=MtAK= Howling with the Okami (Full Version)

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Lady Aleua -> =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:16:42)

Hello everyone! Im very happy to have been given the chance to work in this forum! I am looking forward to speaking and working with all of you and making this forum grow!

MtAK Rules:

5 questions per post! I know you all have a lot of questions to ask me, but I can only answer so much at a time
1 post per page please
If you wouldnt ask your mother or answer it, please dont ask!
Nothing too personal please!

I have the right to skip any questions I do not wish to answer!

I will be posting in this color when answering questions! :D

Zeuster -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:18:58)

First of all congratulations :D
Thanks! :D
Now..i KNEW this was going to happen..i knew today it would >.>
Mystical Chickencow powers?
Go for it!
1. Obey chickencows?
Never! Chickencows obey my hungry stomach!
2. Chickencows or moose?
I liek Moose. Its what we call one of my pugs!
3. how are you doing :P?
Fantastic!! Thanks! :D
4. ..um...Ever heard of meow mix?
I liek chicken, I liek liver...
..that is all..for now

Thanks! :D

Mekoolness -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:19:03)

Why, hello there! :3
Congratz on becoming an AK!
Thanks! :D
I just have 1 question.
Unicorn or Zebra?
Unicorn. I would love to burp glitter at people.
Anyways, congratz again, & have fun! (:
Thanks! :D

Mareth -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:19:47)

*brofist* :D
Ha-ha-hows it going bro? *brofist*
Are you ready to start your ArchKnightly duties?
I think so! I just dont want to mess up anything! xD
Really? I didn't think you would be....or did I!?!?
Nah, I knew you would be ready! :D
Anyways, have fun being ArchKnigtly! Don't forget about us Beacons though!! :D
Never! Thank you! :D

draketh99 -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:21:21)

*Rolls in slowly*.. >.>
*rolls around D*
Omg hai, Serenity ^^
Hai dere dillo bro!
And now, it's question time.
Thoughts on the color purple?
Over used.
Thoughts on armadillos?
Thoughts on rolling in general?
Rolling is amazing! <3
Annnnd that's it. Congrats!
Thanks! :D

kaos rules x -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:23:38)

Hey, Congrats! Good luck with the whole mod-ding thing...that statement failed, didn't it?
Thanks! :D AK-ship technically
I'm not random enough to come up with questions, so I just wish you good luck and congratulations on the knighting.
(That is the correct term, right?)
Thank you! :D

Starflare -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:26:51)

Congrats on your new position, sensei!
Thanks! :D
Not much going on here, just popped in to give a proper congratulations. XD
You'll always be my Azuluna-sensei (you didn't forget, did you D:), Miss Ninja-Pirate-Were-Beacon-ArchKnight of the Moon (so ambitious ;P).
Im sooo using Azuluna as my title! <3

superbat67 -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:27:00)

Congratulations on AKship.
Thanks! :D
Let us commence with the questions.
What is your favorite color?
Blue, black, silver!
Weren't' u a npc in dragonfable?
mebe >.>
Chocolate or vanilla?
Jolly Rancher or tootsie rolls.
Tootsie Rolls ftw!
Is the question above this the weirdest question ever?
Ive had weirder
Windows or Apple.
Thats all. *twirls cape around and magically disappears.
Ermegerd he dissapoofed!

Legendbreaker -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:31:43)

Hello sir/madam!
Im a girl?
What's for breakfast?
How bout that thing?
T'was very thingy!
Congrats on AKdips!
Thanks! :D
Is this essay good?
Pika pika!
The Wafflestar has spoken.
Thanks! :D
Oh noes 6 questions! I'm too lazy to delete one...don't answer the one about laundry, it's a trick question and you'll get it wrong anyways.
But I already answered it!! D:

toidiedud -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:33:20)

Hello there ya person I've only talked to just a bit ago! :D
oh hai dere!
Only one question.
If seeing is believing then why are looks deceiving?
Uhm... pudding?

Zakrei -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:33:22)

Welcome to the beginning of your nightmares, cleaning up the AQWGD.
I love nightmares but thanks! :D
Question time.
1. Big dogs, or little dogs?
2. Do you see yourself as more of a sword, or a shield?
Hmm.. a sword
3. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater forever, or fly freely? Please note, for safety reasons you will theoretically be a professional at swimming/flying.
Ohhh.... I LOVE swimming... But flying is awesome.... Flying!
4. So I herd you liek Mudkipz?
I doth liek teh Mudkipz
That is all.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:37:09)

*The clouds darken and change to purple, the distant howling is answered in return by another howl. The landing takes place remotely and the dragons claws close slowly*
*growls at the purple*
Salutations and greetings fellow Archknight. I see they made some specialty shackles especially designed for you, good.
Thanks! :D Arent they pretty!?
So what is your favorite color?
Blue, black, and silver
Which is your favorite ae game?
DF and AQW
Would you mind at all if I visit your cell every now and again so we may have discussions?
That's it. Welcome aboard.~Dnw

Thanks! :D

Kiyone -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:41:07)

1. What is your stance on the color blue
It shall rise above the darkness that is derple!
2. Who's your favorite girl in the Tenchi Universe?
Uhm.... Ive never seen it? *hides*
3. Are you an "Autobots Transform and Roll Out!" or "Decepticons Rise Up" person?
Im a rolling kind a girl ;)
4. Since I need a Kamen Rider question and your current a moon avatar. Which is your favorite Kamen Rider from Kamen Rider Kiva.
Never seen that either *hides*
5. Lastly Favorite version of CM Punk?
eh? ._____.

