A Guide on Stats (Full Version)

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Legendary Ash -> A Guide on Stats (11/26/2012 3:00:46)

A Guide on Stats

this guide was created in order to help players to understand the stat system, and with it create their own strategies and builds. The values displayed here were based on in game values generated by tests and may vary slightly from the actual formula. Note this guide is always expanding, corrections and suggestions are welcome.
We are aware stats can be changed as more enhancements are coming, but this guide was created in the past and will be updated as the game is updated with new content.

Thank you for reading,

Table of Contents:
[GP1] Definitions of Classes
..[GP1.1] Melee Classes
..[GP1.2] Caster Classes
..[GP1.3] Hybrid Classes

[GP2] Stat Attributes
..[GP2.1] Strength (STR)
..[GP2.2] Intellect (INT)
..[GP2.3] Endurance (END)
..[GP2.4] Dexterity (DEX)
..[GP2.5] Wisdom (WIS)
..[GP2.6] Luck (LUK)

[GP3] Enhancement Builds:
..[GP3.1] Awe Blast
..[GP3.2] Health Vampire
..[GP3.3] Mana Vampire
..[GP3.4] Powerword Die
..[GP3.5] Spiral Carve
..[GP3.6] Spitfire

[GP4] Base Stats
..[GP4.1] Tank Melee
..[GP4.2] Dodge Melee
..[GP4.3] Power Melee
..[GP4.4] Defensive Caster
..[GP4.5] Power Caster
..[GP4.6] Offensive Caster
..[GP4.7] Hybrid
..[GP4.8] Luck Hybrid

[GP5] Important Facts and Tables
..[GP5.1] Table of Classes in order of Damage Mitigations and Sustainability
..[GP5.2] Table of Classes in order of Hit Chance Mitigations and Sustainability

[GP6] Credits

[GP7] Notes and Updates


Definition of Classes:

AQW 1.0 PTR goes to Live Servers April 13th, 2010 Classes are classified into three main categories and further subcategorized by the expected playstyle roles determined by the conversion potency of primary to secondary stats.
There is a noticeable difference among melee, caster or hybrid classes when they are equipped to compare an identical level enhancement pattern of primary stats, it results in different types and values of secondary stats.

Melee classes:
Tank: Alpha Omega, Barber, Beast Warrior, Blood Titan, Chaos Avenger, Chrono Commandant, ChronoCommander, Chunin, Classic Defender, Classic DoomKnight, ClawSuit, Dark Metal Necro, DeathKnight, DeathKnight Lord, Defender, DoomKnight, Dragonslayer, Dragonslayer General, Eternal Inversionist, Flame Dragon Warrior, Frostval Barbarian, (Savage) Glaceran Warlord, Glacial Warlord, Grunge Rocker, Guardian, Heavy Metal Necro, Heavy Metal Rockstar, Hobo Highlord, Imperial Chunin, (Dark) Legendary Hero, Naval Commander, (Obsidian) No Class, Not A Mod, Nu Metal Necro, Pumpkin Lord, ShadowFlame DragonLord, Shadow Ripper, Shadow Rocker, SkyCharged Grenadier, SkyGuard Grenadier, Star Captain, Unchained Rocker, Unchained Rockstar, Undead Goat, UndeadSlayer, Verus DoomKnight, Void Highlord, Warlord, Warrior (Rare)
Dodge: Arachnomancer, BladeMaster, BladeMaster Assassin, Blood Ancient, Chrono Assassin, Classic (Alpha) Pirate, (Shadow) Dragon Shinobi, DragonSoul Shinobi, Horc Evader, Legion BladeMaster Assassin, Legion SwordMaster Assassin, Leprechaun, (Master) Ranger, Renegade, Rogue (Rare), Starlord, SwordMaster, SwordMaster Assassin, Thief of Hours, TimeKeeper, TimeKiller, Yami no Ronin
Power: (Beta) Berserker, Classic Dragonlord, Dragonlord, Evolved Pumpkin Lord, Glacial Berserker, Lycan, MechaJouster, Nechronomancer, Necrotic Chronomancer

Caster Classes:
Defensive: Abyssal Angel('s Shadow), Acolyte, Bard, Healer (Rare), Infinity Titan, Lord of Order, StoneCrusher, Troubador of Love, Witch
Power: (Dark/Royal) BattleMage (of Love), Evolved Shaman, Oracle, Shaman
Offensive: Arcane/Mystical/Timeless Dark Caster, Blaze Binder, Chrono DataKnight, Chrono DragonKnight, (Sakura) Cryomancer, Daimon, (Immortal) Dark Caster, Dark Lord, Darkblood StormKing, Darkside, Dark Ultra OmniNight, Dragon Knight, Elemental Dracomancer, Evolved/Infinite/Legion Evolved Dark Caster, FireLord Summoner, Frost SpiritReaver, Grim Necromancer, HighSeas Commander, Legion Revenant, LightCaster, LightMage, Love Caster, Mage (Rare), (Dark) Master of Moglins, MindBreaker, Necromancer, Northlands Monk, Pinkomancer, Pink Romancer, Psionic MindBreaker, Pyromancer, Scarlet Sorceress, Sorcerer, Troll Spellsmith, Ultra OmniKnight

Hybrid Classes:
Hybrid: Antique Hunter, ArchFiend, ArchPaladin, Artifact Hunter, Assassin, BeastMaster, Chaos Champion Prime, Chaos Slayer, ChronoChaorruptor, ChronoCorruptor, Chronomancer, Chronomancer Prime, Classic Guardian, Classic Legion DoomKnight, Classic Paladin, Classic (Exalted) Soul Cleaver, Continuum Chronomancer, Corrupted Chronomancer, DoomKnight Overlord, (Legendary/Ultra) Elemental Warrior, Empyrean Chronomancer, Enforcer, Eternal Chronomancer, Dragon of Time, Evolved ClawSuit, (Dark/Exalted) Harbinger, Immortal Chronomancer, Infinity Knight, Interstellar Knight, Legion DoomKnight, Legion Paladin, Ninja, Ninja Warrior, Overworld Chronomancer, Paladin, PaladinSlayer, (Obsidian) Paladin Chronomancer, Paladin High Lord, Prismatic ClawSuit, ProtoSartorium, Quantum Chronomancer, Rustbucket, ShadowScythe General, ShadowStalker of Time, ShadowWalker of Time, ShadowWeaver of Time, (Exalted) Soul Cleaver, The Collector, Timeless Chronomancer, Underworld Chronomancer, Vampire, (Enchanted/Royal) Vampire Lord, Vindicator Of They
Luck: CardClasher, Chaos Shaper, Chrono ShadowHunter, Chrono ShadowSlayer, Evolved Leprechaun, Great Thief, (Alpha) Pirate, Undead Leperchaun, Unlucky Leperchaun


Stat Attributes:

Each primary stat provides attributes to Combat Modifiers or secondary stats, Attack Power from Strength, Spell Power from Intellect, Evasion from Dexterity and Wisdom, or Hit, Haste, Critical chance, Evasion and Critical damage from Luck, values are unique to each Class subcategory and are modified by an Efficiency based on 16,000/(63*Base Health). A chart of the six primary stats and eight secondary stats are constructed on a per point basis.

Base secondary stats are shared by each class, they are additive and subtractive with the following, independent of modification by Efficiency only applicable to secondary stats derived from primary stats, interaction between class and enemy skills' percentile stat (de)buffs and flat secondary stats (de)buffs, however class/enemy's percentile stat (de)buffs are multiplicative with percentile stat (de)buffs auras applied by Enhancement Traits.

