Currency Transfer (Full Version)

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King Helios -> Currency Transfer (10/27/2012 16:50:52)

Hello all,

I would like to suggest an addition to EpicDuel.

This is Currency Transfer.

How it works:

You get on Char A (main)
You can click Currency Transfer's magic button
A list of all other characters pops up (like on ae portal epicduel info), but with Credits and Battle Tokens as well.
You can manage their currency: i.e. transfer from acct to acct.

AqworldThunder -> RE: Currency Transfer (10/27/2012 16:54:12)

Wouldn't work out well, you could just make 5 other accounts and do a few missions and transfer them back to your main account and have 5,000 battle tokens.

Mother1 -> RE: Currency Transfer (10/27/2012 16:58:18)

Not supported. This feature would be abused big time with the following ways.

1 I could make alts to do the missions and then transfer the tokens over to my main to help capture flags
2 I could send my extra money to alts so I could get gear real easy and take out the unsuspecting new players with this by enhancing gear at low levels.

XapApp -> RE: Currency Transfer (10/28/2012 6:42:55)

Not Supported
Like Mother1 said, it would be abused big time.

It's listed in =ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING*

Why post something you shouldn't be doing here?

Lycus -> RE: Currency Transfer (10/28/2012 7:15:49)

This has been suggested in different forms, and the same forms many many many times. Just added it to the Frequently suggested suggestions list.

Same answer as all of the others: Battle Tokens and Credits would never ever work. If you have a level 35 with loads of credits that you do not use, and you transfer them to a low level character. It is a bit unfair on other players, since you will most likely have the best weapons you can possibly have at each level, without actually earning them on that account.

With Battle Tokens it is even worse, firstly due to the fact it would be very hard for us to monitor in case of bugs, when you have a level 3 walking around with an achievement worth 1500 since someone transferred BT's over to it. Then as noted above, you have people who do missions on all their alts and transfer all the tokens to their main, which instantly gives them an unfair advantage. It is also hard to monitor if a low level account starts donating amounts of tokens that it should not possibly have. That is only the start of it.

As for Varium, you have the option to purchase it on different accounts anyway, so if you want to buy something on one account and another one, you simply do so by purchasing one load of Artix Points, and using them on both accounts. The main problem with this is the fact that when you have the in-game currency people pay for, constantly shifting from one account to another, it is incredibly hard for us to monitor, and for the Help Team if someone messages them with an issues and they look to see Varium shifting constantly between the accounts. Now I know now there may be a suggestion saying 'why can you not put a limit on transfers that can be made', but then there are complaints of 'I moved too much Varium over to this character, but now I cannot move it back, this is not fair!', etc. There also will be a huge increase in people reporting people who have Varium weapons when they know they did not buy Varium on that character, and do not understand the transfer system...

Due to those reasons that is why we have not implemented it so far, and most likely will not in the future. However, thank you for the suggestion!

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