Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (Full Version)

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Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012

  56% (17)
Here Comes the Boom
  16% (5)
Alex Cross
  6% (2)
Fun Size
  0% (0)
War of the Buttons
  20% (6)

Total Votes : 30
(last vote on : 11/29/2012 15:14:51)
(Poll ended: 12/1/2012 11:30:00)


Randor the Red -> Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 11:42:42)

Ok New Blockbuster POLL, (movies will be p-13 and under for the list).
Items made from inspired movies will be made to suit HeroSmash rating.

Blockbusters so Far!
September - Hotel Transylvania
August - ParaNorman

Happy voting!

coolboypai -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 12:07:07)

ah darn, seems the poll is already over X)

Postmaster General -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 12:30:01)

Editted. Vote now :P

King Helios -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 14:37:56)

I voted for Frankenweenie. Why? It sounds cool!

blank452 -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 14:58:39)

Frankenweenie: Ahh, Tim Burton back with animation. Good to see. And not that bad of a film...

Here Comes the Boom: Kevin James saves the school through MMA? Eh, I would have preferred Dwayne Johnson.

Alex Cross: Wait. This is a pg-13 in America? Wow, that sucks for you guys. Tip: just go read the books. You'll thank me.

Fun Size: Lots of visual, crude, "American high school" type humour. Not my bag, really.

War of the Buttons: First a book, then as a film in 1961 that apparently was more kiddy then this version, which is more dramatic and set in WWII. Doesn't scream out as a must see tbh.

Mr Burton gets my vote!

coolboypai -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 18:50:41)

I would vote for Frankenweenie, but that would mean 3 horror themed, animated movies in a row
so I'll have to go with Here Comes the Boom

Kinzdor -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/4/2012 19:06:16)

@Blank Well Dwayn would have ruined the whole, "this is hopeless" vibe.

I don`t go to the movies much so I picked based on internet reviews. Frakenweenie, the people like you! *votes for the undead dogie)

Balu -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/10/2012 11:43:46)

War of the Buttons gets my vote. I saw it a long time ago and i really enjoyed it.

Here comes the boom is a surprisingly nice movie also but i would rather get some items in HS that look like they were hand crafted by children while playing, so yeah. :-)

*goes to see the poll results*

zanathos -> RE: Blockbuster Poll "October" 2012 (11/10/2012 16:06:09)

I'm going to have a hard time when November poll comes around, Voting between Skyfall, Wreck It Ralph, and Rise of the Guardians, all of which are good movies.

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