your hero's origin (Full Version)

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thunder -> your hero's origin (10/25/2012 9:32:19)

My Story on thunder

he was a child raised in falconreach and was gifted in magic. One day he left home for a while and returned to find in burned and his family gone. Some of the attacks stayed behind and chased thunder but in fear and rage he blasted them with lightning magic.

(see his name is thunder becaese that's the element he's best at)

So he wondered the land till he heared rumors of his family still alive. Filled with hope thunder took up his father's staff, his little sister's trinket, and his mother's hair style and chose to fight for good and not only find his family but also the reason why they're being hunted.
By light elements.

BY thunder of dragonfable.

pleace tell us all what your back story is and what made you the hero you are today.

thank you. carry on.

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