RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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big E -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/11/2013 16:21:38)


Level: 18 / 38 / 58 / 78 / 88Z / 98 / 118 / 138G / 141Z / 148G
Price and sellback: 25(12) / 106(53) / 758(379) / 6014(3007) / 7250Z(6525Z, 3625Z) / 48396(24198) / 390090(195045) / 3144930(1572465) / 12350Z(11115Z, 6175Z) / 8929755(4464877)
Description: An alien tamed by the WarpForce, a Quog resembles a cross between a duck and a frog. It's effective in battle and can actually heal you with its distinctive "qrowk" sound.
(Guardian Only) - add to appropriate versions.

Level: 18 / 36* / 38 / 58 / 78 / 98 / 108Z / 118 / 138 / 148
Price and sellback: 25(12) / 1250(625) / 106(53) / 758(379) / 6014(3007) / 48396(24198) / 8850Z(7965Z, 4425Z) / 390090(195045) / 3144930(1572465) / 8929755(4464877)
Description: This tamed WarpForce creature looks like a bird... but an alien bird is no more a bird than a turtle is!
(Guardian Only) - add to appropriate versions.

* I'm guessing that the level 36 version is bugged or typoed, seeing as it is more expensive (and more powerful, going by the numbers) than the versions above it.

Yeah, it should be 36Z. Fixed, thanks! ~IMR
Settling. ~whacky

battlesiege15 -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/11/2013 16:58:30)


Umm I'm pretty sure that the pets are the same as the WF ones so here they are from the WF pedia:


and Glador: [image][/image]
Settling. ~whacky

CHAIML -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/11/2013 21:59:03)


Eyephoon is still showing up as being in the Limited Time Shop. It has been moved to Aria's shop.
Updated. Thanks! ~whacky

BlackAces -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/12/2013 2:41:57)


Quog. Also it should be fixed so it's no longer doing 0 damage.

Normal attack is Ranged. +5 BTH and *85/90 damage.

Healing attack is Melee with *0.85 damage. Happens 0.5 - (% of HP left) of the time. (So it starts at 0% at >50% HP, and scales to 50%.)

Level	18	38	58	78	88	98	118	138	141	148
Type	-	-	-	-	Z	-	-	G	Z	G
PLvl	18	38	58	78	98	98	118	141	151	151

Base	3	6	10	14	19	19	25	32	35	35
Rand	7	14	20	30	39	39	49	63	71	71
Stat	164	263	362	461	560	560	659	773	822	822
BtH	4	9	14	19	24	24	29	35	37	37

Price	25	106	758	6014	7250	48396	390090	3144930	12350	8929755


3 Magic hits half the time, 1 Melee hit half the time. Each hit deals the same damage (50% of listed).

+10 BTH and *85/95 damage on the 3-hit attack. No mod on the 1-hit attack.

Level	18	38	36	58	78	98	108	118	138	148
Type	-	-	Z	-	-	-	Z	-	G	G
PLvl	18	38	58	58	78	98	118	118	141	151

Base	5	10	16	16	23	31	40	40	51	56
Rand	3	6	8	8	12	15	19	19	25	29
Stat	164	263	362	362	461	560	659	659	773	822
BtH	4	9	14	14	19	24	29	29	35	37

Price	25	106	1250	758	6014	48396	8850	390090	3144930	8929755
Settling. ~whacky

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/14/2013 4:17:09)



50% chance of one hit Melee Energy. 50% chance of one hit Ranged Fire. All attacks do *1.05 damage.

On the Ranged attack, all damage is shifted to Random. (So NewRand = Base*2 +Rand; NewBase = 0.)
Level	15	37	60	82	105	127	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	15	37	60	82	105	127	153

Base	6	12	21	30	42	55	71
Rand	0	1	0	1	1	0	1
Stat	149	258	372	481	595	704	832
BtH	3	9	15	20	26	31	38

Price	22	96	930	9123	100463	997843	11002348
Settling. ~whacky

DarkDevil -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/18/2013 16:52:23)


Hammer Turret , Hammer Turret G , Hammer Turret Z


Kamui made a portable version of these friendly little turrets, they not only deal good Earth damage, they can also stun you enemy for a turn!

Hammer Turret G has the word (Guardian Only) in the end to not be missing anything.



those pets are getting biger [:D]

decided to make smaller pic althought it was really big in game and you'd decide which to take.