                        Player Monster
Auto Base Cooldown       Class 4.0 Seconds
Auto Damage Range       Weapon 90% - 110%
Base Global Cooldown       1.5 1.5 Seconds
Hit chance                 90% 90%
Haste                       0% 37.5%
Critical Strike chance      5% 15%
Evasion chance              4% 10%
Critical Damage           150% 200%

Damage Resistance           0%
Damage Boost                0%
Physical Resistance         0%
Physical Boost              0%
Magical Resistance          0%
Magical Boost               0%
Healing Intake            100%
Healing Boost               0%
DoT Resistance              0%
DoT Boost                   0%
Mana Consumption          100%


Strength: Increases Attack Power to all classes, increases Critical chance to physical classes and hybrid classes
Tank 2 Attack Power, .4% Crit
Dodge 2 Attack Power, .4% Crit
Power 2 Attack Power, .7% Crit
Caster 2 Attack Power
Hybrid 2 Attack Power, .4% Crit
Luck 1.4 Attack Power, .4% Crit

Intellect: Increases Spell Power to all classes, increases Haste to magical classes and hybrid classes
Defensive 2 Spell Power, .5% Haste
Power 2 Spell Power, .3% Haste
Offensive 2 Spell Power, .3% Haste
Melee 2 Spell Power
Hybrid 2 Spell Power, .3% Haste
Luck 1.4 Spell Power, .3% Haste

Endurance: Increases Health to all classes
All classes: 5 Health
Base Health: 1640((Current Level -1)/(Max Level -1)^.66)+360

Dexterity: Increases Evasion to all classes, increases Hit and Haste to physical classes and hybrid classes
Tank .2% Hit, .3% Haste, .3% Evasion
Dodge .2% Hit, .5% Haste, .5% Evasion
Power .2% Hit, .5% Haste, .3% Evasion
Caster .3% Evasion
Hybrid .2% Hit, .3% Haste, .5% Evasion
Luck .2% Hit, .3% Haste, .3% Evasion

Wisdom: Increases Evasion to all classes, increases Hit and Critical chance to magical classes and Luck hybrid classes
Defensive .2% Hit, .4% Crit, .3% Evasion
Power .2% Hit, .4% Crit, .3% Evasion
Offensive .2% Hit, .7% Crit, .3% Evasion
Melee .3% Evasion
Hybrid .3% Evasion
Luck .2% Hit, .4% Crit, .3% Evasion

Luck: Increases Hit, Haste, Critical chance, Evasion and Critical damage to all classes, Attack Power to physical classes, Spell Power to magical classes, and Attack/Spell Power to hybrid classes
Melee 0.7 Attack Power, .1% Hit, .1% Haste, .2% Crit, .1% Evasion, 5% Crit damage
Caster 0.7 Spell Power, .1% Hit, .1% Haste, .2% Crit, .1% Evasion, 5% Crit damage
Hybrid 0.7 Attack/Spell Power, .1% Hit, .1% Haste, .2% Crit, .1% Evasion, 5% Crit damage
Luck 1 Attack/Spell Power, .1 Hit, .3 Haste, .3 Crit, .25 Evasion, 2.5% Crit damage

Testing Server Stats
Str: .00091% Parry dmg
Dex: .00071% Parry
Int: .00091% Resist dmg
End: .00093% Parry and Resist dmg
Wis: .00071% Resist, .00031% Heal


Enhancement Builds:

With the introduction of stats, equipment categories of Helm, Cape, Weapon and Class are able to receive stat through enhancing.
While the original author made a big post about each enhancement, it was not very helpful, I fulfill individual requests in AQW Q/A: Enhancement Advice.

Enhancement Patterns
Adventurer, Fighter, Healer, Hybrid, Lucky, Spellbreaker, Thief, Wizard

Enhancement Traits
Valencia's Awe Enhancements
AQW Design Notes May 24, 2013: Create the Blade of Awe to unlock the Enhancements of Awe!
Artix News #AQW March 6, 2021: Enhanced Awe Enhancements, Damage and Animation updates
One Eyed Gem Enhancements
Cysero's Forge Enhancements
Forge Weapon Enhancements: Acheron, Arcana's Concerto, Dauntless, Elysium, Forge, Lacerate, Ravenous, Smite, Valiance
Forge Helmet Enhancements: Anima, Examen, Forge, Hearty, Pneuma, Vim
Forge Cape Enhancements: Absolution, Avarice, Forge, Lament, Penitence, Vainglory

Awe Blast

Current: 30% chance per Auto Attack to deal 1 APSP2 as Physical damage type, -15% All In and Critical chance to target for 10 seconds
Original: 10% chance per Auto Attack to deal 1.3 APSP2, -15% All Out to target for 10 seconds
Awe Blast Data
                  Fighter         Healer             Hybrid             Lucky              Thief            Wizard

Melee, Luck Hybrid
                 130% Weapon Damage + 26% Spell Power

Defensive Caster
                 90% WD + 64% SP  58.5% WD + 68% SP  74.5% WD + 67% SP  70% WD + 63.5% SP  85% WD + 64% SP  50% WD + 69% SP

Power Caster
                 100% WD + 60% SP  80% WD + 63% SP   95% WD + 61% SP    85% WD + 60% SP    97% WD + 60% SP  77% WD + 63% SP

Offensive Caster
                 90% WD + 59% SP   67.5% WD + 61% SP  82% WD + 60% SP   140% WD + 58% SP   89% WD + 58% SP  60% WD + 62% SP

                 106% WD + 61% SP  100% WD + 65% SP  107% WD + 64% SP   100% WD + 64% SP   110% WD + 62% SP  91% WD + 68% SP

Health Vampire

Current: 50% chance per Auto Attack to deal 0.8 APSP2 as True damage type, heals 125% of damage dealt
Original: 10% chance per Auto Attack to deal 1.5 APSP2, heals health for 2/3 of damage dealt

Mana Vampire

Current: 80% chance per Auto Attack to deal 0.5 APSP2 as True damage type, heals 10 mana
Original: 10% chance per Auto Attack to deal 1.5 APSP2, heals 10 mana

Health and Mana Vampire Data
                  Fighter            Healer           Hybrid             Lucky             Thief             Wizard

Melee, Luck Hybrid
                 150% Weapon Damage + 30% Spell Power

Defensive Caster
                 105% WD + 73.5% SP  70% WD + 78% SP  90% WD + 76% SP    85% WD + 73% SP   100% WD + 73% SP   60% WD +79% SP

Power Caster
                 70% WD + 70% SP    87% WD + 74% SP   110% WD + 70% SP   102% WD + 68% SP  110% WD + 70% SP   82.5% WD + 74% SP

Offensive Caster
                 107.5% WD + 67% SP  79% WD + 70% SP  90.5% WD + 70% SP  99% WD + 82% SP   106.5% WD + 66% SP  66% WD + 72% SP

                 127% WD + 73% SP   113% WD + 76% SP  120% WD + 75.5% SP  116% WD + 74% SP  124.7% WD + 73% SP  106% WD + 78% SP

Powerword Die

Current: 0.3% chance per Auto Attack to deal 999,999 as True Damage
Original: 0.002% chance per Auto Attack to deal 200 APSP2

Spiral Carve

Current: 15% chance per Auto Attack to deal 2 APSP2 as Physical damage type, applies +25% Critical chance to user for 10 seconds
Original: 10% chance per Auto Attack to deal 2 APSP2, applies +10% Critical chance to user for 10 seconds
Spiral Carve Data
                  Fighter         Healer             Hybrid             Lucky              Thief            Wizard

Melee, Caster, Hybrid
                 200% Weapon damage + 40% Spell Power

Spitfire and One-Eyed Gem

10% chance per Auto Attack to deal 1 SP2 as Magical damage type
Spitfire Data
Tank Melee 28% WD + 10% SP
Dodge Melee 27% WD + 10% SP
Power Melee 26% WD + 11% SP
Defensive Caster 22.5% WD + 22% SP
Power Caster 30% WD + 20% SP
Offensive Caster 27% WD + 20% SP
Hybrid 22.5% WD + 20% SP
Luck Hybrid 30% WD + 10% SP

For tips regarding builds, I recommend checking Aliesterus' guide.


Base Stats:

To avoid problems with multi-class, AE implemented a "custom class" system, allowing players to customize their equipment stats and create their own combination. Each class subcategory has a unique base stat distribution, which prevents a full customization, but gives a versatile way to use every class. I will not give magical combinations or builds, rather the basic stats so players can create their own strategies based on these values. Please note that base stats increase per character level, the Stat total formula is 15+747(Current Level -1)/(Max Level -1) it is distributed to primary stats according to the decimal values unique to each base stat model, for convenience a tiering interval of five levels is provided, Level 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100.

Tank Melee:
.27 Strength: 12 22 33 43 53 63 73 83 94 104 114 124 134 145 155 165 175 185 195 206
.05 Intellect: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 34 36 38
.30 Endurance: 14 25 36 47 59 70 82 93 104 116 127 138 149 161 172 183 195 206 217 229
.22 Dexterity: 10 18 27 35 43 51 60 68 76 85 93 101 110 118 126 134 143 151 159 168
.10 Wisdom: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76
.06 Luck: 3 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 46

Dodge Melee:
.20 Strength: 9 17 24 32 39 47 54 62 69 77 84 92 100 107 115 122 130 137 145 152
.05 Intellect: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 34 36 38
.22 Endurance: 10 18 27 35 43 51 60 68 76 85 93 101 110 118 126 134 143 151 159 168
.33 Dexterity: 15 27 40 52 65 77 90 102 115 127 139 152 164 177 189 202 214 227 239 251
.10 Wisdom: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76
.10 Luck: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76

Power Melee:
.30 Strength: 14 25 36 47 59 70 82 93 104 116 127 138 149 161 172 183 195 206 217 229
.02 Intellect: 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15
.18 Endurance: 8 15 22 28 35 42 49 56 62 69 76 83 90 96 103 110 117 124 130 137
.30 Dexterity: 14 25 36 47 59 70 82 93 104 116 127 138 149 161 172 183 195 206 217 229
.06 Wisdom: 3 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 46
.14 Luck: 6 12 17 22 27 33 38 43 49 54 59 64 70 75 80 86 91 96 101 107

