RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (Full Version)

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friend18 -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/11/2012 9:36:48)

^I was F2P up to level 29. I didn't even have to use an exp boost to level up. All it takes is a little playing time.

Mother1 -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/11/2012 11:41:09)


While this is true that it helps you get rage quicker it still promotes strength.The Support has a stat of three, while Strength has a stat of 8. I swear they are starting to make these new armors favor strength in stats when armor is meant to favor dex, tech, and support not strength since Armor is meant for protection not attacking.

ND Mallet -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/11/2012 12:48:01)

@friend Trust me, it's much harder after lvl 30 to level up as a non varium player.

friend18 -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/11/2012 15:43:57)



While this is true that it helps you get rage quicker it still promotes strength.The Support has a stat of three, while Strength has a stat of 8. I swear they are starting to make these new armors favor strength in stats when armor is meant to favor dex, tech, and support not strength since Armor is meant for protection not attacking.

Well, actually not... The armor already provides bonuses to our defense. The stat points are just additional bonuses. You can't tank forever. If you did, you wouldn't be able to get much done :/ I actually ran a 5 focus support build with Platinum's Fury and Dage's Shotgun. It works quite well. You get rage very often and you still have quite a bit of defense.


@friend Trust me, it's much harder after lvl 30 to level up as a non varium player.

I have a level 31 bounty hunter with an 80% win ratio in 1v1 and he's never NPC'ed before, except for missions. I don't see it being that hard to level... It's just all about surprise. Sure, the mega tanks will defeat him, but you rarely encounter builds like that. I've won many fights against players who think that they will win and don't bother healing. Non-variums with a good build will have that advantage. I've raged for the win in multiple games. It's best to go against the flow because if you go along with everyone else, you'll only be average.

f4tal1tY -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/12/2012 23:43:27)

Thanks @moosey :), it gets EXTREMELY hard to get up levels after 30/31. I've played for quite a long time in 33, and i've only gone up half the xp bar. It doesn't seem like a lot of exp to get through, but most of the people you fight at 31-33 are all hardcore lvl 35 varium users :P, so its almost impossible for me to farm levels quickly.

Midnightsoul -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/13/2012 18:17:10)

Even I'm not lvl 35 yet...
seriously...MrBones is right though...
There does not need to be gear for a certain lvl all the time.
All the spending is pointless and becomes overrated.

laguna blade -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 2:36:31)

I hope lvl cap 35 forever although I lvl up to lvl 35 in 2 days coz players often play with top lvl wep that give more stats. Lower lvl weapons will become expire although they have special coz give less stat.

Lordlake -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 6:28:12)

for now if u got the max lvl just enjoy it
dont be selfish to others that are not 35 yet.
and let them also enjoy the level cap..

laguna blade -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 7:28:21)

I'm not selfish. I just hope lvl cap 35 will not rise forever coz I dont like lvl cap rise again. Lower lvl will become harder to lvl up coz always face higher level

Maybe it is misunderstanding that I hope forever level 35 means no rise level cap anymore because I had feel keep losing when I was level 30 non varium that always face level 35 varium. What I mention about weapons is top level use top gear with full enchance and it make low level especially lvl 30 hard to level up.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 8:29:13)


I have a level 31 bounty hunter with an 80% win ratio in 1v1 and he's never NPC'ed before, except for missions. I don't see it being that hard to level... It's just all about surprise. Sure, the mega tanks will defeat him, but you rarely encounter builds like that. I've won many fights against players who think that they will win and don't bother healing. Non-variums with a good build will have that advantage. I've raged for the win in multiple games. It's best to go against the flow because if you go along with everyone else, you'll only be average.

You're way too naive. Varium players are rare at your level. The higher up you get, the more varium players you encounter. It isn't hard to level, thanks to NPCs and power hour, but it sure is difficult to win.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 8:36:54)

Personally speaking , i hate leveling up .... The Rokies just wont get whats the side effects of leveling up .... If i could, i wish ED level cap to Stay lvl 35 for "GOOD" ...

laguna blade -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 9:10:39)

Ya I agree with soul prisoner although I able tolvl up in 2 days.

white out727 -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 10:17:45)

No, like everyone else said there is hardly any nonrare items for lvl 34-35 and none for 35 as far as i know.

Lycus -> RE: New Lvl Cap 36!! (10/18/2012 12:18:00)

Since this is gaining the same answer over and over, and has no real value as a discussion - going to lock this up. As Rabble stated, this will not be happening for a while, since it was rather recent that we raised it to 35!

I know quite a few of you like the challenge of getting to the next level, but things sadly cannot go too quickly!

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