Used the original sized image since it's still within reasonable limits. ~whacky

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/21/2013 19:49:31)


EgGobbler Sr. guest

50% chance of a Melee Darkness bite attack. -10 BTH ~ *85/75 damage
50% chance of a Ranged Darkness tongue attack. -5 BTH ~ *85/80 damage.
Level	15	35	38	55	75	88	95	115	128	135	145
Type	G	G	Z	G	G	Z	G	G	Z	G	G
PowLvl	23	41	59	59	78	98	98	118	138	138	148

CostLvl	21	39	53	58	77	95	97	117	135	137	147
SPCost	12	19	25	28	37	47	49	61	73	75	82

Base	6	10	15	15	22	29	29	37	46	46	51
Rand	12	21	31	31	43	58	58	74	93	93	102
Stat	283.275	416.925	550.575	550.575	691.65	840.15	840.15	988.65	1137.15	1137.15	1211.4
BTH	5	10	14	14	19	24	24	29	34	34	37

Price	43	162	1350	1115	8802	7250	70781	570467	10850	4599098	13058727
Sell	21	81	Z	557	4401	Z	35390	285233	Z	2299549	6529363

EgGobbler Jr. pet

50% chance of one hit, Ranged Darkness. +8 BTH ~ *85/93 damage.
50% chance of two hits, Melee Ice. +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage. Each hit does 50% damage, for the # of hits.

Both attacks do *1.1 damage, for the different elements.
Level	7	22	42	62	74	82	102	122	135	142
Type	G	G	G	G	Z	G	G	G	Z	G
PowLvl	16	29	47	66	85	85	105	125	145	145

Base	3	5	8	12	16	16	21	27	33	33
Rand	6	10	16	23	32	32	43	53	67	67
Stat	154	219	308	402	496	496	595	694	793	793
BtH	4	7	11	16	21	21	26	31	36	36

Price	17	31	153	1143	5150	9123	73462	592177	11650	4774218

Old pets have been re-named.
Settling both. ~whacky

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/22/2013 14:04:31)


Hammer Turret

Ranged Earth. Attack is two hits.

The attack does 50% damage. After the attack, there's a 33.12*(HitsConnected/2)*(MonEarthResist)% chance of trying to Paralyse the monster. The monster gets +0 to its save:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then the monster is Paralysed for one turn.

Earth-element monsters are immune to the effect.

If the monster is immune (either because it's Earth element or because it has a Paralysis Immunity status), or if the monster succeeds on two or more saves, then the turret stops attempting to paralyse. It just does 100% damage.
Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147	15	84	117
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G	Z
PowLvl	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	150	47	87	127

Base	2	5	8	12	17	22	27	35	8	17	27
Rand	3	9	16	24	32	43	56	69	16	32	56
Stat	110	209	308	407	506	605	704	818	308	506	704
BtH	1	6	11	16	21	26	31	37	11	21	31

Price	17	43	249	1917	15364	123778	997843	8044826	700	11238	9700
Settling. ~whacky

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/24/2013 10:06:01)


New Bun-bit pets

All have the same DB stats:
Level	15	35	35	15	55	75	75	95	115	135	145
Type	-	-	G	Z	-	-	Z	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	15	35	41	47	55	75	86	95	115	135	148

Base	3	6	7	8	10	14	16	19	24	30	34
Rand	6	12	14	16	18	27	33	36	48	60	69
Stat	149	248	278	308	347	446	501	545	644	743	808
BtH	3	8	10	11	13	18	21	23	28	33	37

Price	22	81	81	700	558	4401	5400	35390	285234	2299549	6529364

All have had the additional adjectives from their names removed, since we no longer have BM/nonBM pets.

All now have their fur colours generated pseudo-randomly based on your character ID and the tier. So the 145G pet will always look the same to your character, but the 135 pet will (probably) look differently, and both will look differently to a different player.


Magic Light pet. It's a clown, so just like real-life clowns, it can inspire Fear.

Its normal attack is two hits, does a total of 50% damage, plus has -10 BTH ~ *85/75 damage. If at least one hit connects, then the monster makes a save with a +10 bonus:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then it becomes Afraid ( [hits connected]*2 rounds; 5/14*[Monster LIGHT resistance] chance of not acting).

If the monster is already Afraid, then it does its normal attack. This is one hit, with -10 BTH ~ *85/75 damage.


50% of the time, attacks with one hit Melee Fire. +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage.
50% of the time, attacks with two hits Ranged Fire. +10 BTH ~ *85/95 damage.