hijinks -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:50:42)

Hey Okami! :D
I've seen your artwork...looks very nice btw. Anyway! On to the questions given by yours truely!
Thanks! :D
1) What was the first game you played and what were you doing on the day you found it?
AE games? DF. I was browsing manga when I saw an ad
2) Do you like fire? >:D
with a burning passion!
3) Why is the world blue?
because blue is life!
4) In physics terms, what does E=Mc^2 mean?
That Im stoopid? .______.
5) Is there physically a thing called 'nothing'?
I can think of nothing
*punches a hole in the center of the universe and spawns photons with quantum physics powered by steam and disappears*

Craze -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:51:25)

*appears within the eighth most random explosion ever*
Ermegerd explersierns!
Hello and congrats again!
Hi! Thanks! :D
Good to see more BLOO around the forums.
BLOO shall rise up!
Uhhhmmm... Favorite candy?
Snickers!! <3
Yeah I've got nothing as usual... I might be back. If not, I can ask whenever I want anyway[:D] Onward to other random things!
*trips and falls into a portal on the way out, dropping the present I forgot to hand you on the ground*

Orian -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 21:55:23)

YES! That was pretty quick I have to say :P, congratz on the AK-ship ma bob
(Pssst how are you and Imaru?)
haha! Thanks! :D We are doing fantastic, thanks for asking!
Now on with the questions(Leaves okami shaped cookies on a table >.>)
1.Which would you like better-Bountiful blubbling banshee s-cream brulee or Lavish lycan lollipops?
Lavish Lycan lollipops sound enjoyable
2.How are those shackles?(been forgetting to ask this question in most MtAK >.<)
They fit great! They make me look good! :D
3.If you could relive one moment in your life what would it be?
Meeting Imaru. One of the best days of my life!
4.um Well I don't know is this a question?
Well there are the 345 questions for ya, Goodluck :D
Thanks! :D

Axel459 -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 22:02:03)

*Glomps Serenity*
I just wanted to glomp you :D
See you around and congratz!
Thanks! :D


Misty_kitty -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 22:02:31)

Your so lucky Serenity!
I know! :D
Grats! It seems like it was yesterday when you were an ordinary forum member!
Thanks! :D
I'm looking forward to your presence in AQW GD!
Thanks! looking forward to working with you all!

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 22:11:34)

Serenity !
Err, you name is too long, yet only 5 questions I can ask. D:
D: been thinking about changing my name
Err, wasted a question. D:
No way!
Yes way!
I still got like 4 questions left. :D
To be, or not to be?
That is the question?
Y do I only have two questions after this question?
O really?

Alright, I still need to give my congrats for you becoming an AK, so congrats! You'll do fine. :)
Thanks! :D
My endless supplies of bag of cookies needs to be given away. So I'm going to leave a bag of your favorite cookies here.
woot! om nomnom/b]
I don't have to ask a 5th question right?
just did!

Faerdin -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 22:38:25)

Hmm... I think this thread needs a bit more BLOO. We clearly don't have enough here. You know why?
Bloo is life!
Because there can't ever be enough BLOO! D:<
Oh God. I just wasted a question! @_@
Better get moving before I waste them all! *Murps*
*murps Fae*
1) There's quite a bit of BLOO among the ArchKnights now... Exactly how much of a chance does purpul stand against us?
Very little. Blue shall reign supreme!
2) Where in the Avatars' name is Imaru? D:
He linda melted his computer...
3) Are you excited for your work here?
4) I can still expect to fight beside you in the defense of Falconreach, right?
Of course!!
Well, there are all of my questions.
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight, Serenity. I know you'll be awesome here.
Thanks! :D
For the Water Pillar! *Disappears in a flash of lightning*

EmbraceTheDarkness -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/11/2012 23:48:35)

Hey Okami
Just here to wish you Congratulations on becoming a Archknight[:D]
Thank you!
See you around
see ya!

Vagaran -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/12/2012 0:49:28)

Hai there, gratz on AK ship!
Question time!
1:Do you like Shiny Red buttons?
Of course!!
2:Do you like Shiny Blue buttons?
Of course!!
3:Do you like Shiny Green buttons?
Of course!!
4:Do you like Shiny Yellow buttons?
Of course!!
5:Do you think my questions was odd?
Of course!!
That's all for now, cya.

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/12/2012 0:51:45)

Hey there, congratz and welcome to the ArchKnights!
Purple < Blue

Blue > Purple

Who doesn't like blue?
On a note other than colours... what were your first thoughts upon getting AK'd?
"excelent. Soon Blue shall rise up against the evil derple!"
That's all from me, see you around!
see ya!

Watashig -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/12/2012 1:49:43)

I wish you the best of luck with this specific subforum. Most AKs I see don't stick around this area for long.
Haha, thanks. I hope to be here for a looooong time. Im very happy to help out!

Chaos Fallen Angel -> RE: =MtAK= Howling with the Okami (11/12/2012 4:37:27)

Hmm, I had the feeling that you might be the next to become an AK. Well, congrats on being knighted and good luck with dealing with our insanity.
Thanks!! It helps that Im already slightly insane too! ;D

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