Hostile Takeover by EbilCorp - Soluna City (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Hostile Takeover by EbilCorp - Soluna City (10/12/2012 21:16:52)


Hostile Takeover by EbilCorp - Soluna City

Location: Soluna City
Objective: N/A
Requirements: None
Waves: N/A
Release Date: October 12th, 2012

Locations Available:
  • To War Camp!

    Missions Available:
  • Get Out

    Shops Available:

  • Mr. Z
  • Wyonna
  • Xena

    Wyonna: EbilCorp hired a bunch of G.E.A.R.S. students to put their stupid logo all over the East Side!

    Xena: The Soluna Defense Forces have a special shuttle straight to the War Camp at the White Castle!

    Mr. Z: <You>, we're fired...
  • What?!??
    Mr. Z: You heard him, <You>. When Chairman P says you're fired, you get out!
  • Get Out

    Note: The rest of the dialogue present in non-rare Soluan City remains the same. Only the appearance of the city has changed.

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