RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (Full Version)

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Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/23/2012 22:55:43)

I call on the almighty hero, Squidman! *gets shocked to death* Ummm.... Not anymore.

Tha Killa -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 21:54:35)

I love attacking Dynami, so fun to farm with AC:)
Just a lil' warning, if there's a war this weekend, Paxia is getting zero help from me.
Sorry guys[>:]

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:05:33)

I've tried to help out as much as I can. The only thing to do now, is post the radish uhh, I mean, ending screenshot.

And I'll do the calculations after school. As of next round, I will not have any reports to do. I will be able to help out as much as I humanly can vs. Dynami. Hang in there, Paxia, no matter how this round ends.... Help. Is. Coming. And it doesn't like the Dynami!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:31:38)

At first glance it looks like there is a crack in the armor of dynami![:D]

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:41:54)

It's okay, we'll weld it back together.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:44:32)

How did that even happen, this is not cool. Dynami can't lose, who would oppress all these Paxians if we did?

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:45:16)

I blame you Diggy. You didn't lock the door.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:46:48)

Oh I did lock the door. I'm very certain because I locked it right after I brought this beautiful wooden giant horse statue inside. Speaking of which, where did it go?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:47:40)

There's obviously the appearance of a silent Hero who does nothing but attack you guys.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/25/2012 22:56:41)

Is this hero the one who gave us this nice horse?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/26/2012 0:03:54)

Horse? What horse? I have never seen a horse. Don't ask me about a horse.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/26/2012 0:27:30)

I think I saw him running down the Dynami's road, yes. Looked like a shady character. I can't believe you guys accepted a gift fom someone that suspicious. Then again, it could've been a Nocturan pulling a prank for the destruction of our territory.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/26/2012 17:40:25)

Allright, time to determine if our 'Silent Hero' helped out as much as we thought he did.

Dynamit attacked A8 and A7. Both Geoto. The official count is.... A loss of 415 points. Geoto, on the other hand, gained 230 points. Dynami's attack, for once, has been deflected!!! *sounds the conch shell*

Unfortunately, Geoto didn't get to capitalize on the rare moment. They attacked A3, Glacius, and A10, Lucian. Glacius lost 50 points and Lucian lost 59 points.... So Geoto gained both spaces!

Now for Aerodu. To quote them:

Do I really need to do this? Oh well, B11, C can't think of number now.

But Heroes of Scape, You're Winner! Aerodu may have lost 36 points, but Dynami took quite the thrashing! For once, competition is back!

Will our silent Hero help again? Did Dynami's main forces get run over by a rogue Ice Cream Truck? I don't know, but it's awesome that something FINALLY happened besides Dynami killing us each week. Oh, and Dynami, next time just leave the horse outside in the snow. It'll work eventually!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/26/2012 18:05:27)

As long as there's chips and Pepsi, I'm pretty sure he'll be helping. Just leave 'em by the doorstep, he'll come pick it up.

Kalle29 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/27/2012 12:28:10)

Sorry for not participating in several weeks guys. I've wanted to, but my computer cannot be used right now [:@] I think I'll be able to join the next time there's no war.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/28/2012 11:55:44)

No problem Kalle29, I myself won't be properly active next weekend, I may get a free hour or two but no more. Still at least the Dynami tide has been, at least temporarily, halted; well done my fellow Paxians.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/30/2012 20:15:50)

I'll get you my pretty...and your little Paxians too.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (11/30/2012 22:06:34)

Or will you, Spanish!?!?

*casts aeroga*

Hahahaha hahaha ha HAaa!!! [translation: Round 8, FIGHT!]
We'll take this round straight to Narnia!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/1/2012 2:43:23)

Just notice that Geoto are back in the positives for the first time in quite a while.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/1/2012 9:45:13)

Just got through 57 fights vs. Dynami.... Going to leave for a minute, then it's back to destroying thier forces!

EDIT: I'm trying to keep count of how many waves I actually kill. Just went through 45 more Dynami, I think 3 Dynami a wave.... That's 102 Dynami, 34 waves down so far. Good gosh, why do I keep getting distracted!

Tha Killa -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/2/2012 21:38:33)

Couldn't help out this weekend:( Teribly sorry I'll try to redeem myself next week!

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/2/2012 22:11:37)

Same here, Killa. What I've got up is what I did....

ENDING LINK: password is nacho-powered

First off, Dynami. They wanted to take out B11 and A10. However, Dynami actually lost 254 points! But did the other clans do any better? Geoto gained 37 points and Aerodu lost 217 points somehow. Close, but Dynami just didn't make it this week....

Next, to quote Aerodu,

Lets hope not to get the wrath of Dynami this week, B10, B09
Wish granted. Guess the Silent Hero's been hard at work or something.... *puts out extra cookies for Silent Santa Hero Clause of Death*

And finally, Geoto.

Geoto attacks A11 and A12
Well, on one hand, you missed another chance to take 2 Dynami spaces.... But on the other hand... you wiped Lucian off the map! *flips table*

And that's this week's round. What does this mean? It means that someone introduced Dynami to Skyrim and it's been killing them ever since.... Or maybe Oversoul? I dunno.... Roll with it Paxians!

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/2/2012 22:34:54)


Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/2/2012 22:40:01)

Man oh man are we starting to cut it close.[&o]

EDIT: OMG!!! Just noticed that Aerodu took the Dynami Capitol, (Clan Base) in this round!! Bonus Points!! [:D][sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/3/2012 2:59:13)

Another win for Geoto, I had expected Dynami to attack the Lucian territories to prevent us expanding into them. Still nothing lost overall, now lets keep up this rout of Dynami. By the next weekend I will have a decent water weapon to hunt Dynami with, a new custom weapon, watch out Dynami I will be winning far quicker than before..

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