Defensive Caster:
.08 Strength: 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61
.30 Intellect: 14 25 36 47 59 70 82 93 104 116 127 138 149 161 172 183 195 206 217 229
.27 Endurance: 12 22 33 43 53 63 73 83 94 104 114 124 134 145 155 165 175 185 195 206
.10 Dexterity: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76
.10 Wisdom: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76
.15 Luck: 7 12 18 24 29 35 41 46 52 58 63 69 75 80 86 92 97 103 109 114

Power Caster:
.06 Strength: 3 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 46
.28 Intellect: 13 23 34 44 55 66 76 87 97 108 118 129 139 150 160 171 182 192 203 213
.23 Endurance: 10 19 28 36 45 54 63 71 80 89 97 106 115 123 132 141 149 158 167 175
.05 Dexterity: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 34 36 38
.28 Wisdom: 13 23 34 44 55 66 76 87 97 108 118 129 139 150 160 171 182 192 203 213
.10 Luck: 5 8 12 16 20 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 57 61 65 69 72 76

Offensive Caster:
.06 Strength: 3 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 46
.33 Intellect: 15 27 40 52 65 77 90 102 115 127 139 152 164 177 189 202 214 227 239 251
.20 Endurance: 9 17 24 32 39 47 54 62 69 77 84 92 100 107 115 122 130 137 145 152
.11 Dexterity: 5 9 13 17 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 51 55 59 63 67 71 76 80 84
.15 Wisdom: 7 12 18 24 29 35 41 46 52 58 63 69 75 80 86 92 97 103 109 114
.15 Luck: 7 12 18 24 29 35 41 46 52 58 63 69 75 80 86 92 97 103 109 114

.24 Strength: 11 20 29 38 47 56 65 74 83 92 101 110 120 129 138 147 156 165 174 183
.24 Intellect: 11 20 29 38 47 56 65 74 83 92 101 110 120 129 138 147 156 165 174 183
.20 Endurance: 9 17 24 32 39 47 54 62 69 77 84 92 100 107 115 122 130 137 145 152
.20 Dexterity: 9 17 24 32 39 47 54 62 69 77 84 92 100 107 115 122 130 137 145 152
.07 Wisdom: 3 6 8 11 14 16 19 22 24 27 30 32 35 38 40 43 45 48 51 53
.05 Luck: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 34 36 38

Luck Hybrid:
.22 Strength: 10 18 27 35 43 51 60 68 76 85 93 101 110 118 126 134 143 151 159 168
.08 Intellect: 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61
.18 Endurance: 8 15 22 28 35 42 49 56 62 69 76 83 90 96 103 110 117 124 130 137
.21 Dexterity: 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 120 128 136 144 152 160
.08 Wisdom: 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61
.23 Luck: 10 19 28 36 45 54 63 71 80 89 97 106 115 123 132 141 149 158 167 175


Important Facts and Tables

Sustainability excludes Haste and skill buffs, this is effect duration to cool down percent, to factor a specified value evaluate ActualSus = Sustainability/(1 - Haste%)

Haste reductions as opposed to haste buffs appear different visually.
When a haste buff is applied, lets assume a said skill is halfway cooled down, a 50% boost instantly fills the other half.
10 second cooled down on 20 second cool down + 50% haste = 10 second cooled down on 10 second cool down.

When a haste debuff is applied, lets assume a said skill has just completed cooling down, a 50% decrease instantly uncovers a third.
20 second cooled down on 20 second cool down -50% haste = 20 second cooled down on 30 second cool down.