All hits do *2/3 damage, to account for the number of hits.

All attacks do *0.75 damage to pay for the effect. If the pet acted, then at the end of the pet's turn, the monster can become Choked. The monster can resist with a save at a -10 penalty:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor; YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then the monster becomes Choked (1 turn, -(0.15/1.4/0.4)*[Fire res] damage).


50% of the time, attacks with one hit Melee Wind. No BTH mod.
50% of the time, attacks with two hits Ranged Wind. +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage.

All hits do *2/3 damage, to account for the number of hits.

All attacks do *0.75 damage to pay for the effect. If the pet acted, then at the end of the pet's turn, there's a (0.15/0.56)*(monster Wind res) chance of paralysing the monster. The monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor; YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then it becomes Paralysed for one round.


Attacks with Light/Energy/Darkness/Ice equally often.

Instead of dealing extra damage for the weird elements, at the end of the pet's turn, it attempts to Control the monster. The monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
Minor; YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then it becomes Controlled (1 round, 19.4% chance of hitting itself).
Settling. ~whacky

DarkDevil -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/25/2013 15:43:51)


O.R.B , Guardian O.R.B , O.R.B.Z

This Obviously Radiant Orb is a helpful little mechanical minion and will prove useful with a powerful Light attack!

guardain versions have the word (Guardian Only) in end.


Settled. ~whacky

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/25/2013 16:03:32)


Here's a version of the image that isn't distorted... (the dimensional tear that you see is part of the animation when the O.R.B. is equipped)


And here's the Dracoglin. Kawaii!

Settling. ~whacky

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/25/2013 21:43:32)


Alpha Dracoglin

Location: Z-Token Item Shop

Element: Earth

You managed to convince Donovan to let you have one of his hybrid creatures! Clicking on this ferocious little critter during your turn will swap it between doing a fierce Earth attack or healing you!


Settling. ~whacky

Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/27/2013 9:21:31)


Alpha Dracoglin

MC Earth pet. Click on it to switch between:
  • Damage: 2 hits, Melee Earth
  • Healing: Heals you. One hit, *0.9*0.85 Magic healing damage.
    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	41	50	62	76	93	113	133	153
    Base	7	9	11	14	18	23	29	36
    Rand	14	16	22	28	36	47	59	71
    Stat	278	323	382	451	535	634	733	832
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38
    Price	605	935	1705	3575	7535	9240	11330	13860
  • Settling. ~whacky



    Standard Light pet. Attack is three hits, Melee Light.

    Level	13	33	53	73	93	113	133	143	27	70	103
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G	Z
    PowLvl	13	33	53	73	93	113	133	146	53	73	113
    Base	3	6	9	13	18	23	29	33	9	13	23
    Rand	5	10	18	27	36	47	59	68	18	27	47
    Stat	139	238	337	436	535	634	733	798	337	436	634
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	36	13	18	28
    Price	20	68	455	3575	28726	231505	1866368	5299380	1000	2617	8400
    Settled. ~whacky

    eqystad -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (4/27/2013 10:48:58)

    I get the feeling O.R.B's damage is split into two hits of 25% and the last hit 50% of the total damage? If so ought to be mentioned in subs

    Nope, that's a bug. ~IMR

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/19/2013 1:50:48)


    Looks like Zephyros updated some guests while I wasn't looking. These only affect the versions in the latest quests; the old versions found in old quests are still the same.

    All follow the Standard Guest Information.

    Gaiden: General sweep, to get him up to standards. Otherwise, he's exactly the same.

    Mirror Ryuusei (sickly version): Two hits, Magic Darkness.

    Huntress: Triggers against Network monsters: 90% cost trigger, 110% cost downtrigger. All three attacks do 100% Wind damage; the only difference is attack type. (Rates: Melee 40%; Ranged 40%; Magic 20%)

    Galrick: Now does Melee Earth damage. -6 BTH ~ *85/79 damage.
    All done, thanks! ~Koree

    Shiba -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/19/2013 8:08:29)

    I doubt those stats are also for the buyable versions?

    They're unaffected. ~IMR

    KlawdStrife -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/23/2013 10:34:57)


    Edacious EgGobbler Z
    Edacious EgGobbler
    Gluttonous EgGobbler
    Voracious EgGobbler Z
    Voracious EgGobbler
    Insatiable EgGobbler

    Attack 2 Damage Stats are for +5 BTH Lean instead of -5 BTH Lean
    As mentioned by Xrai, and also IMR's post here, the pet (VIII, VII, ..., II, Jr.) series receive a +5 BTH lean on their second attack.

