Battle Slider (Full Version)

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as4458 -> Battle Slider (12/3/2012 3:27:03)

I and my friend were thinking maybe it is a little unfair if a level 30 versuses a level 35, or 25 vs 30 so we were thinking there should be a setting that adjusts the level range for battles. Maximum is 5 (normal) and minimum is 1 or 2.
If people ARE willing to wait a little longer to find the perfect match then so be it, it is their choice and we should respect it.
;) this is a pretty good idea i think!

Drianx -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 3:54:15)

This is not a matter of willing to wait or not, but of willing to lose for sure or not.

No one will want to fight higher levels, so this will end up in lv35s having only lv35s to fight against.

No more easy wins = no support for your idea.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 3:59:49)

with the new phase omega coming, ED is making non variums to be as strong as variums.

this changes balance from variums to non variums.
the only real advantage players will have (vars AND non vars) will be lower lvls.

this, along with encumbrance reduce that advantage.

so not supported, wanna lvl up, stick thru the thick and thin like everyone else had to.

Vegafire -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 4:30:11)

Yeah its easyer for players to level when there getting higher exp off higher leveled players. Not supported as it diminishes the whole point of Random Battles and makes it more like (chalanging selected players)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 5:10:58)

in many cases, being the lvl 30 (or back in the old days it used to be lvl 26-28) is sort of a right of passage for players.
if u can survive that, then u will be more experienced for others things in the future.
so yeah, consider it a right of passage.

Vegafire -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 6:13:00)

Exactly if your 30-31 doing well against 35's you know your heading in the right direction with your build those 4-5 level give 4-5 extra skill points and 16-20 extra stat points buffing your already decent build

SCAR -> RE: Battle Slider (12/3/2012 21:45:26)

Great idea, Supported! This would make battle fairness better, you could battle the same level as you, go up a level for a challenge, and if your really feeling lucky you can incress all the way up to 30vs35.

Edit: The only downside of this as you have said, is finding battles will take longer, I don't think this idea will come threw, but I support it.

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