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Maqximus213 -> New Robot! (9/26/2012 17:22:53)


Imagine the surprise of a TM when he uses Malfunction and you reverse it on him!! Or the random mayhem that would ensue in a 2vs2 match when a debuff meant for your opponent suddenly gets afflicted against your own partner [:-]

To make it somewhat effective, though, in both 1vs1 and 2vs2, a person who uses the bot first should be given at least 1 turn before the reversal can be turned back against them with by an opponent also using the same robot. No point reversing MALF just to have it immediately reversed back to you!

I can only imagine what would happen in Juggernaut mode lol.

I think a bot like this could could turn the tide of victory to anyone...or just royally mess with players who have loops or automatic gameplaying. IE: CH malf, static charge, gun, massacre. or TM plasma bolt, malf, gun, super charge, rage plasma bolt

Mother1 -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 17:28:39)

Not supported. With a bot like this it would destroy people's game plans and is extremely OP with this ability.

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 17:54:03)

Part of the plan IS TO DESTROY GAMEPLANS! That's why I gave examples with the Cyber Hunter and Tech Mage. Some peoples builds have become a little too unbeatable.

Here another example:
Turn 1 Bounty Hunter uses Smoke Screen
Turn 2 Tech Mage uses Malfuntion.
Turn 3 BH uses Robot Reversal and trades the Tech debuff for the Dex debuff. The BH may have really high Dex so to him the trade off is fair.

Theres unlimited uses for trade offs.

Ranloth -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 17:56:22)

It destroys balance.. Rather than destroy like you want it, you can do quite the.. opposite. CHs and TMs will use Malf on Casters and you can reverse it + use Bolt/SC. How awesome is that? Or BM and BH with Smoke and Fireball/Bludgeon. Terrible.

Besides it's also OP, it's like a free debuff but with no damage dealt. Not supported.

DeathHound -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 17:57:44)

This is funny.
Well the fact is:
--For one, the Infernal Bot came out not to long ago, so the point of a new bot is absurd.
--The reversal of buffs/debuffs is too overpowered. If someone debuffs for 40, you're telling me that you're now going to be adding 40 as a buff? However, i did not understand what you meant by, "To make it somewhat effective, though, in both 1vs1 and 2vs2, a person who uses the bot first should be given at least 1 turn before the reversal can be turned back against them".
--People complained for YEARS about the lack of abundance for robots. ED replied with what is now behind the vault, what you all have been wanting for years. But when you guys see it, you act all surprised that it's not anything better, as if you forgot you've always wanted a new and improved one?
--Seems to overpowered.
--Reversing (in this case, debuffing) passive skills? That'd be more than one debuff on a character, doing more harm to him than expected.

However, maybe if it reversed at a cost, or even only reversed 1/2 or 1/4 of the actual buff/debuff, would it even be CONSIDERED as another bot to come, with even tighter costs/restrictions to it.

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 18:37:27)

The beauty part comes AFTER the initial suggestion. It's the input on an idea that helps to iron out flaws and help create a reality. The Reversal is a special attack. So if your opponent is neither buffed or debuffed in the first place you cant do a reversal. The point is to TRADE not completely nullify.

@DeathHound, trading for 1/2 or 1/3 at the least seems fair. Maybe even make it a 1 time per battle use.

I dont consider Passive Abilities buffs anyway. BTW.

I doesn't even have to be a trade. Maybe even out right STEAL 2/3 of your opponents buff. If someone buffed for 36 and you took 2/3 you would get 24. If they stole it back they would get 2/3 which would be 16.

Whatever, these are just suggestions. 99% of what we suggest will never become reality.
And anything that might take power from those who reign will never come to pass anyway.

XapApp -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 19:31:56)


I think a bot like this could could turn the tide of victory to anyone...or just royally mess with players who have loops or automatic gameplaying.

Exactly why I'm not supporting, don't think anyone else would. Like they said too overpowered.


Whatever, these are just suggestions. 99% of what we suggest will never become reality.

