Baydraze -> Main frequently asked suggestions 2012 LIST (11/28/2012 16:05:15)
Hi everyone. I would ask for a list for the Devs with all the things that were suggested many times. Maybe me or someone else could post the whole list then in 2013. This list would be a new start for EpicDuel. Since most of the players who play EpicDuel for a long time are getting bored of doing 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 or juggernaut battles this list would make a whole new start and motivate everyone and more players to play this game.
Everyone plz post the ideas which are asked frequently. The list will be published later on and everybody and especially the Devs would look at it and instead of only making and designing and spend so much time on wars and weapons they could focus on these new features.
SMGS -> RE: Main frequently asked suggestions 2012 LIST (11/28/2012 19:12:33)
There's a nice thread over here with that purpose. It's kept constantly updated so having one per year would be irrelevant. This isn't really a game suggestion, locked.