Table of Classes in order of Damage Mitigations and Sustainability

Class, Skill name Reduction % Sustainability | Rank 4 Passives % | Total Reduction
Chrono Assassin, Hysteria 100% 30% | 0% | 100%
Thief of Hours, Temporal Insanity 100% 30% | 0% | 100%
DeathKnight Lord, Bone Gauntlet's Deathgrasp 85% 83.33%, Cerement 60% 50% | 20% | 97%*
Blood Titan, Titanic Smash's Crippling Smash 60% 200% | 80% | 92%
Drakel Warlord, Strengthened Strike's Raged Strike 40% 333%, Enter the Arena's Master of the Arena 50% 166% | 30% | 88%
Glacial Warlord, Glacier Crush's Bone Chill 30% 125% Warcry's Warlord's Rally 25% 185.7% | 50% 30% | 87.75% 82.5%
Immortal Dark Caster, Soul Grasp's Soul Crush 45% 100%, Forbidden Rite's Soul Aegis 40% 187.5%, Legion Strike's Legion Aegis 30% 66% | 0% | 83.5%
ShadowScythe General, Shadow Slam, Shadow Blast, Bone Picker's Consuming Shadows -80% 500%, Overwhelming Shadows 15% 50% | 90% | 83% to 23.5%
Dragonslayer General, Inspired's Slayer's Inspiration 20% Dragonslayer's Inspiration 20% 100% Piercing Wyvern's Eye 50% 187.5% | 25% | 45% to 82.5%
Verus DoomKnight, Necrotic Blade's Weaken 10% 1000% Life Carve's Veil of Darkness 50% 400% | 50% | 82%
ArchPaladin, Commandment Eminent 30% 200%, Hymn of Light 20% 150%, Righteous Seal 90% 28%, Broken Seal 30% 100% | 20% | 81.04%
Corrupted Chronomancer, Hourglass Inversion: Hourglass of Power 10% 187.5%, Corruption Through Time: Welcome to Paradise 40% 1200%, Entropic Harm -150% 50%, Change the Future 80% 12.5% | 0% | 80% to -150%
Dark Caster, Soul Grasp's Soul Crush 30% 100%, Forbidden Rite's Soul Aegis 40% 187.5%, Legion Strike's Legion Aegis 30% 66% | 0% | 79%
DeathKnight, Deathgrip 20% 83.33%, Death's Shroud 50% 70% | 20% | 76%
StarCaptain, Wolfblade Alignment: Shield Pulse Generator 30% 166%, Mystraven Alignment: Energy Shield 30% 166%, World Ender: Runehawk 50% 16.6% | 0% | 75.5%
Elemental Dracomancer, Duradun's Scales Scales 75% 50% | 0% | 75%
Love Caster, Love Shield 75% 50% | 0% | 75%
Infinity Titan, Extrasensory Perception's Psionic Barrier 50% 100%, Anima Extrasensory Perception's Psionic Barrier 80% 133% | 0% | 72.4%
StoneCrusher, Land's Embrace's Shielded 50% 100%, Magnitude Land's Embrace's Shielded 80% 133% | 0% | 72.4%
Flame Dragon Warrior, Dragon Strength Extra Defense 60% 125% | 30% | 60% 72%
Ultra Omni Knight, Grand Sweep's Crushed 35% 66%, Omni Reversal's Omni Destructive 30% 50% | 25% | 70.75%
Paladin, Abolish 70% 333% | 0% | 70%*
Void Highlord, Shackle 50% 375%, Armageddon 50% 80% | 20% | 70%
Paladin Highlord, Undermine 30% 240%, Light Wave 5 + 5*P% 100% | 0% | 65%
ClawSuit, Hearth's Embrace 50% 133% | 15% | 65%
Defender, Shield's Blessing 25% 166%, Shield Veil 40% 40%, Defender's Pavise 20% 100% | 20% | 65%
Chaos Slayer, Surge: Barrier 65% 47.05%, Atrophy 50% 66% | 35% | 43.529% 63.294%
SkyGuard Grenadier, Flashbang Blinded 20% 500%, Reactive Grenade 50% 80% | 0% | 60%
Lord of Order, Ordinance's Resurgence 30% 100%, Blessing of Order 40% 187.5 | 0% | 58%
Oracle, Group Divination's Its Complicated 10% 125%, Edited Timeline's Blocked Ignored 80% 66% | 58%
Grim Necromancer, Enfeeble 40% 125% | 30% | 40% 58%
Necromancer, Weaken 40% 120% | 30% | 40% 58%
Eternal Inversionist, Twisted Viper 30% 300% | 40% | 30% 58%
Classic Guardian, Guardian Rage 15% 250%, Guardian Light 50% 66% | 0% | 57.5%
BladeMaster, Bladefury Spinning Dragon 100% 40%, Sever Severed 70% 55.5%, Nukiuchi Spinning Dragon 100% 20% | 0% | 56.88%
ChronoCommander, Time Rift Inversion 55% 183% | 0% | 55%
Scarlet Sorceress, Crimson Ritual 50% 360% | 0% | 50%
Ultra Elemental Warrior, Stoneskin 20% 233%, Molten Armor 30% 233% | 0% | 50%
Chaos Shaper, Extrication's Disarray 60% 666% | 35% | 74% 60%
Evolved Clawsuit, Check the List 30% 133%, Arctic Stamina 20% 26.6% | 0% | 50%
Vampire Lord, Devour Blood's Blood Loss 50% 100%, Aspect of The Bat -50% 100% | 0% | -50 to 50%
Infinity Knight, Daybreak 50% 37.5% | 0% | 50%
BladeMaster Assassin, Iaijutsu 100% 33% | 0% | 50%
Chunin, Spinning Dragon 100% 33% | 0% | 50%
Legion DoomKnight, Touch of Doom's Touch of Death 45% 200% | 8% | 49.4%
Naval Commander, Strike n Parry 20% 166.666%, Flintlock Barrage 20% 166.666% | 15% | 49%
Dragon Knight, Dragon Might 25% 250%, Swordplay 40% 76.92% | 20% | 48.077% 44.615%
Legendary Hero, Starstruck's Plot Armor 32% 160% | 15% | 47%
Blaze Binder, Fire In Your Skin 40% 37.5%, Dark Fire 10% 41.66% | 0% | 46%
Frostval Barbarian, Frostval Gifts 30% 200% | 15% | 45%
Dragonlord, Destiny Defended: Draconic Water 10% 100%, Draconic Ice 20% 50%, Primal Alignment 15% 83% | 0% | 40.5%
Underworld Chronomancer, Hourglass Inversion: Hourglass of Power 10% 187.5%, Distortion Through Time: Welcome to Paradise 40% 1200%, Distortion Through Time: Infectious Air -100% 166.66% | 0% | 40% to -60%
Legion Revenant, Wicked Purgatory's Enveloped 40% 200% | 0% | 40%
Evolved Leprechaun, Amharach 40% 150% | 0% | 40%
Undead Goat, Bones of Steel 40% 62.5% | 15% | 40%
Unlucky Leperchaun, Luck Reserves 40% 30% | 0% | 40%
Chrono ShadowSlayer Fire! Painted 24% 400% Tracer Rounds' Tracer 20% 100% | 0% | 39.2%
BattleMage, Explosive Shield's Arcane Ward 40% 43.478% | 20% | 37.39%
Dragonslayer, Incapacitate's Weakened 15% 125% Incapacitated 15% 125% | 10% | 37%
CardClasher, Draw Weakness 20% 300% | Draw and Tap Fortitude 10% 300% | 0% | 36%*
Pyromancer, Withering Burn 10% 100%, Burning Ward 50% 37.5% | 10% | 35.875%
Nechronomancer, 0% 100% | 35% | 35%
Troll Spellsmith, Weakness Sigil 35% 300% | 0% | 35%
Warrior, On Guard 50% 50% | 10% | 35%
Glacial Berserker, Glacial Storm's Ancestral Shock 80% 33% | 10% | 34%
Artifact Hunter, Shiny Mirror Shield 80% 40% | 0% | 32%
Master of Moglins, Moglin Spirit Paladin 20% 100%, Moglins Frenzy! Twilly, Dricken 20% 33% | 0% | 30.666%
Guardian, Imbue Armor: Ice 30% 500%, Darkness 25% 375%, Ashen -25% 166% | -25% | -50 to 30%
Darkside, Blinding Pain 30% 150% | 0% | 30%*
Chrono DragonKnight, Rift Release 30% 100% | 0% | 30%
Eternal Chronomancer, Taking Eternity 30% 300% | 0% | 30%
Vindicator Of They, Mass of Incandescent Gas' SUN 30% 100% | 0% | 30%
Cryomancer, Frozen Tears 30% 42.8 | 0% | 30%
Frost SpiritReaver, Spirit Charge/Banishment: Spirit Vanishing 30% 42.8 | 0% | 30%
Mage, Ice Shard's Frozen Blood 20% 166% | 10% | 28%
Classic Legion DoomKnight, Touch of Doom's Touch of Death 20% 150% | 10% | 28%
Healer, Energy Flow 30% 66% | 10% | 28%
Daimon, Mass Affect's Dumb Lucky 10% 83.33%, Shattered Reality's Mental Weakness 40% 50% | 0% | 26.666%
HighSeas Commander, Supernova's Runebound Destruction 40% 66% | 0% | 26.666%
Arcane/Mystical/Timeless Dark Caster, Arcane Shadow Minion 25% 125% | 0% | 25%
Enforcer, 0% 100% | 25% | 25%
ProtoSartorium, 0% 100% | 25% | 25%
Abyssal Angel, Crystallis Veil 25% 61.5% | 0% 25%
Berserker, Breaker 30% 50% | 10% | 23.5%
Pirate, Cannon Fire's Cannon Wound 35% 66% | 0% | 23.333%
Darkblood StormKing, Skyfire's Shocked 20% 166.66% | 0% | 20%
DoomKnight Overlord, Torture 20% 100% | 0% | 20%
MindBreaker, Esper's Might 40% 50% | 0% | 20%
Dragon Shinobi, Shadow Soul 80% 20.833% | Flaming Dragon 100% 20% | 0% | 16.66 to 20%
Evolved/Infinite/Legion Evolved Dark Caster, 0% 100% | 18% | 18%
Classic Defender, Crushing Sweep Crushed 15% 250% | 0% | 15%
Alpha Omega, 0% 100% | 15% | 15%
Barber, 0% 100% | 15% | 15%
Bard, Dissonance 15% 100% | 0% | 15%
DoomKnight, 0% 100% | 15% | 15%
LightCaster, Illuminate 15% 100% | 0% | 15%
Classic Soul Cleaver, Soul Leech 40% 35.294% | 0% | 14.117%
Classic DoomKnight, 0% 100% | 10% | 10%
No Class, 0% 100% | 10% | 10%
Northlands Monk, 0% 100% | 10% | 10%
Rustbucket, 0% 100% | 10% | 10%
TimeKiller, 0% 100% | 10% | 10%
LightMage, Lumenator 8% 100% | 0% | 8%
Yami no Ronin, Batto's Flash -80% 750% | 0% | -80 to 0%
*Bugged, see details in next section

