Plasma Bolt or Fire Ball then I do not support.

Strike is self-sufficient (every turn!!!), moving Robot damage or Sidearm damage to Support is something I can approve.

Mother1 -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 15:09:48)

Moving the sidearm to support would make much more sense then str, since it is an item that is suppose to aid you in battle where they got the idea to make it work with str I have really no clue unless they didn't want to make support OP. But on another note this move would also be making a hit on Str BM since that is one of things they use that is powered by str while boosting support.

However I couldn't support moving both the bot and sidearm to support because if this is done Support would be OP since it would be powering most of the debuffs and buffs, your bot, your side arm, and your aux. If that happened they support would get nerfed again so either the bot or the sidearm not both.

Stabilis -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 15:19:24)

Of course, Support would only be allowed 1 of the 2 weapons as stated "Robot damage or Sidearm damage". Both weapons would provide enough turns to use a weapon each turn as does Strike and Support may become terrifyingly overpowered since it can opt with Focus or deflectable attacks VS Strike's blockable attacks.

Strength would maintain a once per turn attack option but minus element-seeking. Support would maintain cooldown attack options but have element-seeking, so this, Sidearm or Robot, should definitely be tested by Practel and gang if there is time and see just how much of a success it might be.

Mother1 -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 15:27:15)

^ I vote the sidearm over the bot. The bot as I said can be either a support item or a piece of technology, while the sidearm is more of a support item. I can't see how the sidearm could be used as a strength item since you are shooting someone and not striking them. Plus if this was happened it would also be another reason for Str BM to stop abusing str even with the recent fireball nerf. While less are using it, I still see some who still abuse this build, and moving the sidearm to support I think would have helped more then nerfing the fireball.

Unknown Menace -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 16:01:39)


Yeah and if you consider BM's already have deadly aim to boost the side arm combined with strenght. So turning it into support would make it alot less threatening.

Youre right. I forgot that..

Stabilis -> RE: When is support getting a much needed buff? (8/29/2012 16:13:16)


Deadly Aim

Yes... that skill, with a Support requirement right? It may need to be changed to Technology (deflection stat, to be fair) since damage stacking would be imminent.

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