Juggernaut Button (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 17:36:25)

Por favor, we need a juggernaut button. It would be so much more accessible then the lag created it slayer. Thanks ^.^

Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 17:46:41)

If you are talking about for the Jug players to use I can support that.

However if you are talking about for the regular player to go into Jug fight I cannot support as it would destroy Jug mode since anyone using this would be 100% anti jug builds out to crush Jugs and it would be abused big time.

SCAR -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 18:09:48)

Not supported in anyway. Having this is just plain lazy, your telling me that you can't use the map, and goto slayer? Even having lag when you goto slayer, of course there will be lag, it's competition, you could even just change worlds or servers.

Bunshichi -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 18:18:48)

^ If you look where the Jugg challenge button is you can easily click on the Dragonoid Defeat or anything else messing your flow up. I often find myself clicking something that I didn't want.

SCAR -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 18:23:01)

Than look before you "Click" simple as that.

Bunshichi -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 20:56:58)

How many would you say you consistently do on a typical day to notice that you can easily misclick because it does not stand out? A typical jugg match is about 4 minutes. On the right side of the Slayer chat there is so much room, I don't see why the jugg button can't stand out more.

ReconnaisX -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/18/2012 21:45:40)

Support, we need consistency. If the Jugg button is kept at Slayer, you might as well put the other battle mode buttons on other random NPCs.
However, non-Juggernauts should not be able to deliberately go into a Jugg fight. Just make it so that only Juggs can use the button.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/19/2012 1:25:58)

I always have the severe issue of challenging Slayer instead of pressing Juggernaut

arthropleura -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/19/2012 3:06:23)

Support. Last time i challenged slayer, i wasnt too keen on an extra loss. praise the gods the battle failed to start ^^

Mysterion. -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/19/2012 4:15:13)


If they can have a 1vs1 and a 2vs2, then also a 2vs1.

SCAR -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/20/2012 16:11:43)


I don't usually play juggernaut, but when I did I never missed the button. Also I know for a fact that juggernaut battles don't take 4 minutes or more.

Bunshichi -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/20/2012 16:15:25)

^ I have done over 5000 I keep up with the minutes when I do about 10. How could you say not supported if you don't play it alot.

Most wins at max over a hour are 20 only that if your opponents never run.

SCAR -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/20/2012 16:28:09)

If you really want to press the juggernaut button quick, than put your graphics down to low.

Mysterion. -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/20/2012 16:51:49)

The button should be placed after the Silver Skull Card has been bought.
That way it is not accesible for a lot of 2vs2 players.
It still is but much less.

SCAR -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/20/2012 17:02:45)

Quote: If you are talking about for the Jug players to use I can support that.

However if you are talking about for the regular player to go into Jug fight I cannot support as it would destroy Jug mode since anyone using this would be 100% anti jug builds out to crush Jugs and it would be abused big time.

Just as "Mother1" said. Do you all see why this would be a problem? People would make "Tank" or "Anti Tank" Builds, Inwhich would destroy this game mode if it was added as a button.

arthropleura -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 0:18:56)

People, she specifically talked about the lag created at slayer. People without cards dont use it
think a bit more ppl..

Mysterion. -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 2:22:40)

The button will have the same effect as the button of slayer has.
So mother1 and scar, if they click it they will go jugging themselves.
Not joining one against juggs.

Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 2:40:11)

At mysterion

Did you read my post?

I said if it was just for the players who are jugging I would support, but if the button was for people to choose to do jugg fights I didn't support. In other words if it is for the juggs I support as I say in every jugg topic.

I know many players hate fighting jugs and would love nothing more then to have a button so they can pick and choose when they fight jugs. However if this button came into play for regular players they would never use it because let's face it. regular players don't like losing and if they could they would elimanate fightings jugs altogether since fighting them wreaks their records, and those who would want to fight them would as me and Scar said would be the ones who would have anti jug builds to destroy this Jugs and ruin this battle mode.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 8:04:48)

Just having to go to slayer everytime seems unnecessary, why not a 2vs1 button next to the 2vs2 one. People have a card they have acces to that button people who don't also don't have acces. Simple.

Mysterion. -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 8:53:21)


Thats what i meant, i dont think you understand me.
This button does only have the same effect as Slayers button has.

That means they will only play as a juggernaut.
Not as the opponent of a juggernaut. So they cant choose when to fight juggs ;)

comicalbikers fan -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 12:27:56)

I second this
It should be there for all players, jugg or non-jugg just would be disabled for nun-juggs until a skull card is purchased
Only problem is that there is no space on the bottom, if it was added it would clog up the whole thing
But i gotta say being at slayer is kind of a good thing, you can easily tell someone meet me at slayer world 6 etc

Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 16:37:54)

@ comicialbikers fan

I can't support that idea. Even at 20,000 credits for the card players would just buy the card and boom they wouldn't have to worry about fighting jugs since the button would be active for them and they would never use it. Plus those same players if they are within the jug range could make anti jug builds just to destroy them.

I have read many topics in which player ask "To limit the amount of Jug fights a player can do." Because they are annoyed that they get pulled into jug fights which they know they can't win, and want to do two vs two in peace. This would be their way out of dealing with jugs all together.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 18:02:31)

Some 2v2 enjoy juggernauts, maybe they can press it to go against a juggernaut and have their win/losses go into the Juggernaut record below the 2v2 eliminating the skull card, giving non varium players equal chance to get weapons instead of wasting their credits to be a juggernaut. They can make the people that have a skull card an acheivment for having it and then remove the card and/or the juggernaut button.

Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 18:20:27)

@ Martini

Most people don't went to fight jugs in the first place. regular players would never use this button because it would be their way of never having to fight a juggernaut again, and I can grantee you that the mass majority of people using this button to purposely fight jugs would be people with builds made to destroy them. It is bad enough when jugs get pair up against two strength/bunker/caster, or any combination of these that are fully powered randomly and now you want to make it so they can do it purposely? It would destroy this battle mode it is was put into pay and would be an all around bad idea.

Abandinationz -> RE: Juggernaut Button (11/21/2012 21:08:15)

Supported, don't need to question it.

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