An In Depth Analysis
Chrono Assassin Hysteria applies a confuse status, 100% to target
Thief of Hours Temporal Insanity applies a confuse status, 100% to target
DeathKnight Lord Bone Gauntlet applies Deathgrasp -25% base with -6% per stack up to -60% to three targets, Cerement applies 40% base with 5% per stack resist to self that is Bugged as stuck on fourth stack
Blood Titan Titanic Smash applies Crippling Smash -60% to one target, Crimson Shield 80% resist
Drakel Warlord Raged Strike applies -7% on odd stacks, Bugged -14% on even stacks physical to target
Glacial Warlord Glacier Crush applies Bone Chill -30% to target if Frozen Heart is not present, Warcry applies Warlord's Rally 25% resist to self and six allies if Frozen Heart is not present, Heavy Armor Master 50% resist 30% physical resist
Immortal Dark Caster Soul Grasp applies Soul Crush -15% per stack up to -45% to target, Forbidden Rite applies Soul Barrier 10% per stack up to 40% resist to self, Legion Strike applies Legion Burn 30% resist to self
ShadowScythe General Shadow Slam, Shadow Blast and Bone Picker's Consuming Shadows applies -8% per stack up to -80% resist, Overwhelming Shadows applies -15% to target, Living Dead 90% resist
Dragonslayer General Inspired applies Slayer's Inspiration 20% resist, if target is Dragonkin applies Dragonslayer's Inspiration 20% resist to self, Absolution Resolution 25% resist
Verus DoomKnight, Necrotic Blade applies Weaken 10% to one target Life Carve applies Veil of Darkness 50% resist to self
ArchPaladin Commandment applies -5% per stack up to -30% to three targets, Righteous Seal applies -90% to target, Hymn applies 20% resist to self and six allies, Restitution 20% resist
Corrupted Chronomancer Hourglass Inversion applies Hourglass of Power 10% resist to self, Corruption Through Time: applies Welcome to Paradise 40% resist to self, Entropic Harm -150% resist to self, Change the Future 80% resist to self
Dark Caster Soul Grasp applies Soul Crush -10% per stack up to -30% to target, Forbidden Rite applies Soul Barrier 10% per stack up to 40% resist to self, Legion Strike applies Legion Burn 30% resist to self
DeathKnight Death's Shroud applies 50% resist to self, Deathgrip applies -20% to target, Ruthless 20% resist
StarCaptain Wolfblade Alignment + House Runehawk applies Shield Pulse Generator 30% resist to self, Mystraven Alignment + House Runehawk applies Energy Shield 30% resist to self, World Ender + House Runehawk applies Runehawk -50% to target
Elemental Dracomancer Duradun's Scales applies Scales 75% resist to self
Love Caster Love Shield applies Armor 75% resist to self
Infinity Titan Extrasensory Perception applies Psionic Barrier 50% to self and four allies, with Anima active applies 80% to self
StoneCrusher Land's Embrace applies Shielded 50% resist to self and four allies, with Magnitude active applies 80% resist to self
Flame Dragon Warrior Dragon Strength applies Extra Defense 60% resist to self, Fire Dragon's Scales 30% magical resist
Ultra Omni Knight Grand Sweep applies Crushed -35% to one target, Omni Destructive applies 30% resist to self, Ultra Armor 25% resist
Paladin Abolish applies Bugged -7% per stack instead of -5% up to -70% to target
Void Highlord Shackle and Armageddon applies 50% resist to self, Tremble in Fear 20% resist
Paladin Highlord Undermine applies -5% per stack up to -30% to target, Light Wave applies -5% base with -5% per party member up to 35% to five targets
ClawSuit Hearth's Embrace applies 50% resist to self, Northern Fortitude 15% resist
Defender Shield's Blessing applies 25% physical resist to self and five allies, Shield Veil applies Shield's Protection 40% physical resist to five allies, Defender's Pavise applies 20% physical resist to self, Halo of Protection 20% physical resist
Chaos Slayer Surge: Barrier applies 65% resist to self, Atrophy applies -50% to one or six targets, Spell Disruption 35% magical resist
SkyGuard Grenadier Flashbang applies Blinded -20% to target, Sleeping Gas + Reactive Grenade applies Elude 50% resist to self
Lord of Order Ordinance applies Resurgence 30% resist to self and five allies, Blessing of Order applies Order -8% per stack up to -40% to target
Oracle Group Divination applies Its Complicated 10% resist to four allies, Edited Timeline applies Blocked or Ignored a -80% Physical or Magical to target
Grim Necromancer Enfeeble applies -40% to target, Grim Resistance 30% magical resist
Necromancer Weaken applies -40% to target, Necrotic Resistance 30% magical resist
Eternal Inversionist Twisted Viper applies -30% to six targets, Eternal Resolve 40% magical resist
Classic Guardian Guardian Rage applies Crippled -5% per stack up to 15% to target, Guardian Light used without Keen applies 50% resist to self
BladeMaster Bladefury has a 20% chance of applying Spinning Dragon to convert target's blow to zero once within 10 seconds, Sever applies Severance -70% to target, Nukiuchi has a 50% chance of Spinning Dragon
ChronoCommander Time Rift Inversion applies Continuum 55% resist to self
Scarlet Sorceress Crimson Ritual applies 10% per stack up to 50% resist to self
Ultra Elemental Warrior Stoneskin applies 20% resist to self, Molten Armor applies 30% resist to self
Chaos Shaper Extrication applies Disarray -20% per stack up to -60% to target if Chaos is present, Chaotic Strength 35% physical resist
Evolved Clawsuit Check the List applies 30% resist to self, Arctic Stamina applies 20% resist to self
Vampire Lord Devour Blood applies Blood Loss -50% to three targets, Aspect of The Bat applies -50% resist to self
Infinity Knight Daybreak applies Veil of Compressed Time 50% resist to self
BladeMaster Assassin Iaijutsu has a 50% chance of applying Spinning Dragon to convert target's blow to zero once within 10 seconds
Chunin Spinning Dragon has a 50% chance to convert two targets' blow to zero once within 10 seconds
Legion DoomKnight Touch of Doom applies Touch of Death -3% per stack up to -45% to target, Doom Armor 8% resist
Naval Commander Strike n Parry applies -20% to four targets, Flintlock Barrage applies -20% to four targets, Reinforced Hull 15% resist
Dragon Knight Dragon's Might applies Dumbfounded -25% physical to target, Swordplay applies 40% resist to self, Dragonhide 20% magical resist
Legendary Hero Starstruck applies 8% per stack up to 32% resist to self
Blaze Binder Fire In Your Skin applies 40% resist to self, Dark Fire applies Shrouded in Shadow Flame -10% to three targets
Frostval Barbarian Frostval Gifts applies Frozen Beard 30% resist to self and three allies, Festive Suit 15% resist
Dragonlord Destiny Defended applies Draconic Water 10% resist to self, Destiny Defended + Draconic Wind applies Draconic Ice 20% resist to self, Primal Alignment applies -15% to three targets
Underworld Chronomancer Hourglass of Power 10% resist to self, Distortion Through Time: applies Welcome to Paradise 40% resist to self, Distortion Through Time: applies Infectious Air -100% resist to self
Legion Revenant Wicked Purgatory applies Enveloped 20% base with 4% per stack up to 20% resist to self
Evolved Leprechaun Amharach applies 40% resist to self
Undead Goat Bones of Steel applies 40% resist to self, Hardier Fur 15% resist
Unlucky Leperchaun Luck Reserves applies Undead Blessing 40% resist to self
Chrono ShadowSlayer Fire! applies Painted a -6% per stack up to 24% to target if Tracer is present, Tracer Rounds applies Tracer 20% resist to self
BattleMage Explosive Shield applies Arcane Ward 40% resist to self, Heavy Armor Expertise 20% physical resist
Dragonslayer Incapacitate applies Weakened 15%, if Dragonbane is present Incapacitated 15%, Resolute 10% resist
CardClasher Draw Weakness applies -20% to target Tap is Bugged to apply no effect, Draw and Tap Fortitude applies 10% resist to self
Pyromancer Withering Blast is applies -10% to four targets, Burning Ward applies 50% resist to self, Heat of the Knight 10% resist
Nechronomancer Dracolich Armor 35% resist
Troll Spellsmith Weakness Sigil applies Sigil 5% per stack up to 35% resist to self
Warrior On Guard applies 50% resist to self, Resolute 10% resist
Glacial Berserker Glacial Storm applies Ancestral Shock -80% to target if Ancestral Cold is present, Frozen Skin 10% resist
Artifact Hunter Mirror resistance applies Mirrored Resists 80% resist to self
Master of Moglins Moglin Spirit's Paladin applies 20% resist to self, Moglins Frenzy!'s Twilly and Dricken applies -20% to four targets
Guardian Imbue Armor + Essence of Ice applies Ice 30% resist to self, Imbue Armor + Essence of Darkness applies Darkness 25% resist to self, Call Guardian Dragon applies Ashen -25% resist to self, Fully-Offensive Lean -25% resist
Darkside Dark Power's Deep Rage stacks is Bugged has no beneficial effect added to Blinding Pain's -30% to four targets
Chrono DragonKnight Rift Release applies Chrono Dragon's Skin 30% resist to self
Eternal Chronomancer Taking Eternity applies 10% per stack up to 30% resist to self
Vindicator Of They Mass of Incandescent Gas applies SUN -30% to target
Cryomancer Frozen Tears applies 30% resist to self
Frost SpiritReaver, Spirit Charge and Banishment applies Spirit Vanishing 30% resist to self
Mage Ice Shard applies Frozen Blood -20% to target, Chilled Out 10% resist
Classic Legion DoomKnight Touch of Doom applies Touch of Death -5% per stack up to -20% to target, Doom Armor 10% resist
Healer Energy flow applies -30% to target, Resolute 10% resist
Daimon Mass Affect applies Dumb Lucky 10% resist to four allies, Shattered Reality applies Mental Weakness -40% to two targets
HighSeas Commander Supernova applies Runebound Destruction -40% to target
Arcane/Mystical/Timeless Dark Caster Summon Arcane Minion applies 5% per stack up to 25% resist to self
Enforcer Grounded 25% resist
ProtoSartorium Grounded 25% resist
Abyssal Angel Crystallis Veil applies 25% resist to self
Berserker Breaker applies -30% to target, Resolute 10% resist
Pirate Cannon Fire applies Cannon Wound -35% to target
Darkblood StormKing Skyfire applies Shocked -20% to three targets
DoomKnight Overlord Torture applies -20% to target
MindBreaker Esper's Might applies Mental Weakness -40% to two targets
Dragon Shinobi Flaming Dragon applies Spinning Dragon to convert target's blow to zero once within 10 seconds, Shadow Soul applies 80% resist to self
Infinite/Evolved/Legion Evolved Dark Caster Umbral Cloak 18%
Classic Defender Crushing Sweep applies Crushed -15% to two targets
Alpha Omega Omega Defender 15% resist
Barber Precision 15% resist
Bard Dissonance applies -15% to target
DoomKnight Resolute 15% resist
LightCaster Illuminate applies Illuminated 15% resist to six allies
Classic Soul Cleaver Soul Leech applies Weaken -40% to target
Classic DoomKnight Resolute 10% resist
No Class Resolute 10% resist
Northlands Monk Fortitude 10% resist
Rustbucket Ground 10% resist
TimeKiller Quick Reactions 10% resist
LightMage Lumenator applies Lumen 8% resist to six allies
Yami no Ronin Batto applies Flash -4% per stack up to -80% resist to self


