Chairman P Battle (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Chairman P Battle (10/18/2012 21:43:42)


Chairman P Battle

Location: Hostile Takeover by EbilCorp -> Missions -> War Boss
Objective: Congratulations! You defeated the EbilCorp Chairman P and saved Soluna City and the White Castle for the Queenadent!
Requirements: Reach 100% on the war meter
Release Date: October 12th, 2012

  • Chairman P

  • Braddock Steele

    Braddock Steele: They think they can hide in their HQ, <You>. Confront Chairman P in the Headquarters!

    (After defeating Chairman P:)
    Braddock Steele: <You>... EPIC WIN! Stomping out Ebil since 3007!

    Rewards Shops:
  • Valor Badge
  • War Rewards!

  • Page: [1]

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