    The guest (Hungry, Ravenous, ..., Voracious, Insatiable) receives a -5 BTH lean on their second attack. ~whacky

    Xrai -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/23/2013 15:29:36)


    @above: They are correct, it's the pets that have +5 BtH on Attack 2, not the guest.
    Yup! Whew, thought I made a mistake in the entry for a moment. ~whacky

    KlawdStrife -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/23/2013 18:30:36)


    I know that the guest have the -5 BTH on attack and the pets have +5BTH.
    That's why for example for the Insatiable Guest , Attack # 2 should have been 54-163 plus 1287.11 instead of 48-145 plus 1144.1%.

    51*85/80 = 54.1875
    153*85/80 = 162.5625
    1211.4%*85/80 = 1287.1125

    It's the same case for the links above that I posted
    Ah. So you mean an error in the factoring of multipliers!. Now that I read your previous post, I finally got what you mean. *grumbles about AKing at 4am with a half-functioning brain* Thanks for the heads up! ~whacky

    zippy2010 -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/28/2013 12:28:39)


    Guest Index Elemental
    Guest Index Alphabetical
    AQ History: Pets & Guests Release Dates
    They all don't have Mana Spirit.
    For date,

    10 December 2008: ArchMage Research I, ArchMage Research II, ArchMage Research III

    And in Guest Index Alphabetical there is "Mana Restoration" which is actually a spell.

    Got this thanks - Dragoon23

    Guardian Spirit Scaling Version

    See Standard Guest Information for damage and SP costs. She costs SP.


    Avalonmerlin -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 15:16:06)


    Champion Weapon Golem
    Warlic has managed to bring this Champion Weapon Golem under control for general use. It has managed to retain its artificial intelligence, and will use the more effective choice between Ice or Wind attacks!

    Weapon Golem and Honed Weapon Golem (Z)
    Warlic has managed to bring this Weapon Golem under control for general use, so now you can have a walking armoury with you to attack randomly with Light or Darkness attacks!

    Got this thanks - Dragoon23

    Azamay Basalt Golem and Azamay Granite Golem Z and Azamay Marble Guardian Golem
    This golem is a remnant of the ancient Azamay peoples, made in the image of their god of eternity. He can be powered up by equipping different Azamay Runestones. Fateofman first reported the Azamay ruins where these were found.

    Avalonmerlin -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 22:40:52)


    Bygul Jr. and Trjegul Jr.
    A powerful cat with amazing control over Energy granted by Krenos himself! Unfortunately, this one is too stubborn for me to rename :(
    Got it, thanks! ~Koree

    BlackAces -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 23:16:41)


    Thunder Cat.

    3/4 of the time, it does its 2-hit attack. It has +4 BTH ~ *85/89 damage.
    1/4 of the time, it does its 4-hit attack. It has +8 BTH ~ *85/93 damage.

    MC bonus: If all four hits on the pet connect, then the monster becomes weak to Energy (1 round, *1.191 damage from Energy attacks). The monster makes a save with a +10 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    FSB: The rate of the 4-hit attack is increased to 3/4.

    Level	11	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
    Type	Z	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
    Base	5	5	7	9	12	14	17	20	24
    Rand	21	21	28	37	45	57	67	80	95
    Stat	298	298	372	446	521	595	669	743	832
    BtH	11	11	15	18	22	26	30	33	38
    MCPrice	715	226	1023	4841	23109	110509	528689	2529504	12102583
    MCSell	Z	113	511	2420	11554	55254	264344	1264752	6051291

    Gold versions:
    Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
    MCPrice	715	1540	3355	7315	8525	9955	11550	13860
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Koree -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (6/1/2013 6:52:21)


    Pop-ups for the status:
    The electrical assault overloads your opponent's defences!
    Your opponent endures the electrical assault!

    Your opponent does the electric slide, and dodges the worse of the attack.

    Description for lower tier (under level 143) pets:
    A powerful cat with amazing control over Energy! Also, it used to have a weird name, until I gave it a much better one :D

    Asgoldian pet:

    The bug with the pet should be fixed now.

    Done. ~Koree

    EliteWarrior -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (6/1/2013 12:14:54)

    At 0 charisma does the new Asgardian set pet have a 100% attack rate?

    Yes. ~IMR

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