Table of Classes in order of Hit Chance Mitigations and Sustainability

Class, Skill name Reduction % Sustainability | Total Reduction
Ninja, Shadowblade 100% 50% | 100%
Glacial Berserker, Shout of the Ancients' Overwhelmed 30% 50% Glacial Storm Lost in a Storm 50% 33% | 80%
DoomKnight OverLord, Miasma 50% 200% | 50%
Dragonslayer General, Piercing Wyvern's Eye 50% 187.5% | 50%
Paladin, Blinding Light's Blinded 50% 106.6% | 50%
Chunin, Paralyzing Wind 50% 100% | 50%
Frost SpiritReaver, Spirit Banishment: Spirit Devastation 50% 100% | 50%
Chrono ShadowSlayer Silver Bullet's Blinded 50% 16.666% | 0% | 50%
Shadow(W/St)alker, Rift of Shadows' Chaos Rift 15% 666% Temporal Eclipse's Shadowed State 30% 33%| 45%
Chaos Slayer, Enigma 40% 250% | 40%
Great Thief, Treasure Toss' Lunamancer's Pearls 35% 300% | 35%
ArchPaladin, Commandment 30% 200% | 30%
Barber, Blinded 30% 166% | 30%
BlazeBinder, Choking Shadow Smoke 30% 100% | 30%
Void Highlord, Highlord's Gaze's Congealed 30% 100% | 30%
Dragon Knight, Swordplay 30% 47.6% | 30%
LightCaster, Light Blast's Blinded by Light 25% 300% | 25%
Eternal Inversionist, Ancient Wrap 25% 160% | 25%
Legion DoomKnight, Legion Dark Blast's Torment 10% 83% Shadow Step 15% 66% | 25%
Classic Legion DoomKnight, Legion Dark Blast's Torment 10% 66% Shadow Step 15% 66% | 25%
Infinite/Evolved/Legion Evolved Dark Caster, Overshadowed 24% 266% | 24%
SkyCharged Grenadier, Deafened 20% 500% | 20%
SkyGuard Grenadier, Flashbang 20% 500% | 20%
Nechronomancer, ShadowScythe's Future: Passage Of Time 20% 285% | 20%
Classic Dragonlord, Heated Blade 20% 250% | 20%
Darkblood StormKing, Storm Bolt's Electrocuted 20% 100% | 20%
Enforcer, Plasma Bolt's Flash Bolt 20% 80% | 20%
ProtoSartorium, Plasma Bolt's Flash Bolt 20% 80% | 20%
Rustbucket, Plasma Bolt's Flash Bolt 20% 75% | 20%
Master of Moglins, Moglin Frenzy! Frogzard 20% 33% | 20%
MindBreaker, Mindfire's Brain Fog 18% 250% | 18%
BeastMaster, GO FOR THE EYES' Eye Injury 15% 100% | 15%
Dragonlord, Primal Alignment: Elemental Dissonance 15% 83% | 15%
Arcane/Mystical/Timeless Dark Caster, Dark Leech 15% 50% | 15%
Dragon of Time, Split Timelines' Principles of Dimensionality 15% 20% | 15%
LightMage, Light Beam's Blinding Light 10% 300% | 10%
StarCaptain, Wolfblade Alignment: Targeting Systems Damaged 10% 133% | 10%



Artix Entertainment for AQW, Minimal for the Stat System, Furore for the Level 1 and Level 10 Enhances info and final revision, Coyote for giving me the thread code when the original one got locked, SirBlackAxe for giving me in-depth info on stat effects to each class type and specific class types, drDOT for helping me update info regarding base class stats, Icy for helping me update the guide to version 1.5 with a new page, MonkMildain for giving me some information regarding formulas and deep stat info, Trogdor V20X6 for permission to borrow his Bard/Starlord/Defender/Dragonlord base stats, coolboypai for reminding me to update the guide with the verified classes, bluebowser31 for reminding me to add Defender/update the Guardian class, Reens for the Level 30 base stats of Guardian class.


Notes and Updates:

3/11/2010 - Small Update Guide approved, added small details to it, the guide is currently on Version 1.0. Will be upgraded as more content is added. Expect version updates when important updates are added (like the upcoming 840 enhancements *gulp*).
3/15/2010 - Small Update: Scrapped the old ctrl+F codes in order to avoid problems with future high level enhancements and added 2 new sections in anticipation for the full enhancement release.
3/30/2010 - Big Update: Added all the new Enhancements (took quite some time), and upgraded guide to version 1.5
4/7/2010 - Small Update: Added MonkMildain's formulas to the guide.
4/19/2010 - Small Update: Changed the old names to the new versions, planning to update some info this week.
4/21/2010 - Small Update: Updated the base stats to what I believe are the new ones (except Necromancer, for obvious reasons). I'm not sure if they change with the level, but will find out soon
5/9/2010 - Small Update: It turns out the base stats change with the level. I will update the base stats area to include their formulas, instead of level values, I added the Level 30 Bard base stats for now.
6/20/2010 - Small Update The current project to find the base stat formulas is on hold for undefined time, so I will probably change all values to reflect Level 30 until it changes, added the verified classes to the guide.
7/23/2010 - Small Update Changed the Guardian entry to Defender, added the current Guardian base stats.
11/26/2012 - Big Update New Guide owner as Legendary Ash: Updated Melee, Caster, Hybrid class list, enhancement links and Eight types of Base Stats to Level 50.
Latest Update Moderate Update Verus DoomKnight, Chrono ShadowSlayer and Hunter AC variant with a later release date added, Class Definitions as well as Tables of Classes for Damage Mitigations and Hit Chance received changes to reflect multiple updates to existing Classes/Skills/Auras

Zyrain -> RE: A Guide on Stats (6/16/2013 9:53:53)

This is a good guide, and can become very useful as you continue to develop it and expand it from its previous versions.
However, here are a few pointers/suggestions I'd like to make:

  • In the "Definition of Classes" section, it's all a bit cluttered at the moment. To make it easier to read, perhaps you should make the titles (Tank type, Dodge typo, Power type, etc.) stand out a bit more. You could do this by using bold, underline or even more spacing. Right now, the italics don't stand out well enough.

  • Another idea I had for this section was also linking the Classes to their Wiki pages. Just so they're there for quick reference somewhere in your guide.

  • The green you are using in the "Stat Effects" section is a little too bright in my opinion, making it hard to read. Try using a softer #009900, for example.

  • Lastly, Trog's guide has been archived. The new Useful/Recommended Class Builds is owned by aliesterus.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Kingp -> RE: A Guide on Stats (8/27/2013 12:59:12)

    One slight change needed. Soul Cleaver is actually a hybrid class.

    Zyrain -> RE: A Guide on Stats (10/7/2013 12:34:48)

    Something I've picked up on is your use of the line-break code. At times it's done correctly, and yet at other times non-correctly. It would be preferred for the format to at least be consistent. Here is the correct spacing for the line-break code:

    rysterjc -> RE: A Guide on Stats (3/5/2014 10:57:40)

    Needs to be updated with BladeMaster's details.

    Banpreiomaster -> RE: A Guide on Stats (3/6/2014 12:06:02)

    BT damage mitigation isn't 120% anymore :(
    Don't forget to change it.

    rysterjc -> RE: A Guide on Stats (3/15/2014 18:19:41)

    BladeMaster is a Dodge Melee class and (Legion) Evolved Dark Caster is an Offensive Caster class.

    aqwa26122 -> RE: A Guide on Stats (10/23/2014 13:50:17)

    The damage reduction for artefact hunter is about 85% using the shiny mirror.

    A Humble Knight -> RE: A Guide on Stats (11/4/2014 18:07:47)

    Something is off here. How often is this updated?
    The update-section at the end records that the last entry was in 2012, but there is a bunch of post-2012 content in here.
    --Newer classes such as Dragon Knight, and Aracnomancer are recorded, but really new classes like Lycan, or Artifact Hunter, are not.
    --The update-section notes that all class base-stats are at lvl 50. But in the actual base-stat section, it says that lvl 60 stats are being recorded.
    --There are 2014-commenters, talking about undocumented changes in the guide.

    So, how/who is updating this guide, and why hasn't it been properly recorded?

    Hei -> RE: A Guide on Stats (11/13/2014 19:53:14)

    @A Humble Knight

    I would presume that the thread creator is updating it, given that if you highlight the bottom of the opening post, this comes up: "< Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 9/20/2014 5:17:02 >" (though the timestamp may be different for you, since I have my timezone set as the default forum hours +5).

    A Humble Knight -> RE: A Guide on Stats (11/18/2014 23:14:44)

    But this still doesn't explain any of the other inconsistencies with the "Notes & Updates" list, and the actual updating of the content.

