Defensive Special Abilities (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> Defensive Special Abilities (12/1/2012 8:08:31)

As far as i know there are way more attack kind of special abilities then defensive.
The only defensive specials are Curse and Frostbite.

I would like more defensive because now there are not much specials for defensive builds.

Here are my 2 suggestions for 2 defensive special abilities. (Maybe for the Omega weapons or armor that are coming up)

Blocker = Devs should change the name of it, because i cant come up with a good one.
Passively increases your chance too block by 1-5%
And here are the rules for it to make it less OP:
200-226 Dex= 1% Increase
150-199 Dex = 2% Increase
110-149 Dex = 3% Increase
70- 109 Dex = 4% Increase
0-69 Dex = 5% Increase

Deflecter = Devs should change the name of it, because i cant come up with a good one.
Passively increases your chance too deflect by 1-5%
And here are the rules for it to make it less OP:
150-220 Tech= 1% Increase
120-149 Tech = 2% Increase
80-119 Tech = 3% Increase
40- 79 Tech = 4% Increase
0-39 Tech = 5% Increase

So its effect is kinda like Mutating, so it would not get OP for Tank builds.
I changed the Delfecter because your Resistance is higher then your Defence when you have the same attribute points on it.

What do you all think about it?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Defensive Special Abilities (12/1/2012 11:18:42)

really interesting ideas... Some of them seem quite unbalanced though, considering this: Tech and Strength abuse BHs in the same build. You just mix tech and get pretty much no dex at all with shadow arts, and you super smoke them and increase your block chance with both shadow and blocker stacking. IMO the dex scaling per % increase should be lowered, and the deflection increased, as people rely a lot more on deflections and their guns/auxes compared to blocks...especially with 2 classes having malf and only 1 with smoke.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Defensive Special Abilities (12/1/2012 18:41:25)

I think its a good idea for new weapon specials, but I would make it also help your attacks to not be blocked and deflected, and I wouldn't scale based on how much dex/tech you have, because if you do it the way you do it your punished for having more dex/tech, and if you make it increase based on dex/tech than it becomes OP.

I'd say for Blocker (Maybe call it Dex Skillz, Kung Fu, or Epic Kung Fu?) make it +3% chance to block and +3% chance to not be blocked, and for Deflector (Maybe Tech Skillz, Wizards Curse, Wizards Magic or Magic Curse?), also +3% for chance to block and +3% chance not to be blocked.

Edit: Added a couple new name ideas. Here they are:
Blocker: Dex Skillz, Ninja Blocking, Kung Fu, Epic Kung Fu
Deflector: Tech Skillz, Wizards Curse, Wizards Magic, Magic Curse

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