variums -> credits (Full Version)

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KEzAx -> variums -> credits (10/28/2012 6:09:50)

selling varium for credits [:)]

Lycus -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 7:34:41)

Great idea, but not safe if someone has their account scammed or 'hacked'. Since when they get it back, they may have no Varium and it all to be transferred into credits. So, safety says that it is not really an option right now, but feel free to brainstorm some solutions to this issue if you want, I'll leave the topic open for that. :)

Stabilis -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 8:46:48)

Monsieur Lycus, if someone were to be hacked/scammed in an end-world scenario, would their varium/credits be jeopardized any more if they could transfer varium to credits?

I do understand that varium does have explicit features such as name change.

If it helps, because varium is explicit itself, this would require security on a scale of master account proportions. Such as, adding a 5 or more digit pin (numbers only) to use varium explicit features such as buying a varium-costing weapon or changing the name.

Also, enphasis on updating the pin once every month or more.

Lycus -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 9:09:57)

These pin ideas keep being thrown around for security ideas, and don't get me wrong, it is a good idea, but it then introduces a whole load of other problems, that you do not even want to get me started on!

I think the other issue I did forget to mention is the fact that right now, there is no direct correlation between Varium and credits. Things are priced as they are because it is deemed a fair amount. If we did introduce Varium to Credits, it would mean we would have to reprice almost every single feature that has a Varium and Credit option. This may be prices going up in some cases, and that certainly would not be wanted by a lot of players. This would have to happen to avoid the whole 'switch to credits' because it is actually cheaper if I transfer to credits to do this. So it would take a lot of time going through that. Not only that, but as mentioned in the latest Live Stream, we may actually change the way enhancements work and the enhancement system. So until that is done, since plans may change, we cannot even consider this kind of thing.

Stabilis -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 9:25:20)


So until that is done, since plans may change, we cannot even consider this kind of thing.

Ooo, I will be anticipating these with interest.

I do have to ask, what determines the exact cost of an item? In some levels before the Rabblesweep, 2 free items could have far different stats and prices as well (I am thinking Mjolnir!).

Rayman -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 11:55:04)

Lycus: If they get scammed and they put all the var into creds, isn't buying multiple names with varium worst?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 14:16:52)

Have a 2nd form of credits where its just varium->credits, you can swap the varium credits to credits back and forth but you cannot swap normal credits to varium. The credits work the same way but you use the normal credits first.

Also AQ has this without being able to switch back and that game does fine.

Lycus -> RE: variums -> credits (10/28/2012 16:21:12)

It is Rayman, but atleast that is much easier to monitor and undo if they contact the Help Team, where as having it all transferred into the separate currency and possibly then spent, makes it 10x harder for the Help Team to sort out, when they really do not have the time to spare. Not only that but the whole conversion also sparks off many people transferring Varium to credits, then realising that they did not want to, and asking for it to be changed back.

On top of that you also have the fact that we would have to change the whole of the Varium purchase system, since you have to see how much credits you get for each package, for example, someone could purchase a 10k pack, transfer it all into credits and then have a very large stack of credits. Credits right now make it so that even with Varium, you still have to put in effort to get things, since you have to earn your credits. By introducing this, you would make it so people could get anything they wanted without even battling a single battle, which is not what we want. That is the main reason that this is not something we can really implement.

It works in AQ, because people putting in effort does not keep the game alive, if they do not battle, it does not effect other people. However in a PvP game, activity is everything, and due to that, encouraging not to put in effort would be self destroying.

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