    This guide is too detailed and helpful for it to be wrong. What happened to Legendary Ash?

    arcblitz1609 -> RE: A Guide on Stats (9/7/2015 8:46:49)

    I don't understand what Haste does. Can anybody care to explain in simple terms? :P

    Dr Disrespect -> RE: A Guide on Stats (9/7/2015 9:11:12)


    Haste reduces the cooldown on all of your attacks and spells including your auto attack, by a certain percentage (hard capped at 50%).

    Taken from the description of haste (when you place your cursor over it) in the 'Character' pop up box in the game.

    arcblitz1609 -> RE: A Guide on Stats (9/7/2015 10:05:18)

    Oh, silly me -_- I didn't notice it was there.. Sorry for the trouble and thank you as well :)

    Foulman -> RE: A Guide on Stats (11/21/2015 16:27:43)

    Doesn't VoT give 50% damage reduction? That's what the AQW Wiki says. Not the Wikidot one, but the original one.

    Renn Shadowheart -> RE: A Guide on Stats (12/13/2015 8:36:18)

    ^ The wikidot one, is the original wiki.

    The other isn't official at all, so it shouldn't be used, as it isn't reliable.

    Solanaceae -> RE: A Guide on Stats (10/10/2016 15:49:27)

    Okay, so first things first: At level 65, Hybrid Lucky classes have 90 Endurance, not 89. Or at least Chaos Shaper and Evolved Leprechaun do. Now, without further ado, I present the fruits of sitting in front of my computer for 5 hours watching my character Auto-Attack:

    Awe Enhancement Damage Numbers

    I only provided noncrit values for the sake of my own sanity, and also excluded Mana Vamp (because it seems to follow Health Vamp's damage formula) and Health Vamp's healing after the first data set (because it also seems to be consistently 2/3 of the noncrit damage you deal, and constantly switching to Sentinel was a pain). If needed, I can go grab their numbers too, though it'll take longer because I can't invest as much time during the weekdays. Here's a link to the documents directly if you want to work with the source instead of this massive block of copy-pasted text files.

    Melee Dodge
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Chrono Assassin was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  395
    SP:   70 (228 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  35 (114 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    105 DPS (105-105, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 292
    - 333
    Health Vamp:
    - 336, healed 224
    - 384, healed 256
    Spiral Carve:
    - 448
    - 512
    AP:  306
    SP:  192 (350 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  96 (175 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 123
    96 DPS (96-96, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 299
    - 341
    Health Vamp:
    - 345, healed 230
    - 393, healed 262
    Spiral Carve:
    - 460
    - 524
    AP:  361
    SP:   70 (228 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  35 (114 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    101 DPS (101-101, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 281
    - 323
    Health Vamp:
    - 324, healed 216
    - 372, healed 248
    Spiral Carve:
    - 432
    - 496
    AP:  289
    SP:  178 (336 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  89 (168 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    94 DPS (94-94, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 292
    - 332
    Health Vamp:
    - 336, healed 224
    - 383, healed 255
    Spiral Carve:
    - 448
    - 510
    AP:  357
    SP:  136 (294 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  68 (147 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    101 DPS (101-101, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 298
    - 340
    Health Vamp:
    - 344, healed 229
    - 392, healed 261
    Spiral Carve:
    - 458
    - 522
    AP:  356
    SP:   94 (252 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  47 (126 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 160
    101 DPS (101-101, 1.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 288
    - 328
    Health Vamp:
    - 332, healed 221
    - 378, healed 252
    Spiral Carve:
    - 442
    - 504
    AP:  323
    SP:  102 (260 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  51 (130 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 101
    85 DPS (85-85, 1.0 speed)
    - 63
    - 79
    Melee Tank
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Undeadslayer was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  449
    SP:   70 (228 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  35 (114 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  79
    110 DPS (220-220, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 305
    - 346
    Health Vamp:
    - 351
    - 399
    Spiral Carve:
    - 468
    - 532
    AP:  360
    SP:  192 (350 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  96 (175 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 103
    101 DPS (202-202, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 312
    - 354
    Health Vamp:
    - 360
    - 408
    Spiral Carve:
    - 480
    - 544
    AP:  415
    SP:   70 (228 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  35 (114 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  79
    107 DPS (214-214, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 297
    - 338
    Health Vamp:
    - 342
    - 390
    Spiral Carve:
    - 456
    - 520
    AP:  343
    SP:  178 (336 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  89 (168 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  79
    99 DPS (198-198, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 305
    - 345
    Health Vamp:
    - 351
    - 398
    Spiral Carve:
    - 468
    - 530
    AP:  411
    SP:  136 (294 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  68 (147 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  79
    106 DPS (212-212, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 311
    - 353
    Health Vamp:
    - 359
    - 407
    Spiral Carve:
    - 478
    - 542
    AP:  410
    SP:   94 (252 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  47 (126 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 140
    106 DPS (212-212, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 301
    - 341
    Health Vamp:
    - 347
    - 393
    Spiral Carve:
    - 462
    - 524
    AP:  377
    SP:  102 (260 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  51 (130 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 81
    91 DPS (182-182, 2.0 speed)
    - 63
    - 79
    Melee Power
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Lycan was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  507
    SP:   40 (198 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  20 ( 99 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    116 DPS (232-232, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 312
    - 354
    Health Vamp:
    - 360
    - 408
    Spiral Carve:
    - 480
    - 544
    AP:  418
    SP:  162 (320 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  81 (160 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 143
    107 DPS (214-214, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 320
    - 362
    Health Vamp:
    - 369
    - 417
    Spiral Carve:
    - 492
    - 556
    AP:  473
    SP:   40 (198 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  20 ( 99 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    112 DPS (224-224, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 302
    - 344
    Health Vamp:
    - 348
    - 396
    Spiral Carve:
    - 464
    - 528
    AP:  401
    SP:  148 (306 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  74 (153 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    105 DPS (210-210, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 312
    - 353
    Health Vamp:
    - 360
    - 407
    Spiral Carve:
    - 480
    - 542
    AP:  469
    SP:  106 (264 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  53 (132 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    112 DPS (224-224, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 319
    - 361
    Health Vamp:
    - 368
    - 416
    Spiral Carve:
    - 490
    - 554
    AP:  468
    SP:   64 (222 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  32 (111 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 180
    112 DPS (224-224, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 309
    - 349
    Health Vamp:
    - 356
    - 402
    Spiral Carve:
    - 474
    - 536
    AP:  435
    SP:   72 (230 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  36 (115 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 121
    97 DPS (194-194, 2.0 speed)
    - 60
    - 76
    Magic Defensive
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Healer was used for these tests with level 65 Wizard.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  186
    SP:  463 (621 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 198 (277 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    84 DPS (168-168, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 448
    - 548
    Health Vamp:
    - 516
    - 632
    Spiral Carve:
    - 522
    - 584
    AP:   80
    SP:  601 (759 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 259 (338 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    73 DPS (146-146, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 489
    - 597
    Health Vamp:
    - 564
    - 688
    Spiral Carve:
    - 532
    - 596
    AP:  152
    SP:  463 (621 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 198 (277 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    80 DPS (160-160, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 433
    - 534
    Health Vamp:
    - 500
    - 614
    Spiral Carve:
    - 506
    - 568
    AP:   80
    SP:  571 (729 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 252 (331 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    73 DPS (146-146, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 474
    - 581
    Health Vamp:
    - 547
    - 670
    Spiral Carve:
    - 520
    - 584
    AP:  148
    SP:  529 (687 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 231 (310 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    80 DPS (160-160, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 474
    - 579
    Health Vamp:
    - 546
    - 667
    Spiral Carve:
    - 532
    - 594
    AP:  104
    SP:  529 (687 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 210 (289 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 156
    75 DPS (150-150, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 445
    - 547
    Health Vamp:
    - 513
    - 630
    Spiral Carve:
    - 512
    - 574
    AP:  112
    SP:  496 (654 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 214 (293 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 97
    64DPS (128-128, 2.0 speed)
    - 138
    - 173
    Magic Power
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Oracle was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  186
    SP:  367 (525 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 149 (228 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    84 DPS (168-168, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 389
    - 484
    Health Vamp:
    - 448
    - 559
    Spiral Carve:
    - 482
    - 546
    AP:   80
    SP:  506 (664 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 210 (289 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 123
    73 DPS (146-146, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 430
    - 531
    Health Vamp:
    - 495
    - 612
    Spiral Carve:
    - 494
    - 558
    AP:  152
    SP:  367 (525 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 149 (228 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    80 DPS (160-160, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 375
    - 471
    Health Vamp:
    - 433
    - 543
    Spiral Carve:
    - 466
    - 530
    AP:   80
    SP:  475 (633 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 203 (282 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    73 DPS (146-146, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 416
    - 515
    Health Vamp:
    - 479
    - 595
    Spiral Carve:
    - 482
    - 546
    AP:  148
    SP:  433 (591 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 182 (261 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  99
    80 DPS (160-160, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 416
    - 513
    Health Vamp:
    - 479
    - 591
    Spiral Carve:
    - 494
    - 556
    AP:  104
    SP:  434 (592 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 161 (240 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 160
    75 DPS (150-150, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 388
    - 483
    Health Vamp:
    - 448
    - 556
    Spiral Carve:
    - 474
    - 536
    AP:  112
    SP:  401 (559 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 165 (244 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 101
    64 DPS (128-128, 2.0 speed)
    - 118
    - 151
    Magic Offensive
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Arcane Dark Caster was used for these tests with level 65 Wizard.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    Please note that the rank 4 passive increases Magic damage by 20%.
    AP:  166
    SP:  493 (651 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 213 (292 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    82 DPS (164-164, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 527
    - 638
    Health Vamp:
    - 608
    - 735
    Spiral Carve:
    - 526
    - 588
    AP:   60
    SP:  631 (789 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 274 (353 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 119
    71 DPS (142-142, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 572
    - 688
    Health Vamp:
    - 658
    - 794
    Spiral Carve:
    - 536
    - 600
    AP:  132
    SP:  493 (651 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 213 (292 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    78 DPS (156-156, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 511
    - 620
    Health Vamp:
    - 590
    - 715
    Spiral Carve:
    - 510
    - 572
    AP:   60
    SP:  601 (759 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 267 (346 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    71 DPS (142-142, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 555
    - 671
    Health Vamp:
    - 639
    - 773
    Spiral Carve:
    - 524
    - 588
    AP:  128
    SP:  559 (717 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 246 (325 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  95
    78 DPS (156-156, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 556
    - 669
    Health Vamp:
    - 640
    - 772
    Spiral Carve:
    - 536
    - 598
    AP:   84
    SP:  559 (717 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 225 (304 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 156
    73 DPS (146-146, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 524
    - 634
    Health Vamp:
    - 603
    - 732
    Spiral Carve:
    - 516
    - 578
    AP:   92
    SP:  526 (684 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 229 (308 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  97
    62 DPS (124-124, 2.0 speed)
    - 166
    - 205
    Hybrid Hybrid
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Ninja was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    The stats panel for all Hybrid Hybrid classes is bugged to show 120 + 999 for the STR and INT bars, so the provided INT values are manually summed up from the enhancements used.
    AP:  418
    SP:  312 (470 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 130 (209 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  74
    107 DPS (160-161, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 434
    - 535
    Health Vamp:
    - 500
    - 616
    Spiral Carve:
    - 552
    - 616
    AP:  329
    SP:  451 (609 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 191 (270 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  98
    98 DPS (147-147, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 485
    - 593
    Health Vamp:
    - 560
    - 683
    Spiral Carve:
    - 572
    - 636
    AP:  384
    SP:  312 (470 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 130 (209 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  74
    103 DPS (154-155, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 421
    - 520
    Health Vamp:
    - 485
    - 600
    Spiral Carve:
    - 536
    - 600
    AP:  312
    SP:  420 (578 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 184 (263 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  74
    96 DPS (144-144, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 465
    - 569
    Health Vamp:
    - 536
    - 656
    Spiral Carve:
    - 552
    - 616
    AP:  380
    SP:  378 (536 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 163 (242 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  74
    103 DPS (154-155, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 463
    - 564
    Health Vamp:
    - 533
    - 652
    Spiral Carve:
    - 564
    - 626
    AP:  379
    SP:  379 (537 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 142 (221 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 135
    103 DPS (154-155, 1.5 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 450
    - 551
    Health Vamp:
    - 519
    - 636
    Spiral Carve:
    - 564
    - 626
    AP:  345
    SP:  345 (503 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 146 (225 with +2 Healer)
    LUK:  76
    88 DPS (132-132, 1.5 speed)
    - 109
    - 140
    Hybrid Lucky
    All enhancements are level 65 except for the level 60 Awe enhancements and level 40 Spitfire enhancement.
    Evolved Leprechaun was used for these tests with level 65 Lucky.
    All damage values are noncrits.
    AP:  406
    SP:  234 (345 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  50 (129 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 164
    106 DPS (212-212, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 337
    - 366
    Health Vamp:
    - 389
    - 422
    Spiral Carve:
    - 518
    - 562
    AP:  356
    SP:  343 (454 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 111 (190 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 188
    101 DPS (202-202, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 353
    - 381
    Health Vamp:
    - 407
    - 440
    Spiral Carve:
    - 542
    - 586
    AP:  382
    SP:  234 (345 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  50 (129 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 164
    103 DPS (206-206, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 329
    - 358
    Health Vamp:
    - 380
    - 413
    Spiral Carve:
    - 506
    - 550
    AP:  332
    SP:  310 (420 with +2 Healer)
    INT: 104 (183 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 164
    98 DPS (196-196, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 336
    - 364
    Health Vamp:
    - 387
    - 420
    Spiral Carve:
    - 516
    - 560
    AP:  380
    SP:  280 (391 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  83 (162 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 164
    103 DPS (206-206, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 341
    - 370
    Health Vamp:
    - 393
    - 426
    Spiral Carve:
    - 524
    - 568
    AP:  410
    SP:  312 (422 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  62 (141 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 225
    106 DPS (212-212, 2.0 speed)
    Awe Blast:
    - 357
    - 385
    Health Vamp:
    - 411
    - 444
    Spiral Carve:
    - 548
    - 592
    AP:  356
    SP:  258 (369 with +2 Healer)
    INT:  66 (145 with +2 Healer)
    LUK: 166
    89 DPS (178-178, 2.0 speed)
    - 79
    - 90
    Edit: Added in Spiral Carve.