No offence but your 3 most recent suggestions were not really thought of. L4L? & S4S?, In-Battle Taunts and this.

sky222 -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 20:20:50)

Sounds fun, supported
Might need a nerf: how about any debuffs on you and any buffs on opponent BEFORE the switch will be nerfed to 70% after nerf (in simpler terms, anything that benefits you is nerfed to 70%)

Mother1 -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 20:47:11)

Sky222 then you might as well put the assault bot and Azreal borgs out of business since that is what those two bots do with 5% less to to the nerfs with a little switch a roo.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 21:44:46)

Ahaha, It really unfair but i like the idea

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: New Robot! (9/26/2012 22:44:58)

As a tac merc, I would always use this
Reverse a skill, then use the 5-focus power

Hyperion211 -> RE: New Robot! (9/29/2012 3:28:35)

that way mercenaries will become the strongest and it is a bad idea

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New Robot! (9/29/2012 7:39:49)

not supported, this will make any debuffing skill useless. why would anyone spend their energy to use a debuff skill when they know that it will just be used against themselves. you could just remove all debuff skills other than releasing this bot.

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (9/29/2012 23:21:49)

I dont understand where it went from "trading" buff/debuffs to removing them. Whatever LOL

Mother1 -> RE: New Robot! (9/29/2012 23:33:42)

basically they are saying with this bot debuffs and buff would be worthless since everytime you inflict one, all you would have to do with the bot is use it's ability on yourself or the opponent and boom the debuff they used (example smoke) is turned into defense matrix or the buff used Technician would be turned into malf. It would become have this bot or die in terms of debuffs and buff, or better yet people would stop using buffs/debuff altogether if they think you have this bot.

so as I stated NOT SUPPORTED!

RageSoul -> RE: New Robot! (9/30/2012 4:11:55)

Think of this way :
Turn 1 : BH Smokes : BM Intimidates
Turn 2: You switch debuffs : He Bludgeons you ( Bludge + Smoke = OUCH! )
Turn 3 : Strike got Blocked ( the lower the DEX one has , the more Blocks he receives ) : BM uses Fireball ( Fireball to the FACE DX )

So apparently , like everybody else , i don't support this . Not only it'll be OP'ed but also kinda pointless .

deltaknight7 -> RE: New Robot! (10/1/2012 22:29:22)

wayyyyyyy op

Drianx -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 2:42:43)

I would rather think that the special should apply the same debuff to the enemy, but should not remove it from you.

Otherwise all debuffs will become useless = Mercenaries + Tacticals will become way too strong.

gangster a -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 4:39:58)

is this a troll topic if not then no cause there are too many strong robots like this already.

King FrostLich -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 5:50:15)



Imagine the surprise of a TM when he uses Malfunction and you reverse it on him!! Or the random mayhem that would ensue in a 2vs2 match when a debuff meant for your opponent suddenly gets afflicted against your own partner

So... if one class has a debuff and other doesn't(ex. Tact Merc vs Cyber Hunter) then won't malfing the tact merc be worthless? Oh and tact merc vs tact merc too won't do anything. This bot is clearly going to destroy balance when 2 classes face-off with a debuff skill. So let's say some bounty hunter uses massacre, I'll just simply use robot reversal and then he gets massacred back and I use a staff when massacre requires wrist blades. Strange enough? More of like stupid imo.

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 14:01:03)

@ King Frostlich....Tactical Mercs have Field Commander. Is that a buff or not?

Bunshichi -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 14:04:48)

^ that is a buff (meaning it increases a certain stat: field command, reflex, technician, blood commander) a debuff decreases a certain stat (curse, malf, smoke,intimidate)

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 14:17:21)

^Exactly. So King Frostlich was wrong in using TLM as an example of a class without a buff. Just saying.

King FrostLich -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 14:32:25)

FYI, it's still worthless either way. If in a 1v1 match a TLM fights a TLM neither of them will waste a turn using field commander. Why? No one wants the other person to get buffed when only they should be the one getting it from their turn. Plus, everyone isn't agreeing with your suggestion. It's clearly useless and overpowered.

Maqximus213 -> RE: New Robot! (10/2/2012 14:43:40)

Well it is now. The suggestion was meant to be a basis for other suggestions that might make it better. But right away people shot it down because all they saw was the worst case scenarios. Suggestions aren't meant to be concrete ideas. Do you honestly think half the equipment we have available to us now is still in its original form? Instead of just pointing out the ill concepts of the idea how about some positive feedback? If your gonna be so quick to point out what is wrong, then how about right after you offer your input about what YOU yourself would do to help make it better.

I've read a lot of other suggestions where I thought the idea wasn't up to par, (along with other people) but some of those ideas got constructive criticism atleast.

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