RE: EbilCorp (Full Version)

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TheIronKnight -> RE: EbilCorp (8/9/2014 20:21:00)

Excuse me, fellows.
Guys can i join this guild, please ? This guild looks really cool, and i would like to join this guild, please recommend me so i can join this guild [8D]
Here is my character page (If you guys need this) :
I will be very happy if you guys recommend me to join.

ThatHeroGuy -> RE: EbilCorp (8/24/2014 11:37:27)

Hello, I'd like to join this guild because I heard it's pretty active and fun.
Here's my char page:

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (8/24/2014 14:31:51)

For the i'v lost count ... time.

If you guys want to join you need to get someone you know ,in the guild ,to reffer you to an officer who will then discuss wether you can join or not.
If you dont know anyone in the guild you can find us in safiria server.

If you know someone who you think will recommend you and for some reason arnt in touch withyou can pm him here on the forums/twitter.

Kian -> RE: EbilCorp (8/29/2014 19:06:11)

Looks like a fun guild! Sent a PM to a bud and hopefully I can call myself a member of this guild sometime soon. ^^

EDIT: Whelp, am part of the guild now! Glad to have joined!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: EbilCorp (9/16/2014 7:03:37)

Oh cool,Kian joined.Welcome to Ebilcorp !

Kian -> RE: EbilCorp (9/16/2014 15:21:43)

I'm still active, btw. Noticed the message of the day. And thanks, Jaxxy!

rif90 -> RE: EbilCorp (9/17/2014 0:35:20)


Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: EbilCorp (9/17/2014 4:23:00)

@Rif: Definetly when we rule the world using our gigantic capital resources,This shall be the anthem which plays.If that person brings up copyright issues then.....

Kian -> RE: EbilCorp (9/17/2014 12:13:00)

Why not this???

DarkFireKiller -> RE: EbilCorp (9/28/2014 23:44:54)

^ not that it was a certain day, you were probably just unlucky and not on at the same time as one of the ones checking activity. We're looking to get you back in.

Kian -> RE: EbilCorp (9/29/2014 12:54:21)

I thought I should add that I left the guild. College has been demanding a great deal of me and it wouldn't be fair to be idle in a guild when people are trying to get in. So Legion could take my spot. :)

Best of luck in all you do lads!

DarkFireKiller -> RE: EbilCorp (9/29/2014 21:17:01)

Though you were only in for a short period of time, it was nice to have you Kian. Good luck with college and whatever unfolds in your future!

Scakk -> RE: EbilCorp (10/4/2014 22:06:40)

This thread is locked for major spam issues. It will be reopened in time. Do not PM me or any other forum staff asking to have it opened.

Edit: I removed the spam that caused the thread to be locked and actions taken towards certain individuals. If the spam occurs again the actions will be taken towards individuals again and possibly the thread locked for good.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (10/15/2014 13:30:43)

Hey guys, I've decided that my time with Ebilcorp has ended. I know I had quit before, when I went on that hiatus, but now I think I'll be gone for good. I can't really explain why; but this guild just doesn't feel like it suits me. Nonetheless, I know I'll remember all the fun memories I had here.

By the way, turns out I was a part of the guild for over a YEAR. That feels weird.

Volcanic Devil -> RE: EbilCorp (10/18/2014 6:06:58)

EbilCorp is a pretty cool name! I would like to join!

Here's my details:

DarkFireKiller -> RE: EbilCorp (10/22/2014 22:32:15)

Sorry you feel that way Grim ._. Good luck with the world of AQW and…real life *shivers*. See you on Twitter [:D]

And this is a message to anyone wanting to join, first a quote from the first post.

Requirements to Join: You must receive a recommendation from one person in the guild but also you need to pass judgement of either Ice slayer or Holythief. These two leaders will have the FINAL word on whether you can join or not.
Wanting to join because "it's a cool name" does not really cut it for joining EbilCorp. We are not open for random applications, but if you want to join you can ask here on the forums and maybe we'll run into one of you in-game. We're mostly always on the Safiria server so you'll probably have your best chance at running into us there.

For some notes about "being a friend", refer to Grim's and Vyo's posts answering Valosity.

Also, asking for a random recommendation from someone in this thread if anything will just lower your chances. If you want to join, just say something about being interested and maybe we'll bump into each other some time. Also, asking many times doesn't help either. If you've waiting 2 weeks with no reply, you can try PMing HolyThief as he may just be too busy. Also, our guild has no aim to be the best at PvP or farming, but rather to have fun with other active players that enjoy chatting and doing stuff together more than anything. Half of the time most of us in EbilCorp are just AFK in our house/elsewhere just chatting in guild chat. Your level or what items you have has no influence at all, and if anything, we'd help you level up and get those items.

Just wanted to clear some things up, as many people seem to think we're another one of "those" guilds.


entidadpunk -> RE: EbilCorp (10/24/2014 10:52:50)

How's everyone been dealing with my loss?
It has been a while,like,1 year since i quit aqw?
I would apply to join again but,i wouldn't last much before quitting again.

OmilliYo -> RE: EbilCorp (10/28/2014 18:54:38)

^think I cried twice. I won't log on again until I change my name back to vyo, maybe then my interest will be sparked.

Cons -> RE: EbilCorp (10/31/2014 8:24:03)

Interesting. Would you consider me?

I've got a few rares from the 4th bday (ebil dragonrider, ebilcorp suit, ebil zorbak pet and more).

I play regularly (mostly just daily quests and some pvp).

Vertigo Beast -> RE: EbilCorp (12/14/2014 13:54:01)

Hey all, Bert here, we currently aren't accepting applications on this thread as we are full. If spots open up we will notify you. Also, please keep in mind we tend to only take people we have met in game that we find to be nice and fun people to be around. As 301st said very well, what items you have on your account, or what level you are really doesn't have any effect on your application. We accept people based on their character, respect, attitude, common sense, integrity and overall friendliness. (And by character I don't mean your game character.) We are not a guild that cares about PvP or how powerful we are, we just want to have fun together and help each other, and other friends even if they aren't in the guild as much as we can. Thanks for the interest in the guild, and if you do see any of us in game feel free to say hi and join in whatever we are doing whether it be farming or just chatting in random places.

~Vertigo Beast, Newly Appointed Leader of EbilCorp

Misty_kitty -> RE: EbilCorp (12/14/2014 21:34:14)

^ All hail Fuhrer Bert. xD

Shadowhunt -> RE: EbilCorp (12/15/2014 0:18:51)

Poor applicants. Some of them probably have no idea what they're getting into by applying to be a part of this wild guild. Like the things I say in the chat [:D]

Mephiles -> RE: EbilCorp (12/25/2014 0:17:36)

So I've decided to resign as a member of EbilCorp, even though it was the best guild I've been in it just doesn't have the pazzaz it had when I joined. (not saying it won't with new recruits)

It's just the huge time-zone differences seem to keep me on different times as other people unless I get lucky.

It's been a real blast with you guys as a guild but I'm still gonna keep in touch mainly for the reason I can't get rid of most of you anyways <3


OmilliYo -> RE: EbilCorp (12/27/2014 20:19:40)

you will be missed oh dear flushy.

NotSoKaito -> RE: EbilCorp (2/1/2015 9:12:48)

EbilCorp as a guild? Awesome idea! For curiosity's sake, what's the guild's established time zone?

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