    Edit 2: Added in a new link for the Google Drive folder.

    Legendary Ash -> RE: A Guide on Stats (8/19/2017 23:47:05)

    Tank Melee:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    DexHit: A B C D E F G H .105 J
    LukHit: A B .05 D E F G H I J
    DexHaste: A B C D E F G H .16 J
    LukHaste: A B .06 D E F G H I J
    StrCrit: A B C D E F G H I .21 .21
    LukCrit: A B .11 D E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C D E F G .16 .16 J
    WisEvasion: A B C D .155 .155 G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B .06 D E F G H I J

    Dodge Melee:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    DexHit: A B C D E F G H I J .11 .1
    LukHit: A B C .06 E F G H I J
    DexHaste: A B C D E F G H I J .26 .26
    LukHaste: A B C .05 E F G H I J
    StrCrit: A B C D E F G .21 .21 J
    LukCrit: A B C .11 E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J .27 .26
    WisEvasion: A B C D .16 .16 G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B C .06 E F G H I J

    Power Melee:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    DexHit: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukHit: A B C D E F G H I J
    DexHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    StrCrit: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukCrit: A B C D E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J
    WisEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J

    Defensive Caster:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    WisHit: A B C D .11 F G H I J
    LukHit: A B C D E .05 G H I J
    IntHaste: A B C D E F G H I J .26
    LukHaste: A B C D E .05 G H I J
    WisCrit: A B C D .21 F G H I J
    LukCrit: A B C D E .11 G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C .155 .155 F G H I J
    WisEvasion: A B C D .16 .16 G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B C D E .05 G H I J

    Power Caster:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    WisHit: A B C D E F G H I .105 .105
    LukHit: A B C .05 E F G H I J
    IntHaste: A B C D E F G H I .15
    LukHaste: A B C .05 E F G H I J
    WisCrit: A B C D E F G H I .21 .21
    LukCrit: A B C .1 E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B .155 .155 E F G H I J
    WisEvasion: A B C D E F G H I .16 .16
    LukEvasion: A B C .05 E F G H I J

    Offensive Caster:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    WisHit: A B C D E F .105 .105 I J
    LukHit: A B C D E .05 G H I J
    IntHaste: A B C D E F G H I J K .16
    LukHaste: A B C D E .05 G H I J
    WisCrit: A B C D E F .37 .37 I J
    LukCrit: A B C D E .11 G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C .155 .155 F G H I J
    WisEvasion: A B C D E F .16 .16 I J
    LukEvasion: A B C D E .06 G H I J

    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    DexHit: A B C D E F .11 .1 I J
    LukHit: A B .06 D E F G H I J
    DexHaste: A B C D E F G .16 I J
    IntHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukHaste: A B .05 D E F G H I J
    StrCrit: A B C D E F G H .205 .205
    LukCrit: A B .1 D E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C D E F .26 .26 I J
    WisEvasion: A B C .16 .16 F G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B .05 D E F G H I J

    Luck Hybrid:
    Stat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    DexHit: A B C D E F G H I J
    WisHit: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukHit: A B C D E F G H I J
    DexHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    IntHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukHaste: A B C D E F G H I J
    StrCrit: A B C D E F G H I J
    WisCrit: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukCrit: A B C D E F G H I J
    DexEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J
    WisEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J
    LukEvasion: A B C D E F G H I J

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