RE: EbilCorp (Full Version)

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Abaraa -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 10:08:01)

Hey guys, the GuildLaunch thingy just released in Adventure Quest Worlds and I created the official site fa us EbilCorp, here is the link :
I created it immediately as a few nabs in the same place after seeing my guild to be EbilCorp, were conspiring to take away the name EbilCorp, so I instantly created it, now to update it at frequent intervals. And my Guild Launch ID is The Electrolord, same as my AQW name.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 10:10:47)

We already re-made the guild site though. Not like we use it anyway :P

Abaraa -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 11:07:18)

Of course, still created one, it says using that coming soon, we can chat across servers, which is why I mainly created it.

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 14:22:54)


Ghost9900 -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 20:03:56)

Hey Guys! I just wanted to ask if there are any spots open? I understand the main requirement to even be considered is to know someone in the guild. I know Holythief (Have talked to him briefly on multiply occasions in the past) and Grimlon (Same with him).

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 21:37:28)

I'm going to be pretty inactive for the next few weeks, up until around June, just because of school stuff. 'Dun kik meh plz'

TsumetheWolf -> RE: EbilCorp (4/16/2014 22:33:48)

Eh well. It seems right now that we have three GuildLaunch sites- One by Electro, one by Ice Slayer, and one by me and Obvi.

I would like to suggest that we take into consideration:

-If the Admin of each site is frequently online.
-Which site the majority prefer.
-Which name is catchier.

@Ghost9900- I shall keep my eye out for Holy, Vert, Ice or any of the officers, and let them know you asked about joining! [:)]

Alpha Seagull -> RE: EbilCorp (4/22/2014 2:54:22)

Don't join EbilCorp.
It's a poverty guild.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (4/22/2014 11:36:28)

I know, right? You know there's a money problem when the butler is the richest one there.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: EbilCorp (4/22/2014 12:36:33)

Atleast I want to be in a guild which is occupied(more than 2 people).Please Amon,recommend me !

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (4/22/2014 12:58:11)

I told you Dragonjax I DID. I told Holy about you a while ago; he just said he'd think about it. If he or another officer invites you, then you're in.

Ghost9900 -> RE: EbilCorp (4/25/2014 19:42:17)

It's been almost 2 weeks now and I haven't heard anything guys...[&:]

ShadowWhisperer -> RE: EbilCorp (4/27/2014 14:09:28)

I think the first post needs some updating :p

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (4/27/2014 22:16:09)

Yes the first post needs updating, but ice is kinda inactive, need him to update it for us.

frogger3456 -> RE: EbilCorp (4/28/2014 3:06:26)

I've updated the first post with an up to date member list.

I've also updated the tribute wall with members who have left the guild.

OmilliYo -> RE: EbilCorp (5/1/2014 20:45:46)

Does any guildy actively play epic duel or clash of clans on iOS?

lawreale000 -> RE: EbilCorp (5/3/2014 15:29:51)

So is there any way one of you could msg me i already have a recamendation from darkaxe15

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (5/3/2014 16:19:21)

I don't believe darkaxe15 is in the guild. Besides, just being recommended doesn't get you a 1 way ticket in. Holythief and/or Ice Slayer have to approve you.

Shadowhunt -> RE: EbilCorp (5/3/2014 16:59:08)

I'm pretty much positive he's not in the guild. He just farms with Kya a lot. And as Grim said, you have to go through HolyThief to be let in, he's the final purveyor of the applicants.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: EbilCorp (5/3/2014 23:29:28)

How much time does it take for them to say I am approved or not ? I have been waiting like for a month to know if I am in or not !

lawreale000 -> RE: EbilCorp (5/3/2014 23:46:39)

Alright lol, well if there was anyway for us to arrange some sorta time to meet up i would love to ask questions and such im in no rush lol i would just love to become part of the family and darkaxe15 told me he was in the guild and weve known each other ofr some time and he could vouch im a good guy, but if there was a way for me to meet up with ice killer or holytheif i would be very happy.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (5/4/2014 0:17:53)

@Dragonjax Sorry to break the news mate, but the fact that Holy hasn't gotten back to you probably means you aren't in...sorry. :/

lawreale000 -> RE: EbilCorp (5/4/2014 0:21:48)

Chaosweaver wanna meet up?

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (5/4/2014 0:29:08)

I'm afraid I can't at the moment. But maybe someone else can.

Ghost9900 -> RE: EbilCorp (5/4/2014 1:05:00)

He hasn't got back at you yet, but don't be so sure you are not in. I didn't hear back till almost two weeks from my original request. I love the guild so far as